Duplicate bridge club What contract beat today hand no las than contract art a the Wat pair Both are flood contract You decide No lea than seven of the Georgetown But eat pain Id the notrump game TbeEr 1 It take only nine trick to create a game In no trump J If ten are avail able then the no trump con tract will beat the contract by 10 point the hand THE HAND Board No 2 KM J C AIM S D J trated la that suit and make a minimum re bid on the partner will bid the ha a dear that the reapcoder rami reUd tola thinking will prove faulty or on hand West probably pa For pain who reach game the race for rest the opening lead J NT can be held to three if North find an ImpouJble mondlead 4 dee It held to four if South a heart or declarer can up fourth club for a discard The NorthSouth winnen at the Georgetown Bridge Tuesday were and Arthur with the second pot going to Elite and Norma Magna Third place was held by Gloria and BUI Co The East West winners Petar Gottovk and Brian Ayer Second place went to John Flanagan and Peter and third to Marilyn and Wardrop The Georgetown Club extend a welcome to the area residents and their friends to Join us each Tuesday or some bridge The club ts at the Legion on Mill Street In Georgetown Game time Is IS sharp A partner will be provided anyone who require And above all the member are courteous and frkndly to those nervous about the First Come and play bridge Royal City SfcCnOVC THE HERALD March Page 8775296 Realty Limited Kia ABSS2 THE ANALYSIS A good game contract will be missed If both East and Wat turn conservative deal At most tables the on will start I W diamond West might do better to bid only one NT on the first round to keep hi aide out of trouble IT East has a minimum with a long broken spade suit East holding a singleton diamond may fear partners value Royal Botanical Gardens Summer brings a tot of things to the minds of snowbound homeowner but one constant here In the suburbs care Hamilton Botanical Gardens has some pointers for you to be presented In March IT and each at m The first se fertilization watering weed and Insect control and mowing and the second coven lawn construction and renovation Including soils amendments and teed choice Both lectures are free at the Centre but by March 10 Phone 11M fix more Information Beginning and intermediate artist Interested in capturing the graphic essence of flora m pencil ink oil and charcoal should contact Hamilton Royal Botanical Gardens about a ten week Tuesday morning je starting April The I on high realism according to instructor Anne Dolton Cost Is for member and for nonmembers Call 11M before April 1 for more information CARPET CORNER RETREAT TO COUNTRY One home tar thai and very private on tot pood garden end sol to tor and highway Tnl iclent tor only if T7 3 bedroom targe bank barn comnuBngerae on cat 7 DAILY INTEREST PAI0 ON REAL ESTATE DEPOSITS JACaZCAZAKM It I J EASEL 414I njumotT HUB flMUL