WEEKEND EXTRA Friday April On the job four months Expolice sergeant enforces our bylaws Herald Special There ore count bylaws governing the way live there arc zoning laws build taws and licensing laws that all must be enforced Bui prior to Dec 1 Ha lion Hills did not have an employee responsible for the enforcement of these some times obscure regulations This situation has been remedied since he hiring of Jack Lusty as municipal law enforcement and censing officer Mr Lusty vacated a position in Cambridge take his present position with the own ho worked In the field since 1973 Prior to that he was a sergeant on the police force for The work I do and the work the police do is very similar The police have different priorities under I look after the areas that sometimes may get overlooked Mr Lusty said Co operation with the police Is essential in his Job according to Mr Lusty Like a police officer Mr Lusty has the power to enforce the law even if it means taking a person to court I m basically a public relations man I would rather discuss a problem sensibly than go to court Most people would agree One of Mr Lusty main priorities is the protection of area merchants through series of licensing require ments His department ensures that all new pay a standardized license fee to the town This fee is required to protect he existing merchants from some unscrupulous operators Before we will levy the fees the operator is thoroughly checked out to make sure he on the level Mr Lusty commented Mr Lusty pointed out that he is required to license all businesses from taxis to a potential electrician plann to open up in the area Mr Lusty believed hat the formation of bis position is a positive step because It represents some sort of to the town Because I am involved in the infraction of the bylaws from the beginning and if the case must be presented in court I am there at all times This has to help for the continuity of the case sold Mr Lusty While Mr Lusty has the power to ticket and prose cute he is not provided with the authority to enforce the criminal code There ore areas of interest on both sides of the law I wouldn step into their the police backyard however What might be Mickey Mouse stuff to the police issenous for me Mr Lusty sad Being an ex police officer made Mr Lusty choice for the posiUon a logical one He believes he has learned the legal aspects of the job through his police expert in court The creation or the is not a threat to anyone stressed Mr Lusly He pointed out that it is not his job lo patrol the streets GERMAN WORSHIP SERVICE Good Friday APRIL 17th Lutheran Church Windsor Rd Carole St 8770424 MAPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH PASTOR EDWIN MITCHELL Sunday 1981 Every Sunday bio School Item 30 m B cal Preach Prase and Fellows Lad flsCodoo Hour Rocroai on Moo I ng Jolly Son Masons Fellowship Vs Always Wolcomo end Growing looking for offences of the bylaws He nets only after a citizen complains or some other department employee notices an infraction Mr Lusty pointed out that like the police he will accept a reasonable explanation from anyone who is found to be breaking a bylaw There Is no hard nosed altitude In my job I sec myself mostly as a public relations man One of Mr Lusty policies is meet eye eye with an offender Codes and bylaws can be changed if Ihcy arc deemed be unfair I would rather deal face to face a problem than at arm length At prcscnl Mr Lusty is commuting back and forth from Cambridge but Is busy trying to find a home In the area for himself and his wife He wants to try and keep a low profile explaining that he got enough publicity when he vas a policeman I m the new boy in town and I wish to stay that way Throw the roses the elect people They deserve and probably welcome the publi city he commented Mr Lusty professes that going to court is the last avenue of resort for him not trying to scare anyone and plans lo continue his soft sell approach he explained After all slow and steady always wins Ihe race CLERGY COMMENT We don t need more religion Pastor Maple Avenue Church Hills does not need any more rel Neither docs Canada nor the world for that matter In fact there is far too much religion Before you think rune gone atheistic or heretical let Religion mean It comes from twowords Be again lo bind together or lie is man attempt to lie himself to God Consequently ve have thousands of religions representing mans attempts to le himself back together with God Religion us murder in Ireland and kidnappings by Hi California and new religions being born Solomon one of wisest of men said There is a way lhat seems right to a man but the end thereof are IK ways plural of death Proverbs At least the word religion recognizes breach and the need for a recon on But what religion fails to do is connect us It fails to give relationship It Is not by works of righteousness which we have done man trying to tic himself back wgethcr w th God by his own good works rituals nances etc but according lo His mercy that He saves us Man does not need religion He needs relationship be needs redemption I cannot tie myself back together with God BUT God has tied Himself back together with me That whal the good news of the Gospel Is all about Then is a separation because of Sin I do need to be re connected lo God but not by my religion Furthermore direction of redemption offer of redemption is Ihe reverse is from God to man He so loved John He provided salvation There is only one mediator between God and an He lied knot the man Christ Jesus Titus 1 Timothy The illustration of the and hypocrisy of religion is in John chapter The Immoral wonnn sinner as she was had Samaritan religion verse Jesus said she needed provided relationship Jesus the Savior verses and The answer to man needs is not the Baptist religion Ihe Jehovah W religion the Catholic religion any on it is Jesus Christ John a God provided rilntlonsh not a mancreated rehg on Have you believed in Him Have you received Him John l 12 14 The woman at the well quit being religious and immoral and believed in the Lord Jesus Chr Have you She not gel on she by fa claimed IN THE CHURCHES By Bob Easter service roundup Following is a list of congregations I have been able contact or who have contacted me with Foster Service limes Many are having communion services and or other special features Knox and Lfmehouse Presbyterian and Georgetown Missionary Alliance services Good Friday at 10 a and regular times apply Sunday Mountainview Baptist breakfast Good Friday at a with communion at a Sunday Services at regular times Holy Cross children liturgy al 1 Good Friday Liturgy at 3pm followed by a service at Saturday mass Easter Sunday mass at a m 10 am and noon SacreCoeur 3pm Good Friday Saturday evening Easter Sunday Band II a m Immanuel Lutheran Good Friday English service at 10 a and German service at m Easter Sunday communion at 45 and Ham Sunday school and Bible class 45 SI Andrew United in II a m Good Friday and special music by choirs Easter Sunday St John a Anglican liturgy 10 Good Friday at St Slcvensand7 30 pm at St Johns Serviceatapm Saturday at SI Stevens and a m for Easter sunrise i service at SI Johns SI Slcvcns Sunday and St I Johns 9 a SI a in Glen Williams Liturgy Good Friday morning and Sunday 11 a Maple Avenue Baptist Sunday School a Easter Sunday services at am and The Maple Choir will present the cantata Easter Celebration at the 30 service Georgetown Missionary Alliance will have a breakfast and will Join service Johns United alio Sunday regular services The annual Sunrise service will Cemetery On my office wall is a chart outlining what I call anatomy of an organization Wish bones those who want someoncclsclodothcwork Jawbones those who talk a lot and do little else Knucklo bones those who knock others try lo do Back bones those who get behind the load and do the work Could this describe our churches Arc you doing your part and backing up workers and iters It takes a lot of lime and effort lo make our churches an Integral part of ihe community and the message Jesus left for us to Go ye Into all Ihe world and preach the Gospel for us as well our ministers Concerned about pollution Pollution water is the source of percent of all diseases in the world according to Ihe World Health Organization Out of every 100 children in the Third World countries 40dicbeforethcogeof five Most of these deaths arc from water borne diseases Next lime you hear water pollution here consider and pray for those children In May of this year an American book exhibit will be shown in six major Chinese cities Among books will be The Living Bible in religious book section How about thai for good news The Jerusalem International Bible Contest will be held in Israel this year after a lapse of 12 years will host from countries who will be quieted on Bible passages dealing with peace and brotherhood Pastor of the Lutheran Church In Georgetown will be working as a counsellor in the Bethlehem Lutheran Church Camp on the Crowe River situated about miles from here Parents of children eight can give their children a camp experience for a week for second child In same family Call Paslor at THE OLD SPRING IS ON THE WAY QoannttfdSafYiaiForAJIMakiaot Power Mowers Wars Garden Tractors Chain Saws HALTON MOTOR SERVICE R ACTON Quality Workmanship ftaasonabb FOB PICK UP PHONE The flower of the season Thr IK of Imlfr tod I on umlh Kid Flo won and plants af for Eairer Naturally Easter Lilies Blooms or Mora 82 Mill Street Georgetown 8776901 Murray Street Brampton 4510234 HOME POOL SERVICE SERVICE SALES Pool equipment chemicals Suppliers of Chemicals Pool Openings Maintenance Programs for service satisfaction call Robert Platts GLEN MILL MAIN ST 8771351 GLEN WILLIAMS WILL BE CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY AND EASTER SUNDAY DRIVE A LITTLE SAVE A PLUMBING CONTRACTING Residential Plumbing Additions Alterations For Information Call Anytime DERBY MEAT MX KEF CHUNKS FLAVOUR TENNER Kitty Litter PEP Dog Food TOP CHOICE Beef Cheese Come In and see Ed LIZZIES CAT DOG FOOD DISCOUNT Now Open In Moore Park Plaza SPECIALS 3 ENTRANCE THROUGH COCHRANE TRAVEL CONSTRUCTION 877 5967 THE GEORGETOWN STOVE AND FIREPLACE CO Mom FOR FIREPLACE ENJOYMENT AND HIGH EFFICIENCY HEATING UNIT 1 This stylish In vol homo design In porloclly suited lo in medium frontage residential building lot and provide In excess 1 ZOO square feel finished Door spice tor present use and additional space or future development In the llnlshed partial basement The contemporary exterior If finished In channel aiding and brick veneer ting bay window and shut toted upper levol windows popular rooting elevated main entry leads Into a compact lion foyer and outerwear storage area from traffic moves naturally left In to the long rectangular living dining room combination The living room features a fireplace and projecting small parted from windows which a forma note to the room The dining area from tho kitchen d I nolle via convenient pocket door for easy access and ex catlant separation of family meals A well planned configuration provides a atopsaving work triangle generous counter top work and abun dant cupboard storage Tho kitchen may bo completely Isolated for privacy and hygiene Entry Ihe un finished partial la via stairwell from the hallway adjacent the kltchendlnel le from disturbance Each has generous closet storage acuities and en exposure lor view end natural light The maater bedroom has a twopiece en bathroom behind a pocket door A double enclosed garage apace tor the develop ment a home workshop far tho handyman completes the convenience features of this practical and stylish home Plans for design No 1311 msy be purchased by the single el at a of for Ihe first set end for each ect- set or by the package A fiveset plan pa Including the set Is priced at and an eight set package also Including Ural set la only Whichever method you choose please Include for postage end handling Send for current edition of Select Home Designs mageilne series 46 in tu Ing Ing end I i provement Idess plus quality home plana of every type Available for 12 plus cents postage and handling these Items end To or please money order payable to the Horn of Ihe Week Address to Home Week CfO TheHsllon Hills Herald Suite Street Toron to Ontario DELREX Aluminum Limited tifSK GORD HAMILTON CUSTOM CARPENTRY AREA AGENT WINDOWS Call t THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD LOW MOrllHtT RENTALS FREE SERVICE FREE 8778787 J HUTTON ROOFING SHINGLING ROOFS HE ROOFING FflEE ESTIMATES Michael Fobert WORKMANSHIP FREE ESTIMATES Ask For Mike 8771 547