THE HERALD Wednesday March Paget Choices computer provides career assistance By STEPHEN FROST Herald Writer If you happen to be gradual big from high school this year and are undecided about your future or If you are unhappy with your present Job then perhaps Sheridan College can help you with Choices Sheridan College in has an Interactive computer lied career information system called Choices In simple terms people curious who want choose a career or who are unhappy with their present Job can ask a computer for Information and guidance which may help them choose a career There are counsellors available to help during the process At the lender age of I decided it might be a good idea to find out what a that I might do best Of course I was taking the chance that I might not have any great talents for any Job but t was a chance I was prepared lo lake With in mind 1 dec ded to use the rv of the Choices program Counsellors at Sheridan told me that we have to stop asking children What are you going be when you grow up Instead we should be asking Where do you want to A person in today fast paced society has the potential to have up to five careers In one lifetime In selecting a career how ever there Is a great amount of planning Involved A mixture of planning and opportunity will eventually lead to success in the Held a person has decided to pursue Ion at he himself That is part of what Choices is involved with Choices lists a total of US Jobs in Its memory banks with detailed information about each one The idea of the system is not to pigeon hole you but to suggest what you might be capable of given the information you feed into it The system Itself originated in Ottawa and has four computer terminals across Ontario It was created by the Canada Employment and Immigration Commission to assist people In making career decisions And by golly It really works WRONG OCCUPATION For Instance it told me I was in the wrong line of work something my editor tells me all the lime and suggested some alternatives Actually it not thai simple doesn really tell you that you re in the wrong occupation What I had to do was fill out a travel guide and this Information fed Into the computer enables it to give me an itinerary It were for job seeking The information covers thirteen areas and takes approximately an hour to Obituary Former Acton veterinarian practised for years Herald Special Long lime area veterinarian Benjamin Douglas Young died at his home at 1 Campbellville on March He Dr Young was bom on a farm near Que bec and received his public school education there and his high schooling In Huntington He joined the Royal Canadian Engineers In 1917 and served overseas with his regiment Alter his discharge he worked on the family farm for a few years and entered the Ontario Veterinary College at Guelph In 1928 He established his veterinary practice in Camp- in January just before his graduation from the college He retired in 1978 Dr Young was a member of Acton branch 197 of the Royal Canadian Legion and looked after the poppy fund campaign in Nassagaweya for many years He was past master of St John Masonic Lodge No of Quebec and also a member of Camp bell Masonic Lodge No in He served trustee for S No 3 and was one of the original members of the area school board when one was formed In the township He served as a councillor and deputy reeve for Nassagaweya township He also served on Ebeneier cemetery board He Is survived by his wife Merle son Dr Gilford Young of Campbell and daughter Carol of Arliona He also leaves seven grandchildren one great grandchild and a sister Mabel Young of Longueiul Quebec He was predeceased by brothers Francis and John and sisters May George and Miller Funeral services were con ducted from Shoemaker Fun Home Acton at 1 30 p m March 17 with interment lowing In Ebenezer cemetery complete All the areas may not be needed by computer The areas include interest factors aptitude factors education level environment al conditions future outlook earnings hours of work physical demands physical activities inside outside considerations occupational fields and training require- Once I had filled in the relevant information I proceeded lo the terminal to use the computer The computer took an Instant dislike to me and eventually showed It by breaking down and refusing to accept any more of my Information Fortunately we were able to persuade It to continue There are four ways to approach the computer for Information on jobs exploring occupations getting specific information on them com par up lo Ihrce occupations and finding related lions I chose to explore and then ask for specific information FLATTERING When I started the computer assumed I was cap able of performing all 115 jobs on ita banks Very flatter ing However as you feed information into It them Is a certain process of elimination that goes on For Instance there is an aptitude section which I chose to feed Into the computer that helps narrow the jobs down somewhat These range from verbal and numerical aptitude to form perception and hand eye coordination If you ve done an aptitude lest then you can use the results from those I done one so you simply rale yourself either in the lop ten per cent the top third or in varying degrees below that I gave myself a one in form perception and hand eye coordination but only a three in finger dexterity I a terrible typist This cut the jobs down to 955 Next on my list of priorities was interests The computer gives you ten Interest areas to choose from and asks you lo pick out the ones you like and These range from doing detailed and organized work scientific work to creative and abstract I chose creative and abstract Imsuresomc of my readers might agree that I can be rather abstract That choice was In the words of the attractive girl helping me a real killer That one selection alone resulted in Jobs being rejected as forme ROTATING SHIFTS When I got around to work periods I rejected rotating shifts as it tends to cut my leisure time told the Association meets The BramptonGeorgetown Liberal Assoc will hold its annual meeting March at Carl a Catering Queen Street Brampton beginning with a pot luck supper at p Guest speaker wilt be the Hon Herb Gray for your next social affair Your Invitation to the elegance of dining excellence 8773541 Kino Street Georgetown Ontario New For Spring They flatter your feet with fine fashion and famous fit Here are 3 of our lovely new styles SABRINA No low and sandal Medium covered and Tan Calf Bona Call BOUQUET No 2 Feels so comfortable thti pen toad sandal with dressy Imlap strap and high covered heel Wine Call and Black Call TWIRL No Fashionable open toed sandal with sweeping lines to a sling back heel Peeka boo cutouts on leather upper Black Patent Bone Call and While Call WHERE FASHION AND COMFORT GO TOGETHER I 39 Main St S Downtown Georgetown 8771263 computer that I wouldn want lo stoop kneel crouch crawl or run You can afford lo be picky when you know the computer isn going to hire you I also told the computer than I would I ke a Job that entails working partly inside and partly outside All this narrowed the f eld down to a grand total of seven Jobs some interesting some well above my capabilities The computer printout read I think considering what you ve told me so far like the following might meet your needs recreation director recreation leader photographer technical producer art director 1 technician and social director I probably would have received a different and more accurate readout If I had fed all the Information on my travel guide Into the computer but as it was the results were very interesting One question asks you how much education you have and how much more you would be prepared to take If I had put that into the computer It would have realiied for that I dldn have the necessary education for the re reation jobs and that I was not prepared to any more IDEAL This is why such a system as Choices is ideal for students who wish continue their education after high school but are unsure which direction lo take Wanting to learn how to do a certain job is a big plus in their favor as the computer will suggest the job whether it be a bo or psycho logist and tell you specifically how much me is involved in acquiring the knowledge to pursue career The computer also tells you what the j to outlook Is 1 ke In all of Canada provinces and other specifics such as what you can to earn work ing hours and much more I wish 1 had had something I kc this available to me when I left school ihst could have provided with some clues as to what was capable of doing As it was I went to the University of Guelph with some fuzzy notion about study psychology and ended up studying Engl which I thoroughly enjoyed Had I gone to Cho I might have gone to Sheridan and become a port of Red Cross programs Last jcar thousands of Canad h Idrcn learned the safe way and to do in at and at school ASSOCIATE TAX CONSULTANTS Income Tax Return Preparation Friday I 00 Saturday Guelph St Corner Of Maple Ave 8772217 Take the chill out of the air with these SPRING SAVINGS SHORT SLEEVE TOPS TERRY SHORTS TERRY PLAY SUITS UP POLYESTER TSHIRT n go DRESSES Bikini and Brief PANTIES 99 Assorted Jewellery By Gord 199 TOTE BAGS 299