and Setters Market Mm NEW CLASSIFIED DEADLINES Wednesday Publication Deadline Monday 00 p Friday Publication Deadline 5 p fnaffocttromJtnuvy LOST FOUND FOR RENT II FOR RENT CLASSIFIED CASH RATES 877 S3 Esiawods- I3ceich CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 31 per agate I 00 words plus CARDS OF THANKS 3D Words ENGAGEMENTS DEATHS bayonrt MOVING SALE EVERYTHING MUST GO Shirleys Crafts and Julies Crafts AT THE LOFT ABOVE CARPET BARN WOOD lor sale hard maple spit and any mo WURLJTZER Piano a Organs now and used Full Guarantee The Piano and Organ En Brampton 453 WEEKEND SPECIAL A now permanent feature MeNamara Jewellers a Thursday day Saturday 25 OFF GOLD NECK CHAINS AND THIS FRIDAYS SAT JEWELLERS Downtown Yamaha Port a bio bass podals 877 5560 FIREWOOD Dry split dwoodandkmdtng west of Georgetown Wll dohvor APPROXIMATELY bricks I each will sell in any Can FRESH TROUT Netted S Individually packaged lo order pur doi Hickory Smoked Froodollvory Halton H lis Trout Farms Ltd 3730 WINTER C0AT4 summer suit Size 42 Like now SWIMMING SALE Manufacturer must clear Brand new tGBO above ground pools Complete with filler motor pump end lance Regularly Now last Or dor now delivery so you Coil loll Iran 1 255 8343 or more details VACUUM CtotfWra and service Filter Queen Compact ate RCA console radio record changer dark New hand table white circular Gold swag lamp valve I brocade fringe 877 NEWSPRINT ROLL ENDS inctod taxes Ideal of schools table coverings 1001 uses THE HILLS HERALD Front Counter WE HAVE MtNV QUALITY ECONOMY CARS To choose at price you can Low down payment Bank Financing CHEVHOLET Pickup Auto cap altar 30 cat 1977 HONDA Civic standard radial tiros radio certified Excellent 00 DODGE Monaco P3 good condition will cer Cafl attar hatchback buckot seats radio stereo cassette player lowored bach window P8 speed stick shut good m loago condition or best oiler MATADOR Station Wagon PIS email very good condition or bast oiler original miles Co RECREATIONAL VEHICLES SNOW Machine Good ARCTIC CAT 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CHINCHILLA and cages Hack beige end standard 240271 Western Canada School Auctioneering Ltd Canada a first and ho only completely Canadian course anywhere Licensed under the Trade Schools Licensing Act For par ticutans the next course write Box Laeombe Alberta or phone Do something new Unat lac bed and Sincere Call Dating Ltd 1661 3087 1 am to Mon Sat Trying to gel a rock band together If you have your own Instrument and are interested please call ask for Luke WANTED Person or persons who possess or wish to develop a pure and radiant heart who wish to devote their heart mind soul and energy the task of promoting the of mankind and of establishing world peace who are blind colour race unimpressed by nations and unprejudiced against any rolglon No experience necessary Age no barrier Box Georgetown Ontario L7G 4T1 or phone The earth is one country and mankind Its citizens 19 Singles couples meet people for friendship dating marriage pen pals etc BBS Box Statin W Toronto Ontario MCM4Z2 1 MONTHS FHtt ihtd lei phonr COB lol short It ijta From I PC mo nr s Mi t Upper Middle Road self contained 2 bedroom In farm house basement hydro heat included Also acreage with farm buildings 536 2430 ELKS Hall for rent contact Harold Colpitis Sr 677 after 5 COMMERCIAL OFFICE OR STORE SPACE For rent Small units available Prosllgous building down town NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Commercial space downtown Georgetown a Park Ave Ideal lor and met chants Up to sq II available Will subdivide to nulla for information please 923 Development Ltd Davenport Toronto Commercial space lor Off or store Park front a month Please call Ellen Hogg Family Trusl Townhouse lor rent bedrooms good local on flexible occupancy Cad Don Trust f Downtown 3 bedroom duplex second floor Available March 1st monthly r ONE bedroom month on Ma SI Georgetown homo bathrooms room bar Contra air con garage per month COMMERCIAL Space In Square Ap proxlmaloly 1000 It suitable for oil CD or rota I outlet Maximum year with one ynar renewal clause Apply to Box The SI Georgetown apt lor rent March 1st month plus 677 bedroom lull basement cod yard monthly not Gordon Da wo Roof Estate Broker 853 ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE REAL ESTATE VILLAGE OF ERIN 500 with 4 down to qualified buyer will put you into this charming home Don t delay this Is what your looking for bedrooms up one down with WO on a 52x104 ft lot Many extras New wiring gas furnace COUNTRY VIEW room brickalum bedrooms large shaped family room with patio doors walkout and floor to ceiling brick fireplace baths formal dining room eat in kitchen Double car garage 1 mortgage Asking 900 00 LOTS 3 to choose from 213 125 X132 Priced 000 up Vendor will take back mortgage INSURANCE HEAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Erin leNooiTosirxmm WHY GO WAY When you can go all the way on this largo Erin bedrooms for the growing family par size family room with fireplace Oak floors ted tor air conditioning plus other extras 900 00 with a large 12i mortgage to assume Call Howard Realty Ltd or 51 COZY 3 BEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOW Near Fairy Lake Features rec room with fsreplaco and bar paved drive pool patio mature trees laundry room and workshop area plus more Must see Only 500 00 CALL GEORGE GRAY REAL ESTATE LIMITED DAYS EVENINGS AKLtl 50 ACHE ESTATE design room homo replaces in bedroom llvlngroom family room Cathedral col no 4 walkouts pond Call or 1429 REAL ESTATE ACTON 52000 bun lot Partially Now alum n urn 1st 500 at 10 1983 CALL LYLE PRIVATE Wonlod 3 or bodroom bungalow or two No please INSULATION INSULATE NOW CONSERVE ON HEAT IN WINTER COOLER IN SUMMER we use ALL TYPES Of ALL GOVE Wa carry tha Government Grant Program INSULATION LTD GEORGETOWN MILTON 8777447 8787121 DAVE MUlfiUEAD LOCAL REP THE LORNE SCOTS PEEL DUFFERIN1 HALTON Want an interesting part time job Meet new people and learn Radio Communlcat military driving and marksmanship CALL RECRUITING OFFICER 4164512724DAYS THURS EVENINGS MANAGEMENT TRAINING POSITION Wo are an International company with over years experience Due to our growth we otter a career opportunity to ambitious and aggressive individuals whose goal Is advancement In management EXPERIENCE NECESSARY wooks training excellent security program opportunity to be promoted in the first you can earn within the first year TO QUALIFY Good Character Background Sports Minded Free to Travel Own a Reliable Only those who wish to get ahead need apply For Personal Interview CALL TODAY MR GERRY BARCLAY Between 900 a 500 pm HELP WANTED 500 CARS SOLD since initial opening Canadian most successful Dealer offers you Monthly Bonus Quarterly Bonus Year End Bonus Guaranteed Income Soil both new and used cars Our own leasing available If you are aggressive and need money 2490 JEFFREY LYNCH LTD AMC JEEP RENAULT BRAMPTON 50000 DOWN docoriilod in Milton Very d no room to it End unit Only CALL MIKE SPENCER 7934690 Trust CLASS A MECHANIC Apply in p erg on to End If Erin on unco tiff riimr malu physique model- I foci i AN OPPORTUNITY For I lor in rid th very Inroo com yon mng plus management when ication proforrod BOX 52 Herald St Goorgolown Ont WANTED malum counter help lor pari mo PI one Monday Thursday HELP WANTED In net jcntal lor CARRIER WLDNtbDAY DEI SCHOOL 877 EXPERIENCED PAH wanlod lot I i 1 1 idyor mm J diy to start TAKE NOTICE Dick Rid Motors 142 Drive Goo rgo town In to d by Article a on pursuant to Business Cor porn I Ions Act BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY YOUR CAREER IN REAL ESTATE IS BEST WITH ROYAL TRUST Check those ben Its Compel tlvo commission I Low interofll stall mortgages In house morl gage department Immediate real ostein training and educational assistance OHIP and extended medical coverage Intoro3t Foes Paid Bonus pBldmonthlyoaeamod Stall loans special rates Bridge National referral network Reimburse men tot course lees Dental Plan Short term Stock opt ons Now to Rool Estate Royal Trust your raining common cos Immediately For confidential call Joan SECOND INCOME Oppor unity to extra money your own homo No door to door soiling Coll for Interview today 7 bo INFANTS TO PRESCHOOL Hoi Lunches MondayFriday Also Friday and Saturday tor daycare children 1973 EXCELLENT child care meals 1 learning period a day Ideal location open meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous every Friday nlghl at St John United Church Everyone welcome FRIDAY FEBRUARY DAY Good day core Is lable for your children ages to 1 Lots of fun and in dud a sleigh ride Space Is lim tod please register early lor more details cell the Anon Family Group meetings at SI John tod Church St Daytime Group w meet Wednosday at 1 30 p and Tuesday oven ngs at 30 m A Anon offers to anyone who to how with all me many dflicuftles which alcohol con create or For further motion call or 3265 Tho Salvation Army sefvico every Tuesday Call ti Staring February p m Focus on Family Film by James C PHD a leading Christian authority on the family christian Reformed Trafalgar Free Adm All on lion organ enthusiasts Poo Amateur Organists Association International A O A 1 1 start soon All welcome I 4084 CURZON- ARCHIBALD Mr i Mns Arch bold era pleased to announce tho engagement their daughter Karen Lynn to Donald Toronto Marriage take place June at Knox Presbyterian Church In Goorgolown MIEDZINSKITUCHEL Mr and Mrs Tuchol are pica Bod to announce the engagement their daughter Dons to Edward son Mr and Walter To no FORTHCOMING MARRIAGES HARRIS TODD Mr Matlhew Todd would like to announce the for marriage their daughter Penny lo Mr Glen Horns son of Mr and ile Harris all Tho wedding wilt toko place at Holy Cross Church February 14 19B1at330pm 214051m AJtloaJoycenoo Barker tksklod pink to on n ounce the birth their second child Alison ElUaboth lbs Saturday January at pm Mount Hospital a sister lor Ryan Wlllam Wo would II ho to special thanks and our most sincere appreciation to Freodman and KING Bill and Linda are to announce tho safe arrival ot their son David Jason weighing lbs on January 13 1981 Pool Memorial Hospital Proud grandparents CO MacLeod and Mr and Mrs Rod King both Georgetown A littfo brother for Laura WATSON Alberto January 1981 at I ho Cenfonnlol Manor Milton Alberta L Gloss lor morly of Georgetown In her 108th Wile of late Fronds Watson by lour brothers one sister Door aunt of Elloen Cooper Will Mrs Helen Jackson of Windsor MacGfegor of London Bertha Tralford of Hanover Miss Jean Glass In Flodda Norman and Glass of Durham and lata Edna Htl Resting McCluro Jones Funeral Homo Edith Street where funeral and commltal service w bo held Friday afternoon at I 30 clock Inlorment Greenwood Cemetery LISTER Raymond Captain S Army Past President Thomas A Edison Voice Writer Division Past of Canadian Business Equ Manufacturers Association Past President and associated with Associated Executives At Trafalgar Memorial Hospital on Tuesday January 1981 Ray Llolor formerly Philadelphia In his 74th year Beloved husband Anno Lister dear father of Joanne a Mrs Cam pool Loving grandfather Sarah and Bridget Campbell Rostod at the Chapel Ward Funeral Home St Ookvlflo Ontario A Mass Chris turn burial was hold at Saint Andrew a Roman Catholic Church on Friday Jan 30 193t Inter ment Trafalgar Lawn Cemeiery Remombrancoa may be made to the Ontario Heart Foundation WILD on Saturday January 1981 lis Herbert Wild In his year husband of Myra Green and dear lather ol and aon In law Rick Shan Murray and dough Wendy and Loving Poppa Chandra Dear son of Mary and the Frank Wild dear brother of Gordon Frank John Ethel Rablshaw Joan Tracoy Margaret Edna Green Gladys Watson Eleanor and Marion Faryon Rostod Jones Funeral Home Edith Georgetown On Whoro funeral and com service held Tuesday morning Inlorment Groan wood Cemetery In memory contributions to Muscular Dystrophy Association would bo appreciated REYNOLDS Ivan Charles On Friday January 30 at Georgetown Hospital Ivan Reynolds Georgetown Beloved husband of Ash and dear lather Debbie Mm M Jones Penny Mra Donna Mrs Tom and Bryan Loved grandfather ol Robert Ashley and Calo Dear brother Jrm Jack and C Welch and Ruth Mrs L Brown Rested at Jones Funerol Home 34 Edith Georgetown On ado where funeral and commltal hold Monday Cremation followed In memory contributions to the Canadian Cancer Society would bo appreciated Harold Wilt- sorrow we announce the don death on Wed Jan I Harold A long aidant of Georgetown Ho will bo sadly missed by his brother William and Bisters Eileen Louise Edith Resting at Jonos Funeral Home Edith whoro will bo hold Friday of 3 clock Mormon Greenwood Cemetery YOUNG Douglas On Wodhosday January 1981 at District Memorial Hospital Murray Young beloved husband of end loved lather Wayne Douglas at homo Son ol John Young and the Isle Margaret Slovens a brother of Mrs Georgetown Dick ot Albor ta Margarol Young of Acton Bob of Stratford end Frank of Laurel by brothers Jack Bulla Resting Jonas Funeral Homo Edith Street from Friday funeral A service win be hold Sunday at 1 30 clock Spring Informant Comotory Orange vtlle