Luscious Lace or Flowery Femininity Bewitching BabyDolls and FullLength Gowns Gowns A B Save Over 30 Baby Doll C or Gown D Save 33 A Luscious lacy tor eyelet In provocative gowns and baby dolls Gown A or Baby Dolls C with open front bra sty ng ties th bow match ng bikini panties Gown with I tilegirl round neckl and new cap sleeves All or blue L 3 for A Bundle of Bikinis and Briefs Va s sp of I and you It f lots of those comfort able stretch nylon pant es th cotton gussels and also cotton tho select on Choose from the many sol ds and pr lable n or kin s match while you choose Mach ne washable One S ze or Small Med urn or Large