THE HERALD Wednesday October 117B Find old world charm in New Orleans In of the Mississippi River one of ho mo it intriguing cities in North America It the home of Creole cooking and Ihe coo Louisiana Super The Jrench Quartet or Vicux Carre which centre round which the city grew en enclave of about blocks that comprised the original settlement Walk along Hi nlrrow streets today and only the In English make you not strolling old city Paradoxically Spanish than ranch The original settle bunted down In conflagration that destroyed buildings and it was king New Oilcans under the rule of Spain Many of he houses Spanish style surround interior courtyards with garden fountains and subject with photographers it side of is the Cab which from 1794 and wast meeting place for Spanish lure At the other side is the built in which was used mainly as a courthouse The two buildings Louisiana stores specially shops of every description bar and The city is reputed capita than any other in North America They are famous for their gumbos which are soups made with shrimp chicken or sausage and their delicacies and bisque The lowly breakfast is a kind of donut iuc to State Muse Immediately in front of Jackson Square is the dock from which you can take a ride along the Mississippi aboard ship or an of Ihe kind that his plied than century Close by is recently ivated rench market which now houses shops and scrvatlon Hall A different band performs every night and the musicians many of them in their pity In the old style Line up at the door throw a dollar into a bucket and you can sit on long benches or stand around to hear minutes of as it was played by the New Orleans his many other attractions in addition Ihe French Quarter The revolving cock tail lounge on the floor of International Trade Marl is the place from which gel a panoramic view of city It is especially at night The city also has a wealth of museums including the Louisiana Wildlife Museum the New Orleans Jazz Museum a Maritime Museum a Con federate Museum and a Museum of Art