CLASSIFIED DEADLINES Wednesday Publication Monday 5 Friday Publication Deadline Wednesday m CLASSIFIED CASH RATES 877 MEMORIALS words plus35e lor I no poetry CAHDS OF THANKS 30 Words ENGAGEMENT DEATHS BIRTHS MARRIAGES CO words CLASSIFIED MONDAY OOPM Midi IK SIX PIECE Rod VUvet Chester held sot 877 1 194145 SWIMMING POOL SALE must clear brand now 1 ground pools Complolo liter very to you Call loll 265 tor details WEEKEND SPECIAL now permanent feature from Jewellers This Thursday Fridly Crystal Beer Steins Thure Friday Sat JEWELLERS Downtown cor go town 2 MILK 3 QUART BAG OR JUG Early Bird Special Jug City Man SI 7 AM TO AM Monday to Friday MARINE Hwy 25 Acton 8531682 PIANO a Organs now and lull Piano and QrQan Ex Change Brampton 453 4084 RED RASPBERRY Canos or Spring Plan Varieties evaliblo Nowburg Comolond Viking No 1 plants grown I slock plantaSIOOO 100 lor 529 lor Sptcial prices on largor or mora Order early supply Camoron Box Colbourno Ontario ISO VACUUM and service Filter Quoon Compact FRESH TROUT No Hod cleaned a individually packaged lo order per do Hickory delivery Hal ton lis Trout Farms Ltd NEWSPRINT ROLL ENDS THE HILLS HERALD Counter TV Floor model Panasonic FT PINE MENS RALEIGH Rocord Racer 10 speed to ok PR SPEAKERS superb dynamic range SI 75 CEMENT BLOCKS 50c each Firewood shod all 6521 14fs heavy duly dryer Now In December Reasonable IMPLEMENT TRAILER all stool Hip top elect brakes excellent SI Bo Her lor Also cutler and 1 gallon water tank and pump 3671 AVOCADO si tor 1 a 41 BIKES 1 boys Gils Rod Coasters good 550 Boys regular typo szo 7 cords hardly 10 excellent I Call Thursday ing AVOCADO Excellent 877 alter CHEW ton cord lion with very low mileage iller5 pm 149614cSlnl PRESS PLATES Repair outbuildings and bins or protect trunks fruit Used Aluminum Press Plates 3G Ihiok 58 each including taxes at The Halton Hills Herald Fronl Counter HARDING CARPET SALE Special Manufacturers Discount Plus FREE PAD INSTALLATION CRITERION CARPETS 1 St Georgotown Chocotale brown wilh305V8onglngo Will 149214cS1nl GRAN PRIX ps hardtop now vinyl roof and other Will certify 877 1 TOYOTA CELICA as uncertified only WE HAVE MANY QUALITY PRE OWNED ECONOMY CARS To si you can Low down payment Bank Financing RECREATIONAL VEHICLES MUST Bo sold Mia woo 1976 Corsair motor homo all ppod pots pans dishes cutlery all eluded hod 153215rv FT CEDAR 40 mo lor recently No trailer 5850 877 152014rv HILLS AUCTION SALES will bo hold an lion Sale on Saturday Apr I 1 lor Guelph Rod and Gun Club lis Guns antiques GARAGE SALES RAIN OR SHINE Pon am Saturday Apr I 1 1 Captains GARAGE SALE Apr I 11 10 am to pm Wilson CI 152714gs WANTED TO BUY USED HERALD CARRIER BAGS NOT TURNED IN BY PREVIOUS CARRIERS THE HERALD GUELPH ST GEORGETOWN GIBSONS Dead Slock Service lb paid for old horses Wo can loll you trio cause death Call Fergus or or Bramplon 3994 Licence CASH Old or antique nlluro In any condition lowollory toys coins military Items la3 trunks 4903 Buy used 457 WATSON AUTO WRECKERS cars and trucks SAXAPHONE per between 1 Wojtorn Canada School Auctioneering Ltd Canadi lira I and only completely an course Schools Licons Act A For par Iicular3 ol tho courso ROTOTILLING Minimum 515 877 or CARRIER FOR DAYFOOT MILL FROM ST TO Wednesday and Friday before school delivery NO COLLECTING CONTROLTRAFFIC CLERK Experienced aggressive person required to handle our traffic and customs expediting control inventory data records assist In production scheduling of assembly and fabrication depar and provide backup typing Send complete resume to Canada Ltd Carter Carburetor Division 109 East Drive Bramalea L6T1B6 YOUR CAREER IN REAL ESTATE IS BEST WITH ROYAL TRUST unique day training exclusively for newcomers course fees subsidized to qualified registrants new 98 1 deferred profit sharing plan staff mortgages at preferred rates staff loons at special rates OHIP and extended medical coverage dental plan disability benefits bridge financing plan national inter office referral program national corporate accounts stock options AND MORE I to RmI E or JANITOR Applicant must have 2 yrs experience Apply in person INC OUT FOUNDRY HELP INC 193 MOUNTAINVIEW N GEORGETOWN CABLE TV TECHNICIAN young has Immediate openings for skilled cable T V technicians Advancement op for person with initiative Salary and benefit package negotiable Phone for 2767703 roquirud lor Chmguacou3y Club 3903 or 457 1531 Dental recop- in Oral Surgeons ol lico in Georgetown 1 between 154914hw CLEANING PERSON for general club donning lor Ch nguacousy Goll Club Inglowood 3903 of TEACHbH ros baby si tier sisters In or Cheltenham MATURE Help wanted pot lime apply Georgetown Chicken Villa SI Thursday April botwoon 1543t4hw roqur lor Goll Club Inglowood Or 1521 14hw ACCOMMODATION WANTED 877 WANTED TO BUY Small In Goorgolown area high Ave Juno Callallorepm 15t314wb M i lloor lor rent bedrooms central air including lilies 1490l4lr OFFICESpico In Cnrrolal Buttling 18 Moun lalnvlow air con For inlormalion call Hall lor ron Harold Colpitis 30 LARGE apt main lloor Main St S Recently dock 5350 mo Includes 8877 151814lr GEORGETOWN Downtown 3 duplex so on lloor Available May 325 TWO Bedroom apt lor suppl Cn 150514lr FARMHOUSE rooms by Highway mtoi of town Acton 100 aero farm optional Contact Toronto 4077 or allor weekends 152214ir GEORGETOWN lull with room lo schools shopping and GO per plus cos roqured May 1st 272 1241 153114lr PARK your house tin lor per manently on 5 acres will use per plus hydro WEDDING Dance or Lions Hall lor rent Con I act Earl 877 SQ FT AVAILABLE JUNE 1 warehouse and 3000 sq 1 bright modem or on air conditioned wilh lobby and stationary room tor room Four management largo area staff compound at roar loading dock and extra drlvo In lend door Security Koy Syatam throughout Citl J Migso or Hilton Cable 142Slrtf REAL ESTATE ACTON COZY 3 BEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOW Near Fairy Lake Features finished roc room with fireplace and bar paved drive pool patio trees laundry room and area plus more Must seel Only 500 EVERTON 3 bedroom 1 a storey older home Ideal for country loving family Spacious kitchendining area large living room Franklin stove utility room Den Small bam for kids ponies large workshop for Dad 000 with mortgage at due CALL GEORGE GRAY REAL ESTATE LIMITED DAYS 8532888 EVENINGS 8533456 ACTON URGENT Duplex near shopping area renovated Must sell quickly Reduction offered Brick bungalow added renovations just great for the handyman Good residential area Must sell owner leaving Priced lower in Acton JACK HOLMES REAL ESTATE BROKER MILL ST ACTON GEORGETOWN 69000 3 bedroom brick bungalow large kitchen and living room washroom room laundry room bedroom on lower level Double car garage Gordon B Dawe Real Estate Broker 22 Ontario St S MILTON 8782365 INSIDEBUT OUT Yes it inside the town of Georgotown but it s definitely out of Ins world This executive level home atop a ravine has a pic turesquo viow of valley and below FEATURES Spacious foyer living room 3 bedrooms 3 balhroomb Fridge Central air air cleaner Family room with stone fireplace and walk out to pool New pool with ceramic slone coping change house wrought iron fencing Roc room and workshop This homo Is perfectly located on one of most sought alter streets in town It will bo our pleasure to arrange a personal viewing lor you Call us today 8782365 56900 Brick alum attached gmngo corner lol overlook river 12 living room wilh bock I throughout m walk Georgetown end Go Trnm NO AGENTS PLEASE 5198339791 ANYONE knowing way3 of making money or group Aunt Marys birth day in Vancouver Mail bar a book from I ID OXBOW BOOKS EMPLOYMENT WANTED pi All Broods Groom ng Clipping and Shampoo Also Evening a Weekend Appointment a ST 877 1995 yra old Library Wear your j Thursday April 9 7 m FREE Pubh prorogist 154414i FILM lor Friday Apf 7 Goorgolown Public Library Join lor Advenluro Mrs Barkers Silver Blaze and Superman and Ihe FREE 154414co EASTER EGG Decorating Acton Public 5 30 m Cost Pro ptoaso Wed 15 12yr3 old 154414CO EASTER PARTY a Georgetown Pubic Admission hare egg Please pro Apr 154414ce SPECIAL ATTRACTION FOR YOUNG MUSICIANS Tho Royal Brow Qunlel wilt perform a I Ac Ion Public Library Aprl at pm FREE sponsored by Hits Pubic and Sou In Central Regional Library System GEORGETOWN Choral Society presents BROAD WAY TONIGHT Sunday April Holy Cross 155316CO MEET Bob Herald Outdoor Columnist at April 11 10 am to Day Wednesday April BLACK CREEK PIONEER VILLAGE Bus leaves hero at 30 SHARP and roturnB approximately 3 Lunch will bo at the Hallway in Vttago Fee Includes it is noco3sary Pro 0 DAY Friday April Zoo p am 30 and 4 lor 1st child IB for ad Rd S 140115co FREE LEGAL CLINK- Lawyer David lis Community Logal Clinic Georgetown Public Aprils 9pm THE ART OF Joan An Exhibition Public Library Tuesday April pm At Anon Family Group Johns United Church St Day mo Group Wednesday at 1 p m and Tuesday evenings 30 p Al Anon tactfully oilers help anyone who needs lo team how live with all many llicultios For Tho Salvation Army pickup Tuesday Coll Regular of Alcoholics Anonymous night pm at SI Johns United Church Block Parent Fun Fair and Garage Sale April to pm at Hall Donations Coil or 1259 lor pickup ijMiaiif and Mm Anthony Mn3lalori 1533140 BOYLE Mr and Mrs Rornld nro pleased engage men I Ihoir daughter Angola lo Peter Boy to son Mr and Mrs WllamBoylo HAJER Matt and Irma pleased to safe arrival Adams baby slater Allison born April ate weighing lbs Proud gran dparon Mr and Puggaard H i and IlililiWWl PATRICK Lois and Edward Tod Patrick both mamogo which took placo quietly on Apr I Alan First Unllod Church SI Catharines cousin groom performed I would sincerely to thank all my Irion as and neighbours lor cards phono calls and visits ladles ol Iho Glen Williams Church lor help Also Ward A nursos and stall of Georgetown District Memorial Hospital and Furnoss Also intensive unit Toronto Hospital Rov Ridloy kind word and Funeral Homo lor Iho many acts kindness to us during our boroovomonl Nellie Puckering The lor If Mrs also charllnblo dona I ions in r llmo boroovomonl Special to Iho staff and residents Pool Manor Or and nurses of Ward 1 A Pool Memorial Hospital Coalos Fun oral Homo Rov Gran mo Duncan St Andrews Presbyterian Church also Iho W M S Norval Church thanks local homos to I Iho London Bollovillo Copper Cliff and Lovack Bantam hoc teams during tho March Break Your hospitality was much op Garry E Sud denly at Georgetown and trie I Memorial Hospilal on Friday Apr I Garry I Terra Colta beloved husband Margaret Mac Don aid Dear son Ann and Bolhuno Parry Sound Dear brother Joss and A service was hold at Ward Funoral Homo Chapel Brampton on April 7 Mils Co mo lory it a lator date Young Terra Cotta in his 75th year Bo lovod husband Marion Bill Homos and doar- of George Vancouver John Lcduc Alberta Alan Terra Colta Morion G Lookman Glen C harlot to Mrs John of Calgary Foster lather Shank A130 lovingly romom bored by eight Idrort Rested McCluro Homo 34 Edith Strool Funeral was hold Monday Presbyterian Church Inter memory contributions lo a charily your choice would bo really appreciated KIDD Doralll Kolty Passed away April 1 1081 Hospital Or Ilia In his beloved husband Margirot and Iho late Ruby Termini Son Robert Bnlish Colum Shelbumo and slop son Gary TweOdiQ Also 7 grandch en Friday Mundoll Homo HALE May FrancoaOn Wodnosday April 1981 Iho Goorgolown District May Nolle in her year Beloved wilo Harry Halo do a mo I her Kathleen Mrs Hursl Honry and Joan Mrs Roland Hamos Also lovingly bored by groat Idron Rest ng at Funeral Homo Edilh Stroot Commillol was hold Friday clock In memory contributions a chanty your would bo appreciated EVE Elsancr On Sunday April 5 Iho District Momorml Hospital Eleanor of Vincent Eve Dear molhor Artono Mrs Paul Ronald Texas Carol no Mrs Thompson Orangovlllo Also lovingly romomborod by six grandchildren and slsloro brolhors at Iho Jones Funoial Homo 34 Edith Stroot Funeral was hold Holy Cross Church Tuesday morning April 7 Cremation followed In Id Iho Arthritis would bo groally I