The Province alo subsidizes 50 of the operating costs and the user fee of 50 per trip will generate limited revenue The balance of the funding necessary to provide the vice must come from the community A target of from the community has been set to operate the service for a trial period This is a one year trial project The success and con of the service depends upon the use and support it receives from the local community SERVICE HOURS Monday through Friday statutory holidays excluded from 9 am to 5 00 p A trial transit service for the physically disabled in Halton Hills operated by Tyler Transport Limited under contract to the Town of Halton Hills ELIGIBILITY A person who is physically disabled and requires mechanical or personal assistance to board a vehicle All users must register Call 8531 550 FARES 50 One Way Please try to have the exact fare with you You can use the service for going to work going to school medical appointments shopping meetings visiting friends going anywhere within the Town of Halton Hills H0W TO MAKE RESERVATIONS You may reserve up to a week in advance between 1 0 a and 4 p m Monday through Friday Please telephone 8531 550 no later than 4 00 p the day before you wish to travel Our Thanks to the following community minded businesses for supporting our advertising campaign FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE OPEN FROM A TO 12 MIDNIGHT DAYS A WEEK LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU MOORE PARK PLAZA and 10 MOIINTAINVIEW SOUTH DELREX SMOKE SHOP PHONE WJu PRESTONS LUCKY DOLLAR miracle An all Canadian Company Proud to be a part of our community Halton HIIIb plaza 235 St Georgetown Gltaiis Potters SPRING SHOW Sundir Mif 11 Christopher and Grace Ball MAIN jTFIEEI jfui TELEPHONE Baz Motors Ltd ISO Sljoot L7G Tor- EXCEtUNCC AWARD CUSTOMED Congratulations on a community KinLock Carpentry Langcraft Ltd ARTS CRAFTS MAIN STREET SOUTH GEORGETOWN ON J CANADA COMPLIMENTS OF RYDERS TV Moore Park Toshiba Quasar from Apple Products Glen Wlllinmi Bed WUhed ALADDIN LIGHTING Guelph Street Georgetown Simon CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 1 il Hi IK v- do J IH DISPOSALS LIMITED welcomes BILLYS PAINT WALLPAPER 130 Street Welcomes ActiVan AE Business Machines a Office Equlpmtnl Sales Service Rental 14S 111 Youngs Pharmacy Downtown Georgetown ACTON PHOTO and CAMERA Willow Street South ACTON ONTARIO wedding commercial work Blue J Ring Cleaning Chocking Acton Family Shoe Store Mill SI E Acton 8530360 fabrics Georgetown Market Piece SMELTS NATURAL the family with Irut hometown feeling Acton Family Cleaners Ltd Becker Plaza 13 Mill St 8532310 Barber Henley Limited Insurance Travel A i ox Home FlKNISIIIXOS Housb FumisNrgs GEORGETOWN OPTICAL Don DRUG MART Georgetown Marketplace 8772201 AID South y Georgetown I i MUSIC ALL OCCASIONS SECTION THE HERALD Wednesday 3 1HI Page Getting to know bridge Lest Tuesday was a special event at the Georgetown Bridge Club The Georgetown members competed In Team of Four game for a trophy awarded annually for this The scoring of this game la unlike regular game In this game one win loses or ties each board played This type of scoring usually creates a certain amount of In the bidding and bid slam each failed to guess the stiff K of spades for a loss The two teams that played for the King to drop were winners This was the hand THE HAND No 16 Dlr Vul S AQ 10 D 10 A J ID THE ANALYSIS After West passes North should open S would show a 7card suit and that should end the auction South should consider but thin would require North to have only one loser in the majors and this seems optimistic It would appear that declar er should lose a heart and spade taking the finesse Es the correct percentage play when missing three to the King and this what would happen If East cashes the at trick one But If East makes the more normal lead of a club or a diamond North is presented with an alternate line The idea is if the player with the SKlng has clubs declar can get rid of his heart on the fourth club North may lead to the Sace at trick two planning to run the clubs and reap an unexpected bonanza when the SKing falls making seven and a bundle of points The first place team and the trophywinnerswasteam7 Ho Mikkelsen Hansen Clarke and Raymond The second piece team was team Gilford G Powell I Slrctt and Tied for third place were teams and a Ashworth Slater Glide and Kumar Fred Allen Cote and M Allen The Novice section played as well with Prank and Pat Ball winning overall The Novice Night is held at the George town Duplicate Bridge Club every second and fourth Tues day in the month AH games are scheduled to start at 19 45 7 pm Backyard safety The Red Cross recommends you your backyard pool this summer Make sure Never leave the kids alone around the pool not even for one minute Keep safety equipment such as a pole or a buoy with a rope nearby and know how to use it See that you and your children learn to swim The Red Cross urges you to watch your children whenever they are playing In or around water It doesn take much water or time for a child to drown Choose bom Canadas ran III Mat of Metre and trucks Charge ANDREW MURRAY MOTORS 41 Road N