THE Jane The Kinsmen and Klntlte Clubs of have dec ltd their new executive for the season In the front row ore president treasurer Ritchie lloflan vicepresident Carol registrar Jean McMillan and director Nancy Webster It the middle row ore Kinsmen registrar Dave and second vicepresident Ted Savage past president Carol Pearson and secretary Barb with Kinsmen past president Don Pearson Kinsmen in the back row are director III Webb treasurer president Brian director Duke Webster and secretary Brian Hunter KINSMEN KINETTES HAVE NEW EXECUTIVES Klntlte president The Kindle Club of Georgetown recently thanked It Savage Barb Jean McMillan and Nancy Webster Tbe firstyear members who have played active roles In the club s presentations took place at Saturday Installation of officer by charily and community project and social activities Receiving District Governor Andy Deme of Erin Mill Maple Leaf Award were left to right Carol Chamber of Commerce ban Help is available topay yourOHIP premiums Ontano residents with low incomes are entitled to assistance in paying OHIP premiums More importantly the amount has been changed in the most recent Ontano Budget If your income as a single person is less than 8200 or your total Income as a family of four for example Is below 14000 you may be eligible for assistance to pay all or part of your premiums As always pensioners or those receiving social assistance continue to receive OHIP coverage without charge The best way to check your eligibility Is to contact your local OHIP office Its listed in the Blue Pages of your telephone directory under Government Services Please ask because you may very well qualify for assistance today even though you might not have in the past Ministry of Health Ontario i Dennis Minister Citizen of the Year Ron McKnight says hes a sucker for a good cause By MAGGIE HANNAH Herald Special When Acton Chamber of Commerce chose Ron as Its of he year It found someone who could prove Just how much disabled individual can do for his community Despite his cerebral palsy Mr McKnight 32 began keeping score for hockey lacrosse soccer and joining community organizations years In that time he has made a lot of friends and reaped in pleasure many limes what he gave to the community he said I m a sucker Tor a good cause he joked and I find it hard to turn someone down when Ihoy ask me to do something Sometimes I have to because I just can physically do what would be involved I rind stairs about the hardest things I have to manage But I got Involved because I wanted to do some thing for the community rather than because of what the community could do Tor me ANNOUNCES HOCKEY Ho has been involved one way or another with hockey at all levels over the past 11 years and had been score- keeper and announcer for the Junior A Sabres for the past five years In that time he had only three injuries Puck cut him for seven stitches once he got a stick because there was no glass above the arena boards once and his year a puck broke his glass Not a bad record for years he said In the days when Acton had a Junior C Lacrosse Team Mr McKnight was busy Ho was the Acton Rams founding president in 1970 and followed them until their demise in because lack of a minor lacrosse organization meant no young players to replace those lost to age While serving an storekeeper and announcer for the team he was honored three times he said because be was asked to be score- keeper at the Mann Cup Championships All on Lacrosse Championships in Brampton in 1970 and In Peterborough In He was also asked to keep score for the Mm to Cup Junior A AllCanadian Championship Mr McKnight finds It frustrating to attend a game and sit In the stands AN OLD WAR HORSE In tike old horse he Joked I been In the timers box so long every lime a whistle goes I automatically check the clock and look to see who the referee Is penalizing Mr McKnight is an elate member of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 197 and has helped with their house league hockey He also acta as scorekecper and secretary for the Legion Master a Annual Golf and occasionally helps at Legion social Mr McKnight made him self a promise as a boy that if he ever got Involved with a service club It would be the Rotary Club since that group helped pay for his braces wheelchair and trips to summer camp through their easier seal campaign In 1905 he decided to keep his promise and since that time he has served in every post except treasurer including a year as president in Hills residents with a problem which them calling the towns works crew will explain it to Mr McKnight he Is the crew dispatcher He Joined the Acton works crew In the old Yard when regional government the three crews In His fellow employees feelings about Mr Is evidenced by the sign In the town shop this week his designation an Acton Citizen of the Year followed by a notice that the coffee is on him for the rest of the week Mr McKnight proudly pro claims himself as a true Actonian He was born In Nursing Home the town substitute for a hospital In 1949 His ly resulted from a problem and his parents were told by the doctors at Toron to Sick Children Hospital that he would never walk or talk Medicine has changed a lot In the intervening years He is thankful that he Is In no pain nor Is his condition something which deterlorat like muscular Ills voice provides not only his livelihood but also his recreation Mr McKnight said as he explains glad he Is that his doctors were wrong in their original diagnosis of his abilities He acts as master of ceremonies at many things including union parties for the works crew lie considers he has a talent for It and never works From a prepared speech SPEAKS FROM HEART 1 Just say what cornea out of here and here he said pointing to his head and his heart And how hell speak the Citizen of the Year Banquet when he receives his plaque this month Mr McKnight was also a member of the Acton Chamber of Commerce for a time and in 1971 he received a plaque from them In nition of his outstanding con to sports in the town Despite his handicap he also enjoys travelling He has been to Hawaii and Florida and will be off to a friend wedding in Calgary later this year He is the oldest of Joan and Jim McKnight four en and lives at home with them on McDonald Boule vard Pay a friendly visit The Friendly Visitors program operated through Helping Hands still needs volunteers to make the program a complete success The program which focuses on friendly vislls to elderly and disabled residents offers on the job train or learn while you give Helping Hands Jane Kennedy said recently Interviews ore being conducted or summer and fall visits Call between 10 a p and find out what you can do forthe program and what It can do for you The Honourable Douglas J Wiseman n Gove Serv cos and The Honourable Keith C Norton invite you to attend the OFFICIAL OPENING PHYTOTOXICOLOGY LABORATORY The Honourable William G Davis QC Premier of Ontario Ceremony takes place Friday June 26 1981 at a m Phytotoxicology laboratory is located on grounds Ontario Facility and Train Centre Heart Lake Road South between Sleeies Avenue and near Highway Ontario If youre heating with oil cash in on the Governments OffOil Rebate Phone The Gas line 18002650562 Natural gas is the most econo mical way to heat your home And theres plenty of natural gas in Canada enough already dis covered to keep you warm into the 21st Century So call The Gas Line before you make a decision for any other energy alternative to oil Union Gas will send you a book of detailed comparisons of various energy sources so you can make an in formed choice Well send you the Federal Governments booklet their rebate up to for converting from oil And well show you how Union Gass finance plan can help you spread the cost of conversion on your gas bills Our natural gas is going to be your best heating buy for a long long tune What else can warm and gas do for you today union