THLHHtALD Wednesday April Close basketball win puts Celtics ahead in playoffs As it result of ladies basket ball matches played March 14 the Celtics no lend In the the A championship 10 In a closely contested game the Celtics overpower the Spurs Sparking her team to victory was centre Pat Nesset who ltd ID poln Ire team June Nicholson and Sue Tcsar who each hit the net for eight points Barb Curry shot well for seven points Deb Barber added six points while Maggie Hall fat Mashlnter and Sjanna Young all had two points each For the Bullets Tiling Kim collected more than half the points for her team as she shot for IS points Debbie Boycott had a good perform ante with six points while Sander Lewis hit the hoop Tor three points Kim found the range for two points hit the hoop for five points while Clare Hermann Jane helped out with four points each Shcilugh Finn and Betty had points each in the encounter Ann and paced their Spurs squad with six points oath while Janet McKay assisted with four points Kelly Lou Oram and SI all found the rjnfe for two points lead Consolation The lead the dual 1 in their best of three series against the In the first game the downed the Bullets Ontario Outdoors Young bowlers climbing Being very successful In the Central Ontario district qualifying rounds of the Young Adult Bowlers Association Championships Georgetown will hove two teams and six singles bowlers at the provincial finals in Ont April and rath The Bowl number one team is mode up of Sheila Realty Wendy Janet Burns Paul and Mark Item This team but Mark having Just had a cast removed from his Injured hand expects to reach his form with Intensive therapy and practise The members of the second team are Robin Richardson Diane Leonard Dove Peterson Gary Richard son and Rick G our lie In the scratch singles finals the ladles are Sandy Culhbcrt The men taking part in the championships ore Paul Rick Gary Hole However since Gary Hole may not be able to make it Gary Richardson as the runner up will be taking his place lit Get out that frying pan MOE assures One of the big questions these days Is are the fish we tilth fiood to there many contaminants in the It IT The litest release by Environment Ontario indicates lhal Ihe pollutants in the are decreasing and the fish more edible The guidelines are too long to include here but I can copy if you wish one or let you know for the area that Still lots of response from the Open House at Zeller on the 1th of April The new Mepps spinner the is still hard to get and my only advise is to keep watching as the is well worth walling for 1 agree the new is truly great The closed face with the trigger and open faee positioning makes the 145 the choice In spinning reds There are still a few sheets of color charts of lures and knues available Call me at 9290 for yours Once again many thanks to In Georgetown for ding the space m their sports department ROUTES The newly released book Canoe Routes of Ontario Is what the gilders of the country have been waiting far It is a joint between the Ministry of Natural Resources and McClelland Stewart publishers If you want an all round book on the pleasures and skills of Routes of Ontario is a good choice Over too canoe routes are included as well as lips and a few regulations that should be observed when out in the back woods areas of the province Get it you won I regret It TI10L11 season opens this Saturday or more to the no nt a Saturday morning A few hints for the beginner or to help you improve your chances on trout use sit pound list line or less If after pound trout then try tight pound list it is truly all you need If you team the skills Hooks use number six or eight and as skills Improve Don use a snap or snap swivel when bait fishing but tie your hook directly to the line A good knot Is of the utmost importance for strength If using lures I highly recommend the sue or number one mepps spinners The block fury is my favorite color with the silver or gold following this will consensus is don 1 try it unless you instruction My fishing is a skill you have to Icam and it is one of the best ways of fishing trout Experts have ihur own of flits newcomers should use nymphs In dirk colors and small sizes nymph at or near bottom to start then work up if thi refuse your lure Beginning fishermen should try thi closed spinning reels as they are almost foolproof this is not lo say beginners arc fools The rod MIST match the reel closed reel must a rod with offset handle and small guides Open face i mnj where line is visible has straight handle I would not called bait casting for beginners although if fishing is your thing they should be added to your outfit for cirtain situat III- the fisherman reading this you jlriddy wie a pattern worked out over the years but be versatile and w illing to try various methods That BEST lure in ly nut be what the trout that particular day You will want to know where to fish The traditional areas Owen Sound fair last weekend and the rainbow trout are ill spawned Try trolling in the bay Thombury could be fish ng has been poor with catches in the rounl fishing arc is try the here also Southhampton Port try hire but be ready to do the bay Port Hope in the river should be good In all the above areas the have spawned and are heading back to the big waters il not there already There are always some late fish and tin may be spawning or be drifting back down river If little riin In mid week the rivers as well as the loeil streams should be great for trout Work the pools and runs early and late in the day ish Ihe undercut banks during the day and walk softly ISH Huffy Airport Road below llwy Bait and food will as slocked rainbow trout Heart Lake north of Brampton Rainbow trout slocked Albion Hills north of Hollo on Rainbow trout Unices Mill near the ltd side road Rainbow and possibly trout Greenwood north of Pickering is always underfilled Meadowvalo on Credit river west of 10 brook and rainbow trout on Credit River west of 10 brook and rainbow Orangeville cast of 10 rainbow trout west of lo above Usually brook trout stocked Kelso past Milton stocked rainbow trout Probably the best for local anglers Is Terra Colin conservation area There will be 1 rainbow trout there probably Two slocked ponds and still some native brook trout In thi largo pond Yours truly will be there to help youngsters and new fisher persons Please look me up and feel free to disturb me to ask questions The main reason I will be there is to help you and I always look forward to meeting new folk Set you here Nopoint soccer returns for women Herald Special The Georgetown Worn ens Soccer Club will ploy In a no points Soccer League this year just as they did lost At this lime the league consists of six teams two from Georgetown and one each from Acton Bolton Milton and Last year the games were played on Monday nights The general feeling of the league is that wo should again aim for Monday night games if field scheduling permits The Georgetown club Is looking for a qualified refe ree male or female who will referee the Monday night home games Last year Peter Sellas faithfully refer all our home games but due to a knee condition is unlikely to play this year So please call Dea or Lydia Rafferty at if you wish to referee the Worn ens Monday night home games Our Indoor practices con at George Kennedy School each Wednesday night from to 10 30 Again we extend an lion all women and over to attend these practices Who knows you may find that recreational fun soccer is just right for you Rec dept schedule available The recreation department of Ifalton Hills have released schedule for the up coming athletic events to be held at the Georgetown air grounds this summer Starting the activities on Monday May IS Is the Opt ists BangO Rama which will run the entire day The Newfoundland Clubstarts off the summer with an early tournament when they host an allday affair Saturday Bob current goat li to break his previous best time of hours minutes His chance will come May to when he enters Ottawa s marathon Doc Russell rink takes first place Herald Special Men Monday night curling ended with Doc Russell and his team of Warren Mlcklcthwalte Roily Bradley and Dick taking first place Second place went to Bob Jeffrey with Ken Tauman Bob and John The Tuesdoy night Mens Competitive Curling finished with Roger and his team of Gord Campbell Mitten and Wayne Taylor In first place Second place went to Jim Wilson and his team of Bruce White Doc Russell and Frank Wilson Bill Hunter Bill spared for Frank most of the season The Ladles Thursday afternoon mini spiel also finished this week The mini spiel featured different teams each week with each player accumulating their score over four weeks The top team ended up with Greta Lamb as skip Brcnda McMurray as Vice Pat McLcod as second and Judy Brett as lead Second place team hod Joan Mustard as skip Webb as Vice Dot Burgess as second and lead Dot Hicks Now for the final event of the year The Calcutta which finished on Saturday Doc Russell learn skipped by Norma Wilson with Doc Russell Warren Micklethcwnitc and Theresa Smith won the A event Runner up in the A event was team with as skip with Alice Ed I and Ken Sidebotlom Bill team skipped by Steve McDermot with Bill as vice Bob Smith and Mary Kitcly wan the Runner up in the event Ron team skipped by Julie While with Ron as vice Bill Hunter and Bill Kilely Winner of the C event was Dean learn with Al as skip and Mike Makovnyk Marg 0 Flaherty and Lois Makovnyk Runner up in the event was Roger learn with Roger as skip with Mark John and Dean On Monday April the Ladies Wine and Cheese party star la Please attend this is a business meeting with electronics to be held Have fun this and you the ice next Daniell tries shorter runs still out front in marathons tar Bob George town s resident Masters runner his long distance season is just start to gain momentum but Darnell priorities will be focused more on shorter distances this year Just last weekend Daniel who came fourth at the North American Masters marathon In Winnipeg last June ran at York University In some truck He is wanting to diversify his running to more track events in his Masters meets the reasons Is because of the number of hours it take to train be a hearty marathon runner But that docsn mean Darnell will be hold ng back from any of the big marathons on the circuit this year although he might not compete In as many Just last week he ran In the 19milo Hamilton Bay race and It proved I have the endurance or a marathon The base Is there now he In a race with over competitors Darnell finished 16th In a field where age a no di ffertnee Usually competes with runners In the Masters slon which Is In the years and above category This sets the tempo for Daniell next race in two weeks which will be the much lauled Ottawa mora May 10 He has been working on his mileage for the marathon and has been running over miles per week since January Often times on the weekends he will run to Terra Colta which Is a 15 mile round trip Daniell has been running the Ottawa marathon every year since He decided to watch the Olympic trials at the Ottawa marathon but later decided to enter the race himself Without prior marathon he finished in spat with a time of two hours and minutes It took me over two years to beat that time he says Last year was Daniell personal best year If he considers his time for a marathon He completed the North American Masters marathon in two hours and minutes in Winnipeg last June The year before he won the overall crosscountry Masters championships at Sunnybrookc park In Toronto Ills future in marathon running Is based partially on how he does in the Ottawa race this May My goal right now Is to break by as many minutes as I can take three or four minutes off his personal best time and he thinks it Is possible this year t planned for too many marathons for the all and t sure quite yet if hi will go to Winnipeg in June 1 tend to on track more he says If anyone doubts Daniell docsn enjoy running would he then enter a race on his holiday Well Daniell and his wife entered a race in londa while with his family RYDERS TV SALES SERVICE TOSHIBA QUASAR All Colour Sett itur Months Warranty Sabres baseball athletic schedule for the 1981 summer looks promising for the participants and spectators The first baseball tournament starts June 13 and June when Acton Jr Sabres host an tournament for past The Alton Minor Rail association Is a midget it June I chouse will host their biscball it June July and Jlsll Aclon Minor Ball association will hold another set of tournaments WE SERVICE ALL MAKES OF TVS STEREOS 24 HR IN HOME SERVICE 4593194 SAVE ON OUR CARRY IN SERVICE a WAIT HAMPTON COLOUR SOUND SPRING IS ON THE WAY of Power Mowers Tillers Garden Tractors Chain Saws HALTON MOTOR SERVICE ACTON NEVER WAX YOUR CAR AGAIN WITH PRESERVEASHINE FOR FREE ESTIMATE CALL 87761 36 RELIABLE AUTO CLEANING LTD ASSOCIATE DEALER CHRIS GEORGETOWN during their vacation this year Bob came third while wife Agnes finished first In her age category and third overall Often the combine Boh track meets with a family vacation as they tote along a trailer and camp along the way belongs to the Misaissouga track club and hopes to compete In more track events over the summer He Is definitely running In the Toronto Star Trek this June a race he won in 1979 Last year he finished second The local has been living In Georgetown since i960 After a year Maureen the one liyllAltAtDUltANSCII Herald Correspondent Maureen of the Georgetown District High School will be competing In the OFSAA provincial high school championships on April Maureen qualified for the provincial championships alter compiling lait Friday in the Peel Hal ton gymnastics competition She had a superb floor exercise and earned a seore of a This score put her first in the senior floor which entitles her to go to mis Saturday Maureen also placed fourth In the senior all round category Maureen was the only competitor from the girls gymnastics team to make the finals now advances meet the best high school girls in the province at the Ontario I- of Schools Association finals April lapse Daniell began compel lng again In an effort to Improve his fitness He was an Impressive mller In high school and ran a Is which was considered an excellent time twenty years ago He Bays It took two years before he ran a marathon and four to five years before he built up his endurance Could Raiders A league collapse Continued from page lines in assuming the worst about the league be says Port Elgin want an Intermediate C franchise and the Barrie Flyers have sold their name and playing date to a man who wants a team In a new Intercontinental league consisting of and Tonawanda Everyone is concerned about Midland and the Terriers arc thinking of sell to Junior operators for a chance at Tier Two hockey says The Intermediate A meet will clarify he meaning of the following problems says the Raiders must know where they stand before July 1st which is the deadline for Intermediate registration If the present league folds and the lialdcrs want lo join Senior hockey the Is June 1st that a team is Interested In operating at a higher level of competition is May 1st LIMESTONE ALL SIZES AB GRAVEL FILL AND TOP SOIL BUD HAINES 3 DURHAM ST 8773302 8774593 Rotary Club B0WLATH0N for Library Cultural Centre SAT APRIL 25th 230 to 630 pm at GEORGETOWN BOWL Pledge sheels rules 1st and at the Bowl Alley Come have some fun while helping money lor good Open to IS years over FOR MORE INFOflMATION CALL 8778872 Ite Georgetown My kind of town SPRING PROGRAMME APRIL 21st JUNE 20th school children creative art service club projects business Involvement Button Campaign April PRIZES AWARDS for information GAR A- 8771 376 C of 87771 19