Friday May Together we can help you better Royal Trust Georgetown Marketplace BUYING SELLING CHECK OUT THE CLASSIFIED ads CLASSIFIED DEADLINES Wednesday Publication Deadline Monday 00 Friday Publication Deadline Wednesday CLASSIFIED CASH HATES CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 0JOwOflSplll5j THANKS so TWIN SIZE Males Bed Mai tress Excellent condition 877 PIANO Organs Wurlllior now and used full Piano and Organ En PINE bed 9 m old condition now ikinrj or oiler 877 7907 i 1 2 MILK 3 QUART BAG OR JUG Tilly GoorflelownJugCity l N 7 AM TO 10 AM Monday to Friday TEAK FURNITURE EINAR CLAUSEN LTD FRESH TROUT 8773730 HEAVY CEDAR LAWN PATIO FURNITURE CHAIRS TABLES LOUNGES 141 ACTON BLVD ACTON ONTARIO NEWSPRINT ROLL ENDS THE HERALD FRONT SWIMMING POOL SALE Minufnrlurer mosl clear brand 1980 above pools Complete with VACUUM Cleaners and service Electron Queen Compact DINETTE SET piece walnut top Broom 30611913 THREE pre tens II 7 riser each Five 30 Sims SI etch Askno SI 750 MACHINERY or silo- 725 Hay Tender swal 2008 a- ALS MARINE Aclon 8531682 GARAGE SALE Miy23 10 Chains Riindal May Ma portable TV 31 122C PRESS PLATES Repair outbuildings hue granaries and bins or the trunks of trees with used Aluminum Press Plates thick 58 cents each including applicable taxes at Hills Herald Front Counter i PIANOS FROM 1495 fiom YAMAHA ORGANS F 99500 toiephono The Buyers and Sellers Market Place 8772201 CENTRAL CABS Air Conditioned Radio Dispatched 8771111 GARAGE SALES THINKING OF HAVING A GARAGE SALE Share your Treasurers and make a profit by selling your old stuff at the fairgrounds MAY 18 1981 T IS ALSO 0ANGORAMA The garage sale will also box plants FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 8771330 TOYOTA Corolla i dr Coupo automatic excellent condition GIBSONS Dead Stock Service Dead or disabled animals removed lb paid lor old healthy horios Wo can loll you Ihe cause Call colled or OH or Brampton 459 3994 Licence 36C65 380 1974 DODGE DART slant certified SHOO 4347 Special Boat of 62 alter 1970 S VANS lor lues WHITE CHARGER inns ood Tuesdays to Saturday Trade lor small cylinder car I CASH Old or antique lor laamifiawHM HE HAVE MANY QUALITY ECONOMY CARS To you can Low down paymenl Bank Financing RECREATIONAL VEHICLES Irailer sloops Hilly equipped on condition 4055 SUZUKI PEP excellent con dilion mpj Handles well in lown or On highway A very sporty motorcycle or best HARDTOP Compor sleep six 077 30681913 Plty ARIETTA ST 8771995 Hunt Jump English Riding Instruction lei A trailer fertile Farm iter 16 le cab HP ler 30920rvnl WATSON AUTO WRECKERS 8776226 WANTED TO BUY CARRIER tlrtdS NOT TURNED IN BY PREVIOUS CARRIERS THE HERALD 0772201 Reasonable rates SO and up or 4354 for estimate ACCOMMODATION WANTED MOorOM ENGLISH wishes spend Christmas 1981 in Canada Family willing to ox change homos with hero InloruMid Call REAL ESTATE MacLean d j GREAT FINANCING This 3 bedroom link home is priced to sell and of- lore a 14j mortgage until February As on added has boon decorated in neutral and backs onto a private arm Only Call Carol or Joan at 8780565 GEORGETOWN TUDOR STYLE Older homo on largo lo area bedrooms large livinodmmg roon CALL after pm ACTON FORCED SALES Commercial It store and apartments fully occupied no leases Must sell Illness forces sale Good buy at Only one like this at older 6 room 1 storey home newly insulated Large lot handy location Circumstances force sale Tri level large room brick sidesplit landscaped near lako and park handy to shopping and schools Owner moving to apartment Asking 73500 JACK HOLMES REAL ESTATE BROKER fl MILL ST ACTON PRIVATE SALE EXCELLENT INVESTMENT 3 bedroom semi bungalow with bedroom basement apt Double paved drive Walk to pla2a at 1st mortgage Buy a home and let someone help pay lor it CALL 8771431 MMI HOBBY FARM ACRES Cozy 3 bedroom home with mature maples located on paved road Cement block barn 25 45 garage 30 Asking Existing mortgage of 12 79 acres in crop last year Well on property of Hwy 10 North of Dundalk down paymon Full asking price of 29500 Wm P Redmond Realty Dundalk Ontario 5199232749 PRIVATE SALE Idl HAIRDRESSER Must bo 7 WANTED TO RENT Married mate recently transferred Into area commuting homo on weekends would like to rent a small furnished apartment or bod sitting room with kitchen by the month Please write to HALTON HILLS HERALD BOX GUELPH ST GEORGETOWN Rotall oppor tunities Milk Co Ltd is presently looking for for one our con and or management ox not a hoy as wo do have on going training program to contact between the and m at of 19K HALTON HELPING HANDS Needs llonlor now through or North Household for disabled day per drive car bo lo For Between and HELP WANTED YOUR CAREER IN REAL ESTATE IS BEST WITH ROYAL TRUST unique 30 day training exclusively for newcomers course foes subsidized to qualified registrants now 1981 deferred profit sharing plan mortgages at preferred rales staff loans at special rates and extended medical coverage dental plan disability benefits bridge financing plan national referral program national corporate accounts stock options AND MORE I rliw to Fed With Trail your training commence Im For confident 111 Interview call Bonnie 0775237 1513 SET UP PERSON moldno firm In Brampton sot up must Good company Call 457 to arrange inlerviow EXPERIENCED Van needed lor Saturdays over Call 8 4273dunnrjbu3ino3ihoir 3052 we an opening lor Printing Press wilh shop credits will fell Apply Labelma3lei3 Ltd St Georgetown HELP AVAILABLE PAINTERS willing to do your painting por hour each nnylimo or 307B19tia BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Successful people made security and lor your family Five part wanted for Hills MAIN ST Apartment i month Light parking included One 305 19lr COMMERCIAL OFFICE OR STORE SPACE For font Small units available Prestigious building down town TOWNHOUSE lor rent in Brampton 3 bedrooms bathrooms finished roc room with wtit bar garngo boll broad Itiroughout con loco lion all roc 00 por month Cablo T and included Available mid Juno or July 1st Call 453 7080 or WEDDING or Slag Lions Ha Contact Earl FLORIDA 3 BEDROOM HOME FULLY WEEK OR MONTH WAREHOUSE SERVICE SHOP SPACE FOR RENT SO FT Overhead doors hydro Reasonable Call EwfiS 6000 SO FT AVAILABLE JUNE 1 and 3000 It bright modem of area and air conditioned with lobby and stationary room and an I to room Four manage mo nl with washroom board room Hugo general office area 3 staff washrooms a how or Fenced corn pound at loading dock and extra In loadmo dooc Security System throughout Call J- or Hallon Cablet Syslemi Canada School of Auction ring Ltd Canada 3 HOWL WITH HORROR at tho Library Film for Kids Goooolown Suitable fof yrs older 1 FREE Walk a Jog plodtjo collection 13 Iho Y on I4lh or TuoriOay May from 1 Salurday May at Log Cabin corner Edith and William Sire All welcome Ft bowling I or Bowls and instruction available For Inlormaiion 1464 3pfll19co NATIONAL BOOK FESTIVAL Week May 11 involved Iho Family Rending the Canadian Display vote for your favourite Canadian in Childrens your library Cnnac anywhere License Trade Schools Licensing Ac RS A 1970C For par write Box LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS OR Sfralgfil Trucks CALL The CinarJIan Tract Trailer Training Ltd 126ZWailrjflRiad Toronto 1371 PLAYMATES children line good yard and playlacililie3 DAYCARE available in my LOST Ladies black Onyx ring with pear Sonlimentol value Reword Raquosl that Ihe said items on Properly Sidoroad S Lino Georgetown Belonging 1 of May GETTING your photographed by a professional Personal vice guaranteed Call collect Dating Ltd 1C01 BIKE MAINTENANCE CLINIC Donaldson Iho Public Library Got your biko ready for spring May 1 at THE SALVATION ARMY pickup service every Tuesday Call877 co CHAR1S POTTERY Main St Invites you lo their 3rd annual spring show Saturday May 1 Sunday 1 fro will bo good of porcelain You may fry your hand at coaling your own 307020CO Tennis Location Pork Children May 13th Juno 45 m Adult May May 13lh Juno 17th Inter module May Juno 14m 9 May 13th Juro 1 Georgetown 89 Mounlalnvlow Rd 6183 303119CO PLANT SALE May May Slarllng m annual hanging plants small plants potting soil and plant Pronto Service Station St Proceeds Toronto Chilstlan NDRVAL UNITED Church Chicken quo Saturday No Public School adults children or tickets gate Glen Williams Town Hall Annual EVERGREEN SHRUB Sale At the Hall Sat May Selling by number FILMS for Children every Saturday at Iho Library a Call DISCOVERY DAY Wed May Hamilton Botanical Gardens Lunch Old Shopping at Hess Village Bus loaves harp returns approximately 3 Foe Pro Georgetown YMYWCA Mountimvicw Rd RfctiULAH open meetings Alcoholics Anonymous every Friday night P m St Johns Untied Church cell ANON Family Group moolings at SI Johns Church St group meet p m and Tuesday at Al Anon offers help lo anyone with all many whrcfi alcoholism can create Of aggro vale For furl her infer or BBSS to our friends and lor their kindness and support during most husband father grandfathers Tho gilts of food in but and donations Heart Foundation grot fully received Wo would lo thank Iho Reverend Bland or his con- and sympathetic i ding our loss or liciont handling of Hallon Hills Libraries wish lo thank everyone who mado our While Hippo Sale a groat success Spoclol thanks to loci Cnchton for Holly Hob bra Cake Tho was won by Mrs Mary St Thank you it for h tree find Mrs lor baked goods FORTHCOMING MARRIAGES urlago id are pleased to lorlhcomlng daughter Su3on Charlotte Mlchaol Rico Woddmg place Sfllurdoy May 1981 Holy Cr03s Roman Church 304710frm HILLOCK Maurrco In loving a dear husband lather who away May Olh Wilh In our store memories holds ptaco opart Form Moro cherished In our hearts Lovod by wlfo sons A daughlor in law Lli grandchildren