Tilt lit MvZ 1T Milton meeting Womens Place cash discussed Hi raid writer I mantis wire the main lop of discussion at Hit annual meeting for corporation of New Chamber executive ill dent of tin dinner April Mr position rum corgi who his been president Women Plan proposed hostel for abused their dependants of Iht ion heard fund raising committee chairman outline a list of elided to the t tutu vite president mil is Hire link West forge How 11 Hi Pile Inmernv Dick Willis llice inn In his in iuuril iddress Mr said George town is a growing com munity with Ihi we feel we tan and jdd o anything winch council recommends for our business lommuniij Memoirs of the clumber should be work the Mr projects which the lommiltn during the ing months in in illort to ruse muni tot si lit Iht as soon as suit ink building tan be found hi Halton candidates or ilnrkntl mil resident will riprtcnl tin I ibtri in m Hubert It stlf eniulovid pulilii iteimn in indi nl Ms iv in tin ltd liukd for help will lot 1 found ftir the The group Ins inviteel hi bid for the tost of it need e Club of The has offered its or future iv tuts is lommiltcephns Mrs sud tint t imp biggest need is for ohintttrs in fund Clergy Comment Why we lorifjil lit On en I Tlna and Donna SEMI DETACHED HOME opportunities abound with potential tor In low suite cent on property ready ti Call Taylor JOHNSON CARNEY fe REALTOR