Assorted- Flavours Ice Castle Ice Cream 144 SUPERSPECIAL I iSave1 SPECIAL Was Maxwell House Ground Coffee I lb bag Limit per family purchase 244 Frozen Oven Ready Utility Grade Roasting Chickens 4 lb size Limit 2 per family Save up to SI per chicken Was Cocoa Pulls Boo Berry Lucky Charms Count Chocula or General Mills Cereals 375 g box WasSrf Save 53 SPECIAL Save From the Deli Store Sliced Cooked Ham 65 on 12 ounces Product ol U S A California Seedless Navel Oranges 24 LB SPECIAL Fresh Ontario Quality Pork Leg of Pork Roasts 5 lb size butt portion Save up to 2 per roast Was SPECIAL SPECIAL Was Cut from Best Quality Canada Grade A Beef Sirloin Steaks Limit steaks per family Save 1 lb LB 2 Was SPECIAL Excellent for Hamburgers Store packed Beef Steakettes with soya LB Save 22 lb 136 SPECIAL Cut from Best Quality Canada Grade A Beef Boneless Round Steak Roasts Outside bottom round lb size Limit 2 per family Save up to 3 per roast Cut from the Loin Bost Quality Canada Grade A Porterhouse wing or No Tail TBone Steaks Limit steaks per family Was lb SPECIAL Save 1 lb 316 SPECIAL HERALD Wednesday February Page Press loves to blast Clark MP says BramptonGeorge Con servative MP John McDcnnid says the press Is up to its old tricks again and fa out to get the Tories It s a favorite sport to go after the Tories Mr McDermid sold last Wednes day Mr was commenting on recent stories In Montreal and Toronto news papers that Indicated Tory leader Joe Clark Is In trouble among party members and MPs A vote on whether to bold a leadership review will be taken when the Tories bold a convention In Ottawa beginn ing Feb The Montreal report said that a survey gathered by Mr Clark supporters showed fewer than half of the MPs in the Tory caucus have Jy decided support Mr Clurk Mr dismissed the story I don believe that at all he said I think completely wrong he added Where they get hat from I don t know I haven got a clue Mr said that to his knowledge no such survey of Tory caucus members was conducted The Toronto paper Indicated Its survey showed delegates from numerous ridings In Metro Toronto and area will vote for a leadership review The story said delegates from BramptonGeorgetown will back Mr Clark But Mr said neither he nor the ridings delegates to the convention were palled In the survey I don t know how they did their survey he said Mr admitted vatlves have been fractious in the past but they re not anymore The Tory caucus la working extremely well thanks to Mr Clark said Mr who will support the former prime minister at the convention I m prepared to support the leader won two elections Under said Mr who won election In and lost year I think Joe will do fine at the con lion Mr suggested the Tories would do well by devoting their energies look lng outward fighting Liberal and policies rather than spending their energies in Internal party members Mr said at this time he has no problem with having Mr Clark lead the Tories In another election He can be prime minister again and I sure he will be prime minister again he said Six delegates and six alter nates will attend the convent on from the Brampton Georgetown riding Mr McDermid said from my reading of them they will support Mr Clark miracle frjodmart ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL FEB 10 EXCEPT BAKERV ITEMS UNTIL SAT FEB 1901 WAS PRICES REFERS TO OUR REGULAR SELLING PRICE WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ANDREW MURRAY MOTORS Mountainvltw Road