SECTION C THE October It mi Page Report from Queens Park AD VALOREM GAS TAX In Its May isai budget the government of Ontario Intro duced a new method of gaso line taxation Instead of tax being levied on the basis of volume so much per litre It will In future be bated on a percentageoftbepiicepald In per cent of the retail price adjusted four times a This means course that as the price of gasoline in creases so too does the a mount taken by the Ontario treasury Neveragaln will the government need to go to the people for an Increase In the provincial take on a litre of gasoline Ithaslmposed built In Increases which will lake effect automatically with every rise In price Let s not forget cither that because the valorem tax Is the last it actually taxes other taxes including Federal excise and sales taxes Every time the price of gasoline increases the growth In the amount of revenue taken by the government through lis ad valorem tax la compound It estimated that the province will be extracting at theverylcasl gasoline taxes over the next five years As of June 1961 when the first ad valorem lax was applied Alberta received cents per litre of gasoline at the pump while Ontario took cents per litre It Alberta proportional royalty ahare per barrel of oil remains lite same as was In June that Is before the recent Ottawa Alberta oil pricing a Ontario wilt con tin ue to have a lax lake at the pump than Alberta Recently the Treasurer of On torlostrcsscd that Ontario own energy related urea wilt rise dramatically due to the pricing agreement be tween Alberta and the Federal Government Just as the ordinary consumer will have to pay more to drive his car or heat his home the Ontario government will find It more costly to heat schools and hospitals build roads and so forth The Treasurer mates that the additional en costs to the Province will Is bankruptcy answer to your problems Continued from its creditors The Individual who wants to file on assignment with Trustee will to pay between and Once the Assignment In Bankruptcy is filed with the Trustee the individual loses all right to deal with his or her own properly subject to certain exceptions In other words upon filing an Assignment in Bankruptcy the Individual must turn over to his Trustee all his assets his property This would mean that If the bankrupt has an Interest in a house the Trustee would acquire that interest Similarly If a bankrupt owns a car be might have to turn that car over to the Trustee The Trustee then has the responsibility of convert ail of Ihe bankrupt a assets into money which he then distributes equally to the creditors of the bankrupt In certain cases the bank may have an exemption from turning over certain property to the Trustee for example a salesman who goes bankrupt may claim an exemption or his car up to resale value because he needs It as a tool of the trade Similarly a carpenter going bankrupt may claim an exemption for his saws his hammers and other tools of trade necessary for him to do hi Job Because bankrupts have to turn over all their property to their Trustee in Bankruptcy many Individuals decide to sell or transfer their property to other people like their wives immediately prior to going into Therefore when they do file the assign ment they will be able to tell their Trustees that there Is no property still remaining in their names to turn over This will not be successful because the Trustee would then have the right to attack In court the transfer of this property While still In bankruptcy it is also possible for a Trustee in Bankruptcy to require the bankrupt to pay a certain portion of his paycheck to the Trustee for the benefit of creditors This occurs when the Trustee can establish that the bankrupt is earning more than is necessary for him to maintain himself and his family Once an individual has gone into bankruptcy he remains in this state until he is dis charged from bankruptcy a situation which continues until the Court orders that the bankrupt la no longer in bankruptcy and no longer has the status of a bankrupt person It normally takes from six months to a year for a person to receive his discharge from bankruptcy however such discharges are not automatic If bankrupt prior to going Into bankruptcy had been guilty of conduct which the Court considers to be Legally Speaking Are you NEW TO TOWN or have you just Into new noma Would Ilka to call on you HOUSEWARMINO and Information about Georgetown Joan Qllltipla at a CLEO publication improper for example build ing up huge debts on credit cards the Court may order that as a condition of the bank discharge the bankrupt agree to pay his creditors some portion of the debts owing to them The bankrupt is obliged to complete a questionnaire showing all his assets and liabilities and then attend a meeting of his creditors called by the Trustee At this meeting the Trustee reports to the creditors what he has round out about the bankrupt At this time creditors will have an opportunity of qua Honing the bankrupt as to Ihe causes for bankruptcy In Canada today it is anil that more than twenty thousand people will declare with debts approaching five hundred million dollars Most bankruptcies are individuals and are commonly referred to as consumer bankruptcies Experience has shown that most consumer bankruptcies occur because people simply do not know how to manage their financial affairs Too easy credit by banks and other lending Institutions conlribut greatly to the problem Television and other media create the impression that you should have today what you will try to pay for tomorrow When creditors commence dunning for payment of their accounts bankruptcy often follow In order to stop further harassment Today debtors are far more sophisticated than they once were It was a tremendous stigma in times past for a person to file for bankruptcy Now many people consider It a simple solution to their finan problems an Idea that Is not usually correct The information In this article is accurate as of Octo ber 1980 For more lion on this and other topics contact Community Legal Education Ontario 111 Queen St E Suite 310 Toronto Ontario IS For legal advice contact the Hills Community Legal Aid Clinic at 9 St In Georgetown SIM be about billion by 1986 while revenue gains from both the ad valorem gasoline tax and other provincial taxes will total at most only billion Accord Ins to his Mmislrys forecast the government will face a cumulative shortfall or some billion The obvious im lea lion here Is that the inflationary impact of price hikes resulting from oil pricing agreement on Ihe Ontario government own budget somehow Justifies the imposition of a percentage ad valorem tax directly on con aimers In the Trenmrers own words This of revenues and expenditures for Ontario proves that ion claims regarding ad val orem yields are highly The truth Is that It proves nothing of the kind Our analysis suggests that it la the Treasurer s forecast which is Incorrect According our calculations he has under estimated Ihe likely revenue gains from the ad valorem tax over the next five years by over to billion We estimate as 1 said earlier that the ad valorem tax will net Ontario not between million and billion but a total of over billion by 138S Moreover the Treasurer acknowledges that when the inflationary pressures result Ing from the oil pricing agree ment have worked their way through the tax system tho Province will yield additional revenue of perhaps MOO to million by 1980 This forecast is also expected to prove low higher energy costs come lo bo reflected In higher wage settlements and higher prices which In turn will boost Income and sales tax revenues to the Ontario Treasury The forecast game how ever Is not real Issue Whether or not the oil agreement augments Ontario a debt load In the future the ad valorem Is an unwarranted tax burden on the people of this Province In human terms It Is man if rally unjust at a time when people are being battered by Inflation high interest rates food coats etc As a silent automatically escalating tax the ad valorem both undermines the dem principle of account ability and exacerbates the Inflation crisis Unfortunately moat Ontar- are still unaware of the ad valorem and particularly its potential long term impact ENERGYSCOPE Solar Energy A Bright Future for Ontario lar r Mill mi radiation ill ait tit llicr lignum in una lo Thus furl thai I p i f i I nullify an I the it imluHlry arm I he rhiH gram a I rifilit fiilnrr r Ontario energy induntryrcating new j anil many fur h I rati in limiting fun ih In rvmrrn Mill thi ill rshi What is solar So you tried a few different ways to spend your advertising money and now your sales curve has dropped completely off the chart ISNT IT ABOUT TIME YOU STARTED USING THE EFFECTIVE ONE YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER There are a tat of ways you can spend your hard earned advertising dollars and some of them can be very glamor ous and quite exotic But thats not what your business needs You need results and your local newspaper can stili deliver the customers and lots of them for a lot less than most of the others Newspaper advertising still provides the kind of good basic selling that really gets the job done Go with the winner newspaper advertising I of Helton will Slnca to date n I infra moil general In lira wi lar JI in Iran fir I ihi In at altfrlxl in Thin heal an lie lined help h me r Ileal water r wanning king anil in array heal Irani pi rt media Murage unit the Pan iirnutarhcahngmrdnH using fmtnren in a building to make ihe bent lows warm air fur heating impfe new building are mure economical in the rt term while more complex yet ems will econom ical as appropriate products and lee tin mien ore developed Ontarios solar plan By Ihe combination of active and passive energy systems is expected lo provide Ontario with the energy of 15 mil lion barrel of oil a year That en beat almost home which even at today a oil prices worth more than The Ontario Ministry of Energy i working to achieve this goal through its recently announced million five- year strategy aimed ace der ating the development of solar the full liiiiilnlinela- a thai an led fi ml lull tin full re than itrls alin Residential Pan Heating ftnrgy I with limning and I na tion f ana la ha In I and run iamr Of thene nlK IW ally opened 12 mi re been Irted ant llir rent are being Domcslic Hot Water Heating The Ministry of Ontario an 1 Onta rio rji urn turn have developed evaluated In lar dor water beating ten single- family rem Municipal Swimming Pool Healing Plastic solar collect were inn tailed through funding from theMinutryofrrierg to heal the ale Coi Centre pool in Hill Hoi Water and Process Heat The of Fnerpv Northern Affairs and Universities and Confedera tion College in Thunder Bay is responsible for the first solar system to provide hot water fur the student togethrrwiilitheMin of Health and Mohawk Hospital Services Ltd tend ers have been for the largest solar project Canada million system In preheat the wash water al Mohawk Hospital Service Ltd a profit laundry service for 10 Hamilton area hospital Agricultural and Process Heat Applications The Ministries of Energy and Apiculture and Food have provided solar energy systems that heat the swine barns at the Research Station in Cue I ph Other solar applications as gram drying bam heating etc are expected to be cheaper soon because most of the system will be owner installed The experience gamed from these and future demonstra tions is helping to improve future solar energy product thereby accelerating then- re liability and availability to the SERVICES ALUMINUM I MANICURES II DELREX ALUMINUM Specialist In Aluminum Siding B7753B3 ALUMINUM CHURCH ST ONTARIO Aluminum Siding Storm Doors and Windows Eavas troughs Rooting FREE ESTIMATES GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP replace your old kitchen REFACE AND SAVE ANNS CARTAGE AND PIANO MOVERS FULLY INSURED Evarrthing WILL DISMANTLE 300 Samples of 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