Page THE HERALD Wednesday May ltT Teach discipline Hay ward says By TAYLOR Herald writer There is no secret way in to the NHL it Just takes blood and guts Bill ma of the Cooper Hockey School told about minor hockey players their fathers minor hockey organizers sponsors and coaches at the minor hockey support group awards banquet at Holy Cross Auditorium Saturday Young hockey players have none of the masculine toughness they used to have Hayward said because hey live in a very soft very advanced society We could have had a young Sillier skate IS lengths of the rink in j at one time he said Now it would have be 100 spent 20 years as a physical education ins true tor in the Armed Forces and is now running the Cooper Hockey School and coaches clinics across North a He also works on fitness at the Leaf training camps LOTS OF Mil logged a lot of miles last year talking to about 500 coached in states all ten provinces These coaches arc the people who arc the most important part of hockey In North America and cspeci ally Canada said The most important part of coaching In Canada is right here In this room with these minor hockey coaches warned at the outset thai he would be critic aspects of the way hockey Is being aught in Canada but he said the Criticisms did not apply the hockey prog rams in Georgelown We re wearing a black eye as Canadians in the way we tench skating and hock said as per cent of the European prog ram is what used to do before vie became fat We used skate like hill he continued We used to skalc like the wind The man aspect after is to teach every boy to be best skater be said At the Cooper hockey school the boys some limes skate over 100 lengths in a morn he said The youth among you are as good as generation he said Our Job as adults is teach them rules and orders A young hockey players has to realize his place said A young man should be expected to stand when an adult enters the room and to answer yes sir and no air when talking to an adult said They must learn be punctual and to keep their language clean he added Learn Tram older people told the boys They know it baby they ve been through it Ask them Tor advice Don I make all your own mistakes SKATING said of skating well In hock be The higher you go in hockey the he said How can we spend all this lime leaching strate gy when little Charlie Brown can t gel from Point A to Point The guy who has the puck percent of the time is a skater added If a hockey player looks on skating as work and pun he should be looking for a soccer ball he said said a player lime on ice should be spent learning to well not learning to shoot Shooting practice can be done where with any type of equipment he said It inexcusable if we talk about this being our game if boy in this room I have knowledge of even the basic shots said He listed all the different shots concluding with the which he described as the least effective shot SLAP HAPPY The slapshot goes In he net leas he salt and should be taught las after other shots have been mastered By the time he 12 a Canadian boy should be cap able of terrorizing a goalie from blue line with a wrist shot said also talked about successful coaching I no a successful coach when I play a little Bobby minute and keep 14 others on the bench Continued on Page Jeff Brake left and Chris Pearson right Atoms took lie Dave Memorial Trophy which goes to the rep goalies with the best goals against average Herb of Sunny Farm Major Midgets won Most Valuable Ms lor The Georgetown Firefighters and Construction Major Atoms Harold Gilmer Trophy It goes annually to the novice minor atom or major atom team which goes the furthest In or piny Kneeling are assistant captains Danny Kent ten and Mike Hurley Standing left right are assistant coach Harold Gilmer captain Jon Hammer and manager Fred Hammer The Georgetown La be masters Minor Midgets took the Award which goes to the Improved rep team Kneeling arc coach Bruce and captain Brad In the back left to right are militant Jerry Brush manager Henry Cull assistant coach Snow Connie Christie and Tim and Rawly Herald staff photos