Paw SECTION THE Wednesday iiSL Rockets shoot into second place ousted by Huttonville The Orange Appeal machine were hot Iiil Monday night ai Utey crushed the Ladies powderpuff Brad Deforest pitched he last four Innings Glen Scolt added two doubles a triple and a walk while Hank contributed a ingle double Indus Itockcts with Sieve having an excel cm with five two doubles and singles Ihcir Orange Appeal ahead 255 By MARIE SIMONY I Herald SpecU Orange Appeal slaughter ed the Goldlggers lost Mon day defeating them In the First wo innings the game was fairly evenly matched but by the third the Orange Appeals shot ahead and kept a strong lead throughout the game Appeals star was Connie Darling for good fielding and batting Entire team played an excellent game Goldigg- rs were Pot and Founder for good fielding Wednesday night action began with the Dusters defeating White Lightning 3377 The game started out In strong favor or the Dusters they were leading In the Outdoors Ontario second inning but by the third Lightnings bats start ed connecting and they clos ed the gap trailing only by a few runs for the Dusters were hit by Gall Cartwrlght and Joanne Coles Sharon Hate belted one out of the park for White Lightning Sheila Ford earn ed star honors for the Dusters and the entire Light ning team earned the honor for a well played game Fireballs burned out in other action as they were overpowered by the Green Sprouta with a score of defense slipped a little in the second Inning of the game 10 runs were scored However after the second Inning they buckled down and allowed nc Advice for Fathers Day The readers of this column are a faithful group Hundreds took time out of a busy shopping day to stop by the display the Georgetown store The day before Fathers Day a hectic for many with last minute shopping duties for Father My hope Is that I was able to help those who asked advice on what lo buy for Dad and the family will be able to enjoy summer that much Once again I must send hearty thanks to those who sponsored the show Including for the space The Hills Herald for whom 1 write the people for the rods and reels used In the demonstrations the Corporation for the opportunity- demonstrating the lino of lures and Brecks Mepps for the display of spinners Without these people the day would not have been nearly as interesting The following prizes were all courtesy of yours truly are awarded as presented The management of Zellers Georgetown drew the winning names and ail prizes are to be picked the Herald office unless other arrangements have been made The Heralds columnist Bob helps Susan Seads of Actaa pick a special lure for fisherman father for a Fathers Day gift The first prize with a value of over goes to Mr Murray Eyre of second prize IE year old Steve Martin of Acton David Roach 14 of Drive Georgetown took third prize and Mr Johnston of Llmcnouse drew prize number Good to see young people win and 10yearold Grant Kelly of Duncan Drive in Georgetown won prize with 13 year old taking still with me Copping number seven was another 10 year old Juon all the way from Erin and Kristopner xA Carole Street In Georgetown happily taking prize number S home with him Congratulations toaH the winners and thanks again to all who took time out to fill In the free draw tickets During the summer If any question about fishing or camping etc comes up please dont hesitate to call or write The Herald will forward all mail so keep it coming BASS SEASON OPEN This weekend sees the opening of the Bass season over moat of Ontario Please be sure to get and read a copy of the fishing regulations for the province Lost week someone told me of a nice boss they had for dinner Taken in Mary Lake near Huntsvlllc they said That area only opens this weekend and as the evidence was eaten there was nothing BUT a law is there for a purpose please study them and conserve our fisheries and avoid breaking the law Its not nice A new magazine for kids la out this lime by the famous ZEBCO people The Zebco teaches ecology sportsmanship and lots of Other interesting Important things If you are Interested in this great magazine for your family please call me at or drop a line to the Herald to my attention and I will send In your name A Bass fishing derby will be held at the Mountsberg Wildlife centre on June July and and on July and The times are to pm Saturday and am until pm Sundays All ages per car and prizes Exhibits films and scads of other Interesting things to do Take It in with the whole family Phono for directions This Is the high point of the fishing season or many outdoors people with camping and family vacations Why not send us a 11 news of where you go and what fish you catch If you have decent photos we will publish them and return but very few take us up on this offer Have fun fish often and keep In touch We are here ail year and are always ready to answer any question you may have about the outdoors so dont hesitate to call me at or than one base runner to cross the plate in the remaining Innings Fireballs stars were Carrie Atkinson for consi stency at the plate and Cindy Day for excellent fielding Sprouta stars were Donna Peacock and Donna Reed good team work for Sprouta were hit by Donna Peacock and Donna In the final game of the night Blue Stealers the how defeating Grey Shadows The score was back to back from one inning to the next Stealers strong batting enabled them to take the lead and take the game Stealers were hit by Joanne Kemper Candy Mary Pearco and Linda Stars were Susan Lee and Dobbins lor good fielding Shadows star was Alice Henderson for her last week for the Dusters was hit by Donna Barlow By HANK Herald Special Hawks won the battle for first place as they outlasted Lalngs Construction to takeover sole possession of first place In the Limehouse Mens League The Rockets crept Into second place with their victory over fourth place Price while the Blue Jays defeat- Glen fastball the Pctrohaul Oilers to gain share of fifth place Merchants win two soon found themselves behind 100 In the fourth Inning Pitcher Peter Black- lock went the distance for Hawks to record the victory as well as reach ing base five times He was credited with two doubles a triple and two walks while Peter Garden reached base safely four times on wo singles a triple and a walk Second baseman Mark ONell smashed two solid doubles to help in their victory Jamie Frank had two singles and a double while Glen Scott made his pitching debut for Construction before Jamie Frank look over In the third The Glen Williams Merchants fastball team won their second game In the past week by defeating Oronge- Jeff Haines pitched victory over Price Charlie Payne had Ihree rbls as he went for the long ball with a triple and home- run Ron and Terry Marshall each added triples while Gary Pickles had two doubles and a single Joe also aided in the victory with a double On Thursday evening Ihe Blue Jays won Limehouse charity tourney By HANK Herald The mens league Is holding an Old Timers Tournament this Saturday and Sunday June and Eight teams will be entering the tournament which la scheduled to start at am on Saturday The tournament champions will receive In prize money a set of glasses to each member on the team and retain a beautiful trophy for the next year The runnerup will be presented with a cheque for while the consolation receive and a trophy which will be retained by he earn The over thirtyfive ball players may be a lilUe slower now but they more than makeup for this by years of experience and a strong desire to compete and enjoy themselves Admittance to be Park Is age sixteen and over A food booth and refreshment stand will be open both days of the tournament best game the season going nine Innings and giving up only four scattered hits while striking out ten batters The Glen toom ploy ed well defensively Tim Field had two two stolen bases and scored one run and one RBI to lead the Merchants offensively Graham Dan Field Rob Hatcher each had hits Rob Hatcher played well defensively robbing Orange ville of one hit and having part In eight put outs Merchants home games arc on Tuesday night at p m at Glen Park Come out and see some good fastball Glen Alton The Glen Merchants of the fntercounty league downed Alton last Tues June as the locals played their best ball of the 1981 season Alton are the top team in the moment Terry Haines pitched good fastball giving up seven scattered hits and striking out nine The Glen team played flawless ball defens- ively making 11 put outs Tim Field good game at second robbing Alton of a hit in the ninth inning turn ing It Into a double play to end the game Service Club League Scores for Sunday June Park Lincoln 17 Club 10 Elks Club Lyons Club Choice Air 12 11 Kinsmen Royal Pizza DQ whip themselves to playing form Herald Where do you go after a whipping Well if youre the Dairy Queen you come back and do some whipping of your own Doing everything right In this game that they did wrong in the last the DQ rebounded with a wrec king of the fading Greeks last Sunday Elsewhere the Smoke Shop continued to roll grinding up and Royal Pizza finally burst Into the win column pummelling the shell shock ed club But the big surprise of the day was Mountain view Plazas stun ning upset of Obviously the Dairy Queen come lo play this week and behind a three touchdown by Andy Broad- bent they soundly outplayed the Greeks In all areas The score read only I at half time but Queens explod ed for in the second half to win going Wayne Wil lis Hal and Jeff also had majors while had four converts Paul Wilson and Pat Jac obs scored for the Greeks Mike Makounyk caught a conversion The Smoke Shop again rolled up a machinelike victory this week with Sieve Harris an is landing performance from the defen sive front four with five sacks of quarter back Terry Hunt INJURED QB Meanwhile injured Dclrcx quarterback Bob Inglla was able to shake It off long enough to hit John and Mark Rds for two scores a piece and Jerry Neil for one Bruce Cartwright added five on converts got their offense In gear this week scoring a learn record points They did it at the expense of their defense though and surrend ered rather embarasslng SO points For Royal ft capped a great weekend Not only did they win Ihelr first game of the season but three players Paul John Madsen and Doug Cousena also com bined to win the annual league car rally They rolled up an Impressive points In the rally although their time left something to be desired as they averaged a whopping 10 miles per hour They were a lot foster on the field In fad Larose punted In ihe second quarter then Jogged down recovered his own kick and ran It In for a GO yard touchdown Brent Ferguson was the offensive star catching three strikes for touchdowns Joe Domingos John Madsen and Mark Milton had the other TDs Domingos Mad sen Howie Hulme and Dave Smith caught passes for 2 conversions DOUCETTE BROTHERS For Steve and Randy combined for their major with Steve on the receiving end of a yd pass Randy added the into weekend Mountain view Plaza had yet to win a gome They had yet to do anything of any conseq uence matter of fact but that all changed when they came out and gunned down one of the top clubs Mountain view dominated the first half leading 130 going Into the third quarter then had to mount a goal line stand In the dying moments to avoid a tic Jim McGIll hit Bill Allison in the first quarter and Paul Allison In the second for touchdowns before Gary Lockwood got out the gome early in the third McGIll the by Shoppers Drug Mart down Wallys Auto finding Jock In the clear and firing a yard TD to make the score by the end of the third quarter That set ihe stage for lo make desper ation comeback bid in the hit Gord McNeilly a yard bomb draw the Wimpeys to within then drove the team down again in last minute Mounlainview werent to let up however and finally held on Ihcir own one yard line turned the bait over and on the lost play of game launched a Hail Mary pass CLIP which Bill Allison not only caught but lugged in for a touchdown of the Week Andy Mark Russell Greeks Steve telle Brent Ferg us on Pizza Dave Mc Carthy Sieve Harris Smoke Shop Paul Allison Gord Wimpeys Play resumes July wilh Greeks at and the Smoke Shop 10 Royal Pizza vs at 1115 and Glen take on Dairy Queen Shoppers Drug Mart I Pitcher Ken Duncan Brent Falcone Home runs John Johnson Doubles Dave Bertrand Outstanding player John Johnson AntoBody Met Pitcher Paul Joyce Chuckle Peebles Doubles Jeff Regan Outstanding player Robert Sales Comments Good team effort on both sides I Senators 11 Pitcher Rodger Moore Home runs Scott Triples Bruce Walter- worth Outstanding player- Scott Shoppers Drug Mart 14 Pitcher Brent Falcone Bertrand Doubles Duncan Comments All players played an excellent game Neils Music Cardinals 11 Pitcher George Kent Tim Vundcrkooy Home runs Tim Vander- kooy Jeff Kent Triples- Dennis Doucette Doubles Dennis Doucette George Kent Outstanding player George Kent Optimist Senators 10 Pitcher Rodger Moore Home runs Ronnie Triples Bruce Cameron Outstanding player Ronnie Oil Noise Effective use of tree and shrub plantings can cut noise pollution by SO to percent is the company that gives you a LIFETIME GUARANTEE IFulL LIFETIME WARRANTY on the muffler tailpipe exhaust pipe and labor for as long as you own your car Thats a guarantee So dont waste your time shopping around Nobodys going to beat this ofterl Nells Music Cardinals is Pitcher George Kent Dennis Doucette Home runs Joe Doubles Steve Cook Sean Dwycr Jim Wallace Outstanding player Joe Wllklns Chuckle Peebles Doubles Randy Dowdall Dorrln Selby Nelson Hannah Outstanding player Krlsla Eastwood We service all recognized brands of TV and Stereo AUDION ELECTRONIC SERVICE moot Put 8779796 NEW at Georgetown Tire Sales Over 24000 miles Its time to have your brakes checked BRAKE SERVICE Phone for appointment now Georgetown Tire Sales Lid 345 St Georgetown 8771535 their second gome of the season both of them against Oilers to move into a tie with the Oilers or fifth place The Blue Jays led alter four Innings before adding six more to make the final score Mel Bailey had two singles and two doubles Garnet Cose reached base three limes Tor Oilers on two singles and an error while Ken Warner had a single and double In Sunday action the scores were Construction 11 Oilers vUle Hawks Abitlbl Price and Indusmln Rockets 7 Ballinafad Blue Jays Kinsmen girls results Optimists Smoke 6b op 11 Leigh Cooper did a Job for the Optimists by hi three big home runs LU came up second by belting out two homers Other home run hitters were Sberri and Trudy Shield Pitchers for the match were Trudy Shield and Li Krasclc Game stars went out to the Optimists and Susan Gamble for a great job at second base Taking their playing positions on the mound were Karen Humphreys Stephanie Julie Ward Cathy Tutt and Holly Henderson Julie and Karen Humphreys were the only ones to come up with borne runs Game stars were Jennifer Skinner Calhy and United A strong offensive game by DQ helped to ensure win pitcher was Tracy Manhlre Brading pitched a fine game or Elks as well as hitting the only home run for the game Stars were earned by Tora Burroughs and Lorl Barrett for a good defensive and offensive game TAYLOR AUTOMOTIVE COMPLETE CAR CARE ARMSTRONG FREEZER FRENZY 12 MM St Acton PIMA thruway uhiloov ltd Hen Tin too ju EARLS FIXIT AND SHAVER SERVICE GRILLS BUILT TO PERFORM LAST Models In All SIisb And Price Ranges Many Extras With Each Purchaaa GRANTS 8P St Acton EXPERT REPAIRS 8773521 fitting lounge