Page SECTION D THE HERALD Wednesday December GUIDED TOUR The ttlh Georgetown Brownies were special guests of the I and Cultural Centre 111 ft last Wednesday toured facilities with their leaders Tawny Owl Judy Mara and Drown Owl Linda The young ladles were shown pedal exhibit at the centre such the current editorial cartoonist sdUplnj and were Instructed on how to use the library equipment Taking the rip were the following Brownies Sara lynnYvray Michelle Paula Leslie Harris Tanya eh Catherine Tannock Joe Melissa Dobbins Diana Savage Samara Hyde Cnriita Fuller Hobble Monica smith Angle Wilson Andrea Krrl Susan Helen Tannock lies lop Johnson and Michelle Herald photo Club s 13 newest members will help save you a fortune OPTIMIST CLUB tiorfretoun The coal of providing these services without volunteer help would be enormous Therefore the Optimist Club congratulates its new members for taking the time to help moke this a better area for future generations Local photographer Peter Jones was scheduled to address members at Monday business meeting about his profession Volleyball has been keeping local Optimist Club members active and able but recently the club hosted a Now while the volleyball games continued to spur community interest in our projects The breakfast meeting Is designed to explain for Invited men how they can help their community by being a service club member particularly part of the Optimist International organization Thcclubastructureand unctions ore explained to all attending By meetings end the Optimist Club of Georgetown proudly welcomed 13 new members Without these kind of men and many more volunteers to help our club Ha I ton Hills taxpayers could not afford their annual bills from the town Stop and consider the number of services we enjoy here If people dldn volunteer ambulances blood donor supplies and other medical aid Boy Scouts and Girl Guides all kinds of recreation and sports activities Sunday schools Meals on Wheels etc LAND BARGAINS lo buy I stung Ir They of en J It man IMn the iwos owed Ihesa being The ng proper wen disposed at recent larno water res bulling lot it of bush SI a is Cost a one- year TAX SALE PROPERTIES Sin Ottawa Come OXBOW o o K lor mora crow word Si crossword dictionaries 101 Mto St ID 8778861 LEASING A CAR OR TRUCK GIVE US A TRY CLUE letter word for travel ANSWER R00S Travel Agency Georgetown Mirh el GIFT IDEAS At ft CRAFT BAKE SALE Sat Dm A IMPORT AUTO SERVICE D Expert Repairs To All Imports fi Domestics The Volvo Specialist CROSSWORD CORNER ACROSS Unfolded 1 Neck color Encourage I Net at It Parched II Famous 11 Sensible It Black cuckoo a map In thing Love set barrier DOWN bird Crossword Puzzle Answer on PAGE 17 Japanese II Coal by It Claire Wis Ottoman ruler Harrow cricket foe a Departed Delay IT The Meny Widow a Field of 13 Exclamation of disgust as wine IS Prospectors Average Mining find Unseat IS Chinese Island Wash away Disavowal Do a daring deed was of football Wee I Diminished Legislative body ID Hangover Induce to cure do wrong II Combat n Bom Fragrance Marsh Dress Scrape fabric IS Unwilling Cyclone Emitted center as smoke Coddle 1 r i S i mm ft RYDERS TV SALES SERVICE TOSHIBA QUASAR All Colour Salt stuff months MOORE PARK PLAZA CLEANERS R A G E R SameDa Dry Cleaning 166 Street Georgetown 8772279 Your Stop Store for Knitting and Crochet Supplies Rug Hooking Kits Needlepoint and StltcheryKtts Craft Supplies Stroel Georgetown Whats going on at the Y next year Chess Kindercooking tae kwon do By NANCY Have you registered for the Winter Programs as The Georgetown Is now accepting registrations nil Winter Programs Also an evening registration will be held next Tuesday Dec IS from lo at ltd The Is introducing some new Winter Programs tl at will oil begin in January A ten week Stained Glass Course will beheld Tuesdays from begin Jan You will have he opportunity to learn cop per foil and lend came tech which will be used lo rente various stained glass creations from window pan els to three dimensional ob jects The Y will also be offering a Chess Program for who arc beginners and for those who wish lo improve their current playing ability Chess will be held on Satur days from am to noon Why not Join the to learn he fine art of siring and log cabin quilling over a ten week period Kitchen accessories cushions bags and small quill projects will bo completed The quilting program will be held days from D 30 to 11 at the Y Babysitting will be available at a nominal fee has return cd or to S year olds once again Beginning Jon your child will be introduced to simple recipes that are geared good nutrition and will be fun to moke Play school KlnJcrfun French Playschool Artful Toddler Parent and Gym Tiny Tumblers Gym Kinder games and Rhythmics arc returning for pre schoolers The will be offering programs for children and teens well An eight week Babysitter a Training Course a Girl Self Improvement Course for year olds Gymnastics for Boy a and Girls Do Ceramics Judo and Youth Basketball will a be offered All five year olds or encouraged to become lnvol In the Ys Christmas Holiday Happenings Dec and The has planned various activities such as trips the Science Centre Ontario Place a visit by a magician bowling swimming watching a ballet performance a I Harbour front games movies and The Georgetown a School of Dance will continue with classes Tuesdays and Wednesdays Kinder and Primary will be taught by Lit Chalmers at the Tuesday afternoon The Wednesday classes will Include Primary Grade and Grade III Grade IV and Adult Ballet and will be taught by Sandra Williams at Y Ballet classes begin Jan A variety of health and recreation programs such as Aerobics I and II Be Fit Sport and Swim Ys One Senior Fitness Yoga Cross Country Skiing Badminton In the Mood Ballroom Dancing will be offered The Y will be Introducing an Aerobics program Tues day afternoon and evening and Thursday evening for those who arc Interested in a more Intense fitness prog Stained glass quilling and chess as well as Calligraphy Iandll Cutting Your Child Hair Astrology for fun and Spanish will be offered Call I will be held days from to and Calligraphy will be held Wednesdays from 7 m and both will be held at Harrison Public School The Blue Triangle Seniors Clubandlhe Newcomer Club wilt also be returning Join the Y approach to swim lessons which features progressive evaluation with no final examination Swim lessons will be held for all ages from toddlers to adults Y swim lessons are held Sunday evenings at the in door pool beginning Jan 10 8770387 HILLS SHOPPING CENTER Tracer AC Phone will Oman DONT STAY PUT FORM HOLIDAYS GO TRANSIT The Holiday season can snarl you up in traffic jams people jams and parking problems So why just stay put with your and your temper boiling over when you can GO Transit Call your local GO Transit number for the GO Bus end Tram schedules that suit you In rush hours and throughout the day goto work go shopping or go all out for a good time but GO Transit INFORMATION 8530572 HON WILLIAM PREMIER LH PARSONS CHAIRMAN ALUMINUM HALIW PEEL RENTALS FfllE FACTORY OUTLET window PHONE E A Mitchell LIMITED REALTORS APPRAISERS PHONE E Brampton A Home Of Your Own LUXURIOUS TUDORESQUE TOO STOREY Here in Impressive two- storey home design which Incorporate all of convenience stare which provides snd room continue the development of the home for the larger family The design Is Ideally suited to he med ium frontage residential building tot and provide In excess of 100 square feet of wellorgan I ted finished floor on two levels The exterior finish will satisfy the discriminating tastes mixed and barge board trim with generous application of brick veneer twin brick chimneys small and heavy shake or more conventional shingle roof The porclilylr main entry lesd Into a pa clous recep tion foyer which contain the outerwear closet twopiece vanity bath a nd the airway the second level From the foyer traffic move left and down Into the sunken living room The living room feature a rais ed hearth masonry fireplace and wide frontfacing wind which lend a classically formal lone the room The dining room Is elevated two flairs from he living room features a sliding glass walk through which provide for outdoor dining In fine weather For greater the dining room could be separated from the kitchen- dinette via pocket door or saloonstyle swinging doors All hree existent bed rooms are positioned on the second level accessible via from the main ranee foyer Each baa out closet storage facilities and good exposure for view and natural light The Urge master bedroom possesses hill width closets and three piece email bathroom with A large onfinished area positioned to the left of the upper level floor plan It a charming dorm alcove and protruding bos bay window This area could be developed as the and master bedroom with a private threepiece bathroom as illustrated or a a loungestudy library for the businessorknled which has children or student age The full basement enables future development of addit ional mods lion and- recreational facilities as well as providing generous storage area Plans for design No may be purchased either by the tingle set at a cost el for the first let and for each addition et or by the package A fiveset plan package Including the first set Is economically priced at and an tightset package also inc ludlng the first set is only mo Whichever method yon choose please Include for postage and handling Send for the current edition of Select Home Designs ma gailne series SO restoring Im aginative decorating and home Improvement Idea a plus ISO quality home plans or every type Available for KM plus cents pottage and handling To order any of these llems please send cheque or money order payable to the Home of the Week Address tot Home of the Week care of the Halloa Herald Unit til CarUngview Drive Rexdsle Ontario MOW SET WALL PANELS CERAMIC TILE w- 75 BRAMPTON ACCESSOR SOSES 8463331 Tumiumoaufini WOODEN AND CLAD WW una wwnwt m 3 Inimfkii Etulllln Home Cleaning Systems HALTON CENTRAVAC MCMULLEN Contracting DELREX Aluminum Limited Aluminum Ann El vest Sid no Canopies Storm Soft tl J