Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 29, 1981, p. 4

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Newspaper of Hills Page SECTION A THE HERALD Wednesday April A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Guelph Street Georgetown Ontario WILLIAM EVDOKIMOFF Publisher PAUL Editor DAVID BEATTIE Advertising Manager PHONE second Clan Mall Registered ova Arts groups have come of age is town ready Georgetown and Halton Hllla is currently at a major fn Its cultural evolution As two separate reviews In this weeks Herald attest the com munitys major performing arts groups the Georgetown Little Theatre and the Georgetown Choral Society have again excelled their own past achievement with highly laudable productions this past weekend and In the GLTs case this coming weekend should offer more of the same The productions Bedroom Farce and the GCS Broadway Tonight marked the completion of the two groups respective performing seasons when they return to the stage It could well be the one Inside the new librarycultural centre The much touted fl million com plex was the topic of discussion at a badly- needed open forum organized last week by the Arts Council and once again were a little dismayed to report not everyone came away satisfied To be sure the GLT perhaps the single most active group striving to raise fundB for the complex doubtless the success story of the year and likely the centre prime user Is happy with the project as presented thus far and has no with the inability of project answer a handful of pertinent questions We applaud the and sincerely congratulate all of Its supporters for so quickly sponsoring the purchase as It were of nearly 300 seats for the new theatre It was another shining example of community spirit ranking right up there with the reconstruction of Georgetown Memorial Arena several years ago We particularly like to single out the GLT John Roe who has turned out to be the projects main publicist submitting weekly updates wellwritten and at tention getting to both Georgetown weeklies Alas Johns features deal largely with fund raising and by necessity offer precious little Information about the kind of facility so many are struggling to finance The town a budget considerations are obviously the prime factor here bat judging from some of the answers provided at the Arts Council fonim recreation director Tom envisions a relatively smallscale operation at the centre once It opens Weve always been wary of Mr councilendorsed plan to have a single manager run the theatre portion instead or a board of directors We hope that some form of advisory committee can be established to let that Individual know what the towns arts groups would like to see happening at the complex were quite optimistic that such a committee would have a much better chance of survival than did the advisory committees which once helped guide municipal recreation In both urban areas of town before succumbing to public apathy And we desperately like to see a clearer picture of just what bind of equipment the complex will offer as soon as this Information Is available At he forum project chairman Rex commented simply that much of the equipment will be purchased as Us need Is established We suspect these needs could have been established long ago Yes we still have our reservations about the scale and direction of this un project but In all fairness to those directly Involved were frankly bowled over pun intended by the kind of general support this project has enjoyed since last fall The Rotary Club s fund raising bowl Saturday was by all accounts a rousing success and youve already heard about the GLTs imminent success in raising another through Its seat plaque sales But between now as the GLT and GCS seasons come to an end and Labor Day when construction of the complex Is expected to finish we hope those few reservations can be replaced by a general public euphoria over this exciting cultural step forward for Halton Hills GCS along with a number of other local arts groups have demonstrated their readiness for a major semi professional facility They deserve it they earned It and If there remains any doubt In the taxpayers mind about the need to finance a large scale arts complex by summer s end we fear these worthwhile groups may yet be relegated to using a less than satis stage Letter from the editor Paul Dorsey Sprucing up the past In keeping with the I Lave Georgetown ipaign launched last week in which home owners are Invited show their community pride by sprucing up heir properties I like lo do my part by sprucing up the community history Here AN ALTERNATIVE HISTORY IF or out of by the truth rom the memoirs of George Kennedy 17B31873 travelling salesman In 1020 I look a tittle trip tout of New Orleans and up the Misslsslp by canoe eventually finding landfall just before nightfall in Ihe fall of 1B2 Ibelieve There was Just myself and an Indian guide Joe who late in life became a fast food king so Ihe pacr- had been breakneck between Louisiana and the colony of New York where we d ended up after galloping and paddling full speed aspiring lo freedom while all around us trees took up arms seemed and fired upon us seeking vengeance foe Ihe sordid affairs we been accidentally linked with during our residence in lhal great city of New Orleans 181MB20 They were lies all lie thai were held against us by the testy townsfolk Joe had plenty or home in Alberto so there was no way he drop by the Lone Star Salon of Gentlemanly Comfort on Crescent Street that Friday night as they charged and certainly noway he have carried off proprietor wife and daughter to their alcohol inspired demoralizations as they accused Ab for my own part in the crimes that so Incensed citizenry 1 never saw that farmer a daughter before in my life though I marvelled at her surprising talents of selfdiscipline when confronted Inter by my would be executioners Startling though the evidence was I professed my innocence as wholeheartedly as my rapidly fleeing stepd and breathless cries would Allow but clearly unable to win my own case beat a hasty retreat along the aforementioned Mississippi New York wis never our destination Jet that much be clear We would have slopped and likelysotlleddownlnrdby Akron Ohio and formed a New Wave band had it not been or Joe incessant imploring he wanted to sec Niagari Falls I seen that magnificent sight ninny times having escorted most of my 114 known relatives to the spot one at a time during their respective visits to the northeast from pom la south of the Arizona border ancestors other relatives having been chased here one at a time by the legendary Texas So I d conceded one more time and we were Niagara bound Then tragedy attempted to Strike us down foolishly I decided lo sleep another bout with a recurring ailment my throbbing head to the bow of lhe sleek canoe while Joe guided the craft along the chores of Lake Eric toward Ihe falls later when draped like bored snakes across the riverside rocks and lashed together by the of our buckskins and canoe the frightening reality of the situation came home like a bolt from the blue Joe paddling like a piston against the suddenly surging current of had finally got to ice the falls up close realized too late that the mighty roar he first heard five miles downstream was in fact NOT an admiring crowd of tourists cheering lhe Incredibly we both survived Even more incredible Maid of the Mist came sailing by with a fully slocked bar Wcdranktocach others health But Joe was never the same again Immediately upon recovery he began speaking with glazedover eyes and a newly acquired soprano voice about the vision he seen at the brink of the falls A small town somewhere above Lake Ontario he old would soon arise out of a clearing in the dense woods and I George Kennedy would be its founder Prepared to continue our Journey in search of this vision we stole a new canoe and sailed silently toward Next episode Why the Mc Gibbon Motel was Georgetown first building But Too Joes BNA footwork has given him his second wind By Stewart MacLeod Ottawa Bureau of The Herald following that unsettling February convention it was widely assumed that Conservative Leader Joe Clark would be forced to accept premature and leave a divided caucus to some unknown successor The writing was oil over the wall Fully onethird of delegates altcnd ng thai national convention had voted in favor of a leadership review And while the 42 yearold former prime minister at first suggested that the conventional wisdom that his time was limited The party regional caucuses which went into session immediately after the convention dished up gloomy reports for the leader One by one they reported that a leadership convention seemed inevitable As one former Clark minister said a self generating situation seems lo be saying that can I win with Clark As a result no one will go out and try to win with Clark That was before lhe country was seized and Parliament was seized with the constitutional debate The writing on the wall is no longer so obvious There arc all sorts of conflicting opinions on what happened in ment over the last two months Many abhor lhe way Prime Minister handled the constitutional question there are probably many who abhor the lime killing tactics used by the Conservative opposition Some agree with the package others arc almost violent In their opposition No two people seems to agree on most questions involving the patriatlon package you won find too many people wi are critical of the way Joe Clark performed personally given the difficulties he faced Ididn many of his party approaches but as a political leader Clarksporformancc was difficult to fault For leader who is in effect on parole with his pirty he performed with remarkable confidence And regardless of the wrongs of this whole question there is no doubt that Clark his position as Whether he now can survive Is debatable could still win the constitutional war and Clark performance would be forgotten with embarrassing rapidity But Is significant is Ihot Clark himself clearly has a new outlook on his future The constitutional debate has given him a second wind so OUTLOOK Just one month ago Clark was reading this assessment by a national ly read columnist They the vitives cannot carry on with a loader who is not accepted by a third of the parly and reluctantly accepted by most of he rest II would be certain disaster Into an election in such At that time Clark response was that whoever decision had to be made he would act in the interests of the party It was hardly a fighting I don know whether you caught him on television last weekend but Iherewn IhcsamcClark now making it clear he was ready to fight for his job my inclination is that I have demonstrated once again that I can lead this party to victory on important questions and I think that given the support of the party I can lead it lo in the nation One of the things lhe parly has to is how effective under pressure Ms leider can be and we to proven be effective under pressure very strong inclination today is lo stay on coming from Clark right now those fighting words Nonlicensed driver penalties discourage no lawbreakers THIRTY twoof ihem brothers set sail for Korea with the Canadian Special Forces Royal Canadian Regiment tills week Ron and Allan Edmunds of Georgetown and Mike of Georgetown will join other hometown boys overseas including Bob Rogers and Earl who is recuperating from a knee wound in a Japanese hospital The Georgetown Raiders defeated Milton Coops in a special benefit hockey game Friday which raised for the family of Jock Kentner a Milton player killed in a recent highway accident A notice on today front page announces the town plan to shut off municipal water supplies Sunday morning for an Indefinite period The shutoff will allow town workmen to hook up a new main off Guelph and Streets with the College View subdivision where improved supplies will offer better fire protection for several major industries Weiring their new gowns for the first lime the George own Girls High School choir and the Georgetown String Quartet presented a concert Sunday at Knox Presbyterian Church AGO The Georgetown High School teaching staff will become departmentalized next term School enrolments and the volume of leaching periods necessitated the change to departments Recommended to head departments were John Bellamy Maths George Roglster Science and Florence Modems deer season for County In was bad news given lo local hunters at County council last week Hunter will have to go for afield since there will be no deer season In any counties In the Lake Huron district Word has been received by of the Georgetown and District Memorial Hospital Association that the official opening of hospital will be attended by lhe Ontario Minister of Health Matthew will officially open the building on hchnlf or the Hospital Commission June At suggestion of Hooper Developments Ltd has forwarded a cheque for SIM the Georgetown Memorial Hospital Some weeks ago the company announced it would make grants of to for information from citizens In land sales or bringing induslry to lown Hooper was instrumental in the sale of a lot The Daffodil Tea held by the Georgetown Branch of Canadian Cancer Society will become an annual affair The tea will be held in conjunction with the local cancer campaign for funds and be continued in future years lo launch the canvass AGO A bottle of nitroglycerin discovered in the basement of the Willett home on Ontario Street but most of the residents in the neighborhood were unaware that anything was going on until a loud explosion ended the drama shortly after midnight Mr quarry worker and it is believed he on the Job It was estimated the bottle hod been silting in lhe cellar for over years Randy Smith son of Mr and Mrs Gerry Smith placed first in lhe Peel Music Festival grade six piano competing against others He is studying piano under Alva Allen The Concerned Citiicns of Georgetown will sponsor a bottle drive April to May 1 in an to have the glass recycled This would be a toward pollution and helping to find more land for sanitary landfill sites Tn an attempt lo provide as many students as possible with summer employment lhe federal government hopes to endorse several programs such as repainting and repairing houses for senior- citizens Yt Alt AGO The North Association for the Menially Retarded will be celebrating its anniversary this Saturday night with a gala dinner at Hof a sometimes debate town council amended a bylaw Monday evening to allow lhe location of a pru ale commercial health club on- industrial land Che rry I Developments propos site for the club is a vacant building next to Kelly Hardware on Highway 7 there there were no bright lights or T cameras but the Tickle- Trunk was there front and centre and that was the well known children television show host Mr to turn Holy Cross auditorium Into giant lne TV screen for BOO two to 10yearold The year produced a bumper crop of new- indusimlcommercial development in Helton region per cent more than in 1978 and far more than any other in history according to the- region s business development officer Queens Park Derek Nelson Ouren Park llureau A startling group of statistic leap at you from a triffic accident study by the Hamilton Automobile Club II concerns people driving without a kg licence whether suspended cancelled or the wrong class About 12 per cent of oil accidents covered by the study involved such drivers which may or may not be representative of the number of people in general who arc drivinj without While per cent of driven in study were handling their vehicles properly at the lime of the accident only nine per cent of lhe roup were doing so Worse alcohol contributed lhe c lust of the accident in 10 per cent of versus study of per cent In short licenced drivers almost all of whom were mule and under the age of were and are a menace on the roads TOO MANY And the situation Is gelling worse A growing body of people are driving with suspended or cancelled licences the study said Although the extent of such driving with suspended or cancelled licences came as a surprise tome when I read the study conversations with Solicitor General ministry personnel Indicate the problem Is already well known to police and other traffic experts The reasons for this flouting of the appear be two fold One is hit the current fine for doing so lets less as a deierrcnt to some people than as a kind of surcharge a person pays if he or she wants to ignore the law A second cause is the case with which people in large metropolitan areas can borrow another identity with current licences since without a photograph police officers have no way whether the person they have slopped is the licence owner TWOANSWMtS The Hamilton study group recommends two irst Is severely increased suspended or cancelled Hiving an otherwise improper licence such as a licenced for would in the sludy view require quite so penalties although I have wonder why The second answer is to lhe owner phologriph on the licence Hut changing the so violators ire hit with bigger fines or maybe even Jul will likely be easier than squeezing million plus required for the photo system out of Treasury IP UN Transportation and Ijons Ministry bought the money a year or Iwo ago and were turned down and a later request from the Highway Tnffie Safety Council Is in a holding pattern The Hamilton which goes before the council In May will likely mem a repeat of the recommendation Such licence violations arc considered to be a major factor In traffic accidents muybesccondonly to drugs and alcohol To reduce them is reduce the carnage on the highways A majority Conservative government shouldn t hesitate The photo system should be phased in over three years and It should be paid for by raising driver licence fees enough cover the estimated costs Journeys llj Inlted Church JOLHNM We nor One four Canadians will move llus some across others around the rid In the province of bee- whin I was growing up 1 was the lime It CLERGY COMMENT inning a souk i be because I hey icw Job or liny iccr to liie In Out the end of Jum siims like the sensible time School s out and Imi the summer into your new mi I wonder about the i irmus moves thit Jesus in ide Befori He was even burn Ills Mary and J iseph moved from to Then when He wis inly a boy of or under He found Himself making a quick exit out of Palestine Into Egypt Then after three years or so His family returned Nazareth During that per they were refug us seeking political asylum in the land or the Pharaohs Alter Jesus began His ministry in about the Year A He was really on the move He left his home of origin in Nazareth His i home scorns to have been in Capernaum where He gained the of four fishermen ind recruited them to be mc His disciples or as Jesus put it to become fishers of men rom then on the Master on Itinerate preach and wandering evangelist Once when asked by a would lie disciple join ii this band of preachers Jesus remarked The foxes have holts and the birds of the air nests but lhe Son of Man has not where to railhead asked where He dwelt He replied In the bosom of the father But it soon became appar cut to the 12 apostles and to all of the others who were following Him where He was going He was going up to J rusa into the hands of sinful men mocked spit upon crucified and laid In a tomb Those eager followers were astonished horrified unbelieving that such a He was on He everyone of His apostles find followers to do what He was doing He called it up your Cross dally and following otter Him He said that the Journey rai through Jerusalem through Vli Dolorosa Ithepath of sorrow into the Garden of an Mount Calvary There on the hill stark and naked threatenlnganddcad ly was Cross Some thought the Journey ended here on Golgotha But these looked on one side of lhe map of Jesus journey They failed to follow the road which led away from Calvary a land land of faith which Is bright cued by Easier sunshine To the land where Journeys begin and where Journeys end A place called Heaven The other side of the Cross

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