why pay prices rotor Loblawa everyday low shell price Prices to Tuesday Oct 20 lowest price of the year cut from Canada grade A beef limit 5 lbs j per purchase why pay 2-58- Royale paper ro t it pkg limit 4 pkgs per purchase Gay Lea Fiesta orangepineapple strawberry or peach g cup L why pay 69 it you pay product of USA Canada no 1 grade lettuce i why pay 88 you Pay sole frozen TIII6I0 packaged why pay 238i pastry flour product of Ontario Can fancy grado Mcintosh apples flu back bacon J centre cut sweet pickled roasts lb OKetchup product of U S A Can grade cantaloupes each stewing hens liquid I bile detergent product of USA broccoli sliced 500 g side bacon i Krafl 16 single slices 500 pkg process cheese food 309 product of USA Ontario spinach Valuplus wieners fresh boneless chicken breasts previously dozen pork side frozen up Schneiders fried chicken frozen Schnokjors plain quarter pound burgers Highlinof Brand turbo cooked in bailer fish sticks why pay lie why pay lb lb why pay 198 lb Id why pay 538 bucket wliy pay a 1188 Welchs grape juice condensed tomato n soup grind nutomnlk drip i Of ill or grind Maxwell House coffee Nabisco shredded wheat baby dill broad butler mixed Rose pickles ply or while Royale facial tissue why pay 41 101 tins rind why pay iy pay 41 100 why pay 339 b 299 why pay 135 why pay 119 why pay 62 49 dimly tell why pay 99 sandwich maker tin drip grind or regular Why pay decaffeinated to coffee bhch pay Sou Carnal Ion economy pack why pay Sale 309 Momma or Why pay 51 2 89 concent- Why pay 103 SunPac 121 orange juice country oriental or stylo Arctic Gardens vegetables In or In Green Giant fillets Sloulforo Irezon macaroni and cheese frozen ell Savarln meat pies Black Diamond Cheddar cheese stlx cottage cheese pay 149 why pay why pay 149 12 box OiJ why pay 176 why pny 183 149 of USA Can cucumbers Can small product of Ontario onions product of Soulh Valencia oranges product of Ontario Can grado pears product of USA Can grado tomatoes Floral 6 pot A lb