PHONE Home Newspaper of Halton Hilld A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Guelph Street Georgetown 3Z6 Ontario PAUL J TAYLOR Publisher and General Manager DAVID BEATTIE Advertising Manager Page SECTION A THE HEnALD Wednesday May lttl Second Class Mall Registered Number Legal gaps in site F clash Councillor may argue that It la legally expedient civil servants at the regional level may point oat that It la politically necessary we dont care It Jtut strikes us as pretty dumb when a regional municipality takes one of Its member local municipalities to court This not what Darcy McKeoogh had In mind when he drafted a plan for regional government Therell no doubt be very little animosity between representatives from the region of and the town of Milton when they square off in the courtroom Friday over Site F This appears to be very much a battle over legal precedent and except for the fact that Mlltona long standing opposition to Hiltons Site plans will be underlined theres no overt threat to regional government posed here But what bothers us Is the repetitive nature of the confrontation Having persuaded the Ontario Municipal Board OMB to force Milton to acres for a regional landfill site the region now finds Milton unwilling to accede Milton officials note that the provincial environment ministry has ruled that any hearings pertinent to Site will be held under the terms of the Environmental Assessment Act as a result they say Milton Is unable to do anything with the land In question Including Its until all hearings are complete Is thus compelled to rexone the rural property by one provincial body and prevented from doing so by another So it was two years ago when Halton Hills were battling Ontario Hydro over the transmission line now In place along the fifth concession Which piece of legislation takes precedence over the other Queens Park was asked Contradictory legislative roadblocks are nothing new of coarse and they wont go away for a long time If ever It bothers us no end however to see taxpayers money being spent In a courtroom by municipal officials who are trying to sort out a provincial shortcoming Each time the province blocks or slows the growth of a regional municipality Queens Parks shortsightedness In establishing that region comes deeper Into question Lets not be too hasty here From past editorials and the one above our stand on provincialmunicipal relations is clear oar sympathies lie en tirely with the municipality It Is In this Interest however that we must chide Halton Hills council and those like It that would simply Me away appeals for support from other towns and townships without It seems a second thought Its a routine matter at council meetings for proposed resolutions from other towns to be quickly examined as correspondence and unless something In the proposal hits a nerve for one member discarded without comment The resolutions are frequently circulated among Ontarios municipal councils to compile a list of supporting towns and townships ready for submission to the provincial government Suggested resolutions range from attacks on provincial policy to humanitarian appeals for financial help In the face of catastrophe There are several reasons why many of these Intermunicipal petitions get tamped by the clerk received and filed without action being taken by the recipient Many veteran councillors resign themselves to the fact that official decisions must not be made on the basis of limited information Invariably supplied by the party seeking support In all fairness a roper investigation would have to be made the circumstances prompting the request a study which would be costly and timecon sumlng But another municipal council Is crying out somewhere for assistance In Letter from the editor MP MAKES HIS REVIEW The fir it military guest review Georgetown Air Cadets Squadron In 13 years annual Inspections Brampton- Georgetown MP John Derm Id wm a tils led Monday night by Captain Francis and Wing Officer Edcstrand of Canadian Forces Base Ihe cadets year the Inspection In Georgetown Memorial Arena alto Involved several demon trillions and the presentation awards by local dignitaries The Herald will carry more photo and full coverage of the Inspection Friday In Its Weekend Extra Photo by Norm Opinion polls prove fruitless m Constitution question opposing or supporting some Issue that It feels Is relevant to other towns and cltlxens Often the Issues described on official municipal stationery are trite often theyre motherhood issues that stretch beyond councils Jurisdiction usually theyre neither Such was the case Monday night when two different municipalities asked HIU to endorse their draft resolutions ready for forwarding to Queens Park Both were received and filed without discussion Ironically one from the township of Georgian Bay sought our councils support In Its battle against the proposed con struction of two hydroelectric stations Halton Hills of coarse suffered through its own utility light although it never cir culated such a petition If we agree that Its mutually beneficial for municipalities to support one another these kinds of presentations to Queens Park it follows that some form of umbrella agency the Association of Municipalities of Ontario notwithstanding could aid this solidarity by circulating the petitions itself and at the same time preparing objective reports on the cir cumstances A system whereby municipal clerks could study the incoming information conduct further Investigation If necessary and make recommendations to council would be theoretically perfect bat the major responsibility for setting it up clearly rests with some central ad ministrative body either one already existing or one that must yet be formed Paul Dorsey Our founder revisited Several people including a woman who claimed to be Pauline nave been asking me jus why WAS the Hotel Georgetowns first building Id Intimated as much In a recent column which aspired to rewrite the communitys dusty history as a sort of I Love Georgetown project Pauline Pauline Pauline I moaned into the phone It was a rhetorical teaser The history was fiction It was further slander against the good name a George Kennedy Our Founder who was really a WOMAN but thats another episode slid the fact had the audacity to call him a drunk and a womanizer Two editions of the Globe and Mail Inter the lawyers for one Oscar Kennedy were on the phone both of them Said he was Georges longlost great greatgreatgrandson whod just booked a room at the McGlbbon Hotel You called my grand father a drunk and a be snarled peppering me with beer nuts as be swung his cane dramatically to and fro Im sorry Ill never tamper with the past again I called after him as one of the hotels big burly bouncers carried him outside Be gentle with him Elsie hes an old man Convinced Id made Georgetowns proud history just another cause in the International Year of the Disabled I reached across the bar for some Ill stick the future from now on I muttered to myself bouncing the first dart off a cigarette machine Look for Astra Pope representing The Herald at various news events around town A firstyear journalism student at In Toronto Astras a Georgetown resident wholl be helping us out a lot In the months to come In the Interest of being fair Id like to report a new development on the Ontario energy scene for which the provincial government should be applauded Lord knows Ive recommended Ihe Conservative governments defeat enough times because of Its long term commitment to nuclear power but last week came news of a gratifying diversion In mat policy The ministry of energy announced the launching of a fiveyear million commercial- industrial demonstration program part of Its new million Solar Strategy for Ontario Initially the government will be striving to create a market for solar energy provide experience for technicians wholl be Involved and Increase the publics knowledge of solar energy and Its potential Ottawa Report By Stewart MacLeod Ottawa Bureau of The Herald Government and opposition parties too pay great heed to public opinion polls Just about every major decision such as the timing of an election is preceded by a sampling of public opinion The major parties have surveyors in the field most of the time asking questions about Inflation personal popularity and egg prices Public opinion surveys tend to govern ihe way we arc governed But there limes when no one should pay too much attention to such surveys And one that springs to mind which happens to be the latest spring across this desk Is a Gallup survey on the publics perception of the governments plan to patriate the constitution The question that struck me as uniquely useless has this In the long run do you think the federal governments effort lo patriate the Canadian constitution will be a force to unite Canada or to divide Canada And then the Gallup people provide us wilh ihe incisive responses ing regional breakdowns We for Instance that per cent of Canadians on a national basis think the package will unlle Canada per feel it will further divide us Another per cent which would certainly include me dont have Ihe REGIONS VARY The survey wen on to discover that in Canada 47 per cent think that will be a unifying force while per cent think otherwise In Ontario its per cent on the positive side and per cent on the negative side But on the prairies Its reversed thopeoplo in thai region seem to feel a patrlated constitution will help unify the country while per cent take the opposite Since on a national basis the constitutional package is perceived as being more unifying than divisive government will no doubt take heart from the news and make frequent use of the figures to Justify Its actions But all due respect to the respondents in that survey I think it would be silly for anyone to attach numbers The question was us difficult as asking us to predict whether the rate of Inflation in Romania would be still on the upswing in 1387 I think its fairly reasonable to conclude that the overwhelming majority of us havent the faintest idea constitution will prove to be unifying or divisive VIEWS If you listen to Prime Minister Trudcau you will quickly gain the Impression lhat Canada will have trouble surviving without a new constitution that Its a miracle we made It this far without such a document Or if you listen to a typical premier you will quickly get the idea that if the constitutional package is implemented the country might split apart at the scams There is someone to tell us that when the proposed constitution begins protecting minority language rights that will feel more secure within Confederate rights that Quebec will feel more secure within Confederation and Englishspeaking residents of the province will finally join the mainstream of provinces development But then you hear some one else say on the basis of the new constitution Premier Rene may call on election asking for a mandate separate And we shouldnt overlook the fact that Alberta Premier Peter Loughecd among others has suggested he wouldnt abide by the new constitutio nal rules That didnt strike mo as particularly unifying gesture What really matters Is how our political leaders perceive the lion and how they propose to read to It and use it Until that is settled if It ever is what the rest of us happen to think is scarcely worth time Fiscally responsible budget draws opposition howls Queens Park Queens Park Bureau of The Herald The best line at Treasurer Frank Millers press conference where he answered questions about his tough budget came when he was asked about opposition reaction They were smiling he said And so they should be Millers budget on the fact of It is a heavy handed document that socks the taxpayer for million more than before yet still leaves the province billion short of revenue That gives the opposition a chance act outraged and score political brownie points The Liberals and NDP con shed tears for the hard done to ordinary citizen who is going to see his or her personal income tax rise gasoline prices soar OHIP jump and both booze and tobacco become more expensive The opposition loo painted out that Miller could not hammered the average person this way if minority government still existed NOW HONEST After all the combined opposition forced thenTreasurer McKcougli to roll back 37 per cent increase in the budget and substitute other taxes Instead And knowing he was going Into an election Miller was extremely circumspect about taxes In both his and 1080 budgets Liberal treasury critic David Peterson put It another way mind you saying it is an old subterfuge leaving taxes alone in an election year and then paying a heavy penally to overcome resulting fiscal distortions the following year While there is some truth In that particular Peterson criticism most attacks upon the Miller budget are simply political Considering the pressures upon him from different directions Miller probably produced about as risen responsible a budget as Ontario could have gotten at this particular time In lis history GOOD NEWS True fiscal responsibility of course means spending no more than one earns but In on age of inflation the credit cord and oil wealth flowing west lhat is a tough target for Miller to hit The good news Is that total government expenditures continue to grow no more quickly than the economy in general meaning the Jobcreating private sector Is not being squeezed more heavily to pay for government The bad news Is lhat the Idea of a balanced budget continues to recede Into the distant future This year 1981 was when McKcough originally to accomplish that goal Then too Miller last year spent more than he had originally planned something the government did not do In ihe prior five years HEALTH HOUGH In addition the province remains under pressure to accelerate spending Partly it is a natural consequence of an aging society an economy weakened by energy price hikes and the average Impact inflation has on government costs But partly It is the result of people always demanding more whether In wages and services with the consequence there are political danger lines no government will cross regard less of the effect upon the budget For example further financial squeezing of health care is Impossible Some of the budget changes will help finance this cost push especially ihe shift In the personal Income tax base and the decision a take a percentage cut on every hike in retail gasoline prices But what Miller must really be hoping for is on adjustment In the federalprovincial equalization formula so lha Ontario receives more money and Ontarios treasurer more flexibility Call of the wild Wildlife Appreciation Days begin Saturday Ihe Region Conservation Authoritys Wild life Centre near Campbell vllle A per car admission fee covers a variety of family oriented activities Including horsedrawn wagon ride3 live animal exhibits spring hiking barnyard animals and a Spring Tea Shoppe Saturday and Sunday this week are devoted to the wolf June to predatory snakes June 13 and 14 to birds of prey and June and to birds In hand PC annual meeting Tho Brampton George town Federal Progressive Con Association holds its annual general meeting June m in the Brampton public library auditorium Queen St Outspoken MP Jake Epp will be guest speaker for the meeting which also features the annual election of officers Memberships will be available Artwork at libraries Students artwork from Georgetowns Centennial School Actons McKcnzieSmllh Middle School and the Steward own School goes on display at both the Acton and Georgetown libraries June through 20 Safe cycling II all on regional police constable Raj returns to the Acton ana Georgetown public libraries June 3 and at for bicycle safety clinics Find out if yourea safe cyclist and If not learn how you can be Clinics arc June 3 in Acton and June in Georgetown Road race June Although expressing no desire to enter It themselves nations regional councillors have approved of Hills plan to hold a mayors running race June 14 THIRTY YEARS AGOThc school board has voted unanimously in favor of building two new high schools in Georgetown and Acton A motion calling for a second school In Georgetown which would eliminate the need for a school in was rejected by Ac ton officials who said they had enough enrolment to warrant their own school On June 1 Canadas ninlh census begins AE He and four people in charge of Georgetown have been taking an instruction course preparatory to compil ing the forms required and will be starting on their rounds this week One of Main Streets best known businesses has changed hands Enrico Caruso of Brampton took over ownership of Fruit Market Monday morning The fruit and vegetable business will be known as Carusos Fruit Market A local knitting company la erecting a new business building in Georgetown Wilfred and Son have started work on a onestorey factory on Ihe west side of the highway just over the White Bridge The new building will be of cement construction providing square foot of floor space Theyarecurrentlylocatcdlnlhcdownstalrs half of Ihe building owned by William Shenk and La vole Knitting Co The oldest established taxi business in Georgetown has been sold Fred operator of Glen Taxi has purchased the DeLuxc Taxi from Ray He will operate it under the TWENTY old trophy missing for the past years has been recovered by the Lome Scots through publicity about their 193945 reunion held In Brampton last week Sidewalks will be Installed on the east side of Windsor Road with residents paying for concrete and the town supplying labor All residents have agreed to the proposal which will be undertaken under the Winter Works program Cost is estimated at per square foot for the feet of sidewalk to be Mr Proctor of the municipal engineering firm addressed Council regarding a water system for Glen Williams He offered his services In preparing a report and suggested hat hey talk to Georgetown since the Glen would be better served by a common water supply The establishment of Ontarios first County Industrial Committee was announced last week The Committee which has been criticized by Georgclown councillors Is to promote as an ideal industrial location More boys reglslcred for Minor Baseball lost Salurday morning bringing presen total close to the mark almost double last years total Because of the size of the turnout the boys have been divided into 12 teams this year with a new division created in the beginner ranks TEN YEARS AGOBoth Joe and Cllve Llewellyn are candidates for Canadas Olympic wrestling team in the near future according to Georgetown high school wrestling coach Lew Martin The two had just returned from the world amateur wrestling championships in Tokyo where they had shown promise Georgetown Lions roared through the down town area behind making their contribution the local cleanup campaign County roads committor this week Quarries to turn its site near Limchousc into a recreational industrial or residential complex The plans call for reforestation of the pit as well as a targe lake In the quarrys southwest corner The North Halton Association for the Mentally Retarded received the goahead from Esqueslng Council Monday night hold a nursery school for retarded and handicapped children in the recreation room of the addition to the ARC Industries building in the old Hornby school In an abrupt change of position Burlington decided not prcw for further representation on county council at a special meeting last week They had wanted to increase their representation by five members and decrease Georgetowns voting power by one ONE YEAR AGOHalton Regional Police has a new deputychief The police commission approve appointment of Robert to the position of deputychief of operations at a meeting lost week The Georgetown high school track and field team the Rebels came on strong at the PeelHal ton meet held at Centennial Park in They came in second trailing Ihe winners by only 18 points Eighth Line residents are busy preparing their cose against the golf driving range planned for development near their Hornby area homes They arc presently gathering evidence of he ranges anticipated Impact at operating sites nearby Maple Avenue Baptist Church celebrated Its anniversary all last week holding special activities every night The towns general committee passed a recommendation Monday to consolidate all bylaws regulating he fencing of swimming pools In the town They said It wouldnt affect the existing regulations but rather consolidate them all into one set of bylaws POETS CORNER Find the Way The greatness of life Is to seek and to gain Where do I and bow do I Take all the problems that gel In my Make sure I solve them and call It a Then your answers will come clear Day by day year by year As you try they will come true The more you try the better do Even he birds use their wing Way up In tree the neit does cling For their young protect Without some wit would be neglect Dream In your heart and soul For thai Image your goal Something want something Tor yon The answer Is there just find the clue When your made up yon planned It so The time has come It has to go Live the life you want It to be a great world now you tee You have tried a worthwhile strain All your work Is not in vain By Albert Brooks RRIActoo