Page SECTION B THE HERALD January 1ISI Why floodplain rules are tough BROCK HARRIS HALTON REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY situated In a headwater swamp he get permission from Authori ty After due process because filling In of this particular piece of land might affect stream flow he was denied a permit his right he appealed to Minister of Natural Resources arguing that the filling In of this one piece of land would have no signific ant ecological effects The Authority agreed the effect To the early Halt on Region Settlers the virgin territory meant backbreaking work clearing Ihc land Without zoning or conservation regulations or an awareness of future ecological conse quences the land was alter ed The once swiftflowing creeks were reduced to a trickle during summer months and became raging torrents during spring melting Man and nature no longer lived in harmony With history as a teacher strict floodplain ami head water regulations are enforced by the Authority Basically the regulations prevent any construction near ponds or on swamps or any area that is susceptible to flooding The regulations further prevent the filling and dump ing on ecologically sensitive land and prevent any tampering with water courses John Hall the Authority Land Use Planner explains Often the Region Conservation Authority finds the public does not have a full understanding of the relationship between land and water Its difficult to realize the role swamps play in maintaining high watcr quallty and acting to naturally regulate stream flow A precedentsetting case for the Authority involved a with swamp land who wanted to fill and develop his property After proceeding through municipal channels for permits he was advised that because the land was would be insignificant but by turning a blind eye to this Instance a precedent would be eel Authority then in good faith could not turn down other applicants Because the cumulative affect of filling in swamps would be damaging to the region whale the permit denied llcndwntcr swamps arc regulated by the Conservati on Authority because provide many benefits to the residents our watershed Swamps reduce flooding by soaking up excess spring water Swamps recharge ground water arena and streams by slowly releasing water during dry periods Swamps provide good habitat for many plant and animal species Swamps filter excess chemicals by natural processes To date with the construction of four dams and several channel works the Authority has rectified mast of he manmade damage from previous generations Under a new direction of preventative cure of environmentally sensitive areas the Authori ty through regulations has deflccled development which otherwise may nave caused significant damage to the environment As with medicine preventative care is less expensive than surgery Computer for Manor Regional health department stall will soon start looking for a micro computer for Centennial Manor in Milton Regional council last Wednesday agreed to hire Roy Associates at Canada Ltd to assist be search for the computer which will be used to process patient information at the senior citizens home SERVICES WEDDING STATIONER DECORATING I II HEATING A KEEPSAKE FOR YOU your Invitations or you will at gill a copy In luxurious THE HERALD SI AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS JUST Why no meetings Pete Hills Mayor Pete Pomeroy chairman of the regions finance and administration committee had still to convene his first meeting before being questioned but Wednesday by Burlington Jim Grieve about the lack of meetings since the new council was inaugurated Dec Mayor Pomeroy explained that he was merely spending some time with his own municipality and that he expects the committee to meet as many times as necessary to solve regional problems The firs I meeting was expected to be held this morning Wednesday EBBS special thanks to our relatives and CO for shown during I ho loss Shirley the late Lionel Amos on Jan Boo Shirley La win 24332coit late wishes to their sine appreciation to friends and neigh bours lor massages sympathy jliful tributes and charitable donations at her A special thank you to Rev Barrow and Shoemaker Funeral Homo Ac Ion and Goorgolown and District Memorial Hospital Wo would like Ihonk Tho of Ernest Crano would like express thanks to all neighbours Inonds and rolalios who so thoughtful in Iho recent loss their father and gran dfather Special thanks to lev P Barrow J one a Funeral Homo KING In loving memory Christopher Infant son ol Bill and Linda and brother of Laura who passed away January 1 1980 Each now day wo Ihink of you A boy wo Who gave so much his and Daddy Their pride and joy was lit- Ha sister Laura misses him in way and so does his MODERN ACRES Very productive land Bam sol up lor cows and Now Im shed com pipeline milking system and 600 gal bulk tank Bungalow with double Ho ate ground pool silos ponds and To Ontario call Gerry Rolinl 5296 MAGNIFICENT CUSTOM BUILT EXECUTIVE mum floor room and bedrooms car a aago immaculate off fid mm call 5296 that hoy will bo In heaven on day His soul with Jesus will show Sadly missed by his gran- and and Family MILLS Ronald L On day January 10 at St Michaels Hospital Toronto Ron Mills in his year husband and lovod father of Sandy Lynn Dear son of Vivian and ha late Oliver Mills and of Gootqo Roatod St Anglican Church whore and hed Tuesday Cremation In memory contributions to St Georges Church Memorial Fund Georgetown and Wet Memorial Hospital or Heart Foundation would bo ap preciated DRAPER Unda Thursday January 1981 at Iho District Memorial Hospital Linda Black of 3 Hydo Park wile the Earl Draper Mother Lome of Goorgolown John of Brampton and by her daughter Lorene Hugh son Survived by nor 10 gran dchildren 6 grout gran dchildren and groat greet Rested at the IcCture- Jon Funeral Homo Edith Street Georgetown where funeral and commital service was hold Saturday morning January 10 at oclock Informant Brampton Comelery STONE HOUSE 100 ACRES This property everything thai you lor gracious living A nlco homo a barn for your livestock orchard beautifully noil led Asking Cill Gerry HILLSBURGH SUPER VALUE I split on a huge pie shaped lot INSTRUCTOR OSI Graduate Licence Dual Controls Fully Iniurad Complete Training OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS INVEST MENT INCOME PROPERTY Completely updated duplex for only Rent pays mortgage and you Small down groat chance to own property Coll Cooper IF YOU WANT TO BUILD Soo this aero lot on rood running crook Locntud north Milton Call LOOKING FOR A LOT For homo Just Acton Coll JUST NORTH OF BRAMPTON Locnlod on highway 10 this 5 building lot is for Industrial plaza Encollonl location Dry and la I 225000 Coll SHARE THE EXPENSE Neil J bedroom brick bungalow has Excellinl buy at Can Marg I COUNTRY WITHOUT TEARSI Asking lor beautiful brick bungalow en very north Balhn walkout to cedar dock lor cozy country living Owners going USA hurry for tills call Rog Cooper GLORYA ALICE POKLUDA aERRr For Prompt Sorvico Call Your Independent Agent BARBER HENLEY LTD COMPLETE TRAVEL SERVICE AND GENERAL INSURANCE Main St S GREVSTONE INTERIORS Consults I Ions Colour Schemes Fabric Wallcoverings Furniture Cirpellng And Accessories 8777574 For Acrylic Nails a Tip Oil THE BEAUTY SPOT Brampton Monument Works MONUMENTS MARKERS LETTERING RENOVATING CONTRACTORS C GRIFFON MASONRY LTD Block Laying and Concrete floors chlmneyi Ire places For FREE ESTIMATES Coll CLAUDE REPAIRS ALTERATIONSirtdTILE WORK PHONE 4168770493 LAFFERTY HOME RENOVATIONS A com ploto homo improvement service Quality Workmanship LAFFERTY From roof basomont ail typos ropaira and im provements Intoriorandontorior ROOFING ALL TYPES OF ROOFINO REPAIRS WORK GUARANTEED box me CHURCH ST GEORGETOWN ONTARIO Aluminum Siding So If it and Fascia Storm Doors and Windows Seamless Eaves troughs Call Business 8774747 Residence FREE ESTIMATES GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP SNOWPLOUQHINQ A PERSONALIZED CATERING SERVICE BUSINESS MEETINGS BANQUETS WEBBINGS SHOWERS PARTIES No Too Small SNOW PLOWING 8774217 BILL GARBUTT Plumbing Heating Ltd Industrial- And Commercial ELGIN STREET Georgetown 8773638 PLUMBING HEATING SID SPEAR SONS Plumbing Misting Installation Rap Irs WE SELL THE BEST AND SERVICE THE REST 8772121 after 430 pm RADIATORS REPAIRED CLEANED PEEL RADIATOR SERVICE iaa Nelson SL Witt Bra I on of Cup EARLS FIXIT SHAVER SERVICE Complsts Small Appllsnca and Else trie Shiver a Service GIVE EARL A TRY BEFORE YOU RE BUY 8774822 CLARES PRECISION SHARPENING ALL WORK GUARANTEED chain Cirbld Saws blades heart trimmers rotary lawn lUilIMHilM UPHOLSTERING Quality Workmanship TH 8779312 COUNTRY CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY All of furnllur rupholtr For Information CALL 8531810 or 8777231 SOFT WATER THE WAY IT SHOULD BE FREE INSTALLATION and COMPLETE LINE OF Trsstmsnt Eoj Ipmtn f or 1 1 Farms and Buttnvn 8776242 FIGHT THE LUNG CRIPPLERS Emphysema Asthma Tuberculosis Chronic Bronchitis Air Pollution