SECTION THE HERALD Wednesday June MPP Reeds report from Legislature INFANT DEATHS AT SICK KIDS While a cknow edging that the Hospital for Sick Children Is one of the most respected of Us kind in world Libera Leader David called for a public Inquiry into the series of infant deaths in the hosp ital cardiac ward He has raised IS questions that need to be answered Including the following A hospital study In early showed thai IS of deaths between July and December I960 were unexpected When did the cardiac unit notice unusual incidence of deaths and what did the unit consider to be Why did the hospital make that study and why wasnt the coroner told about the unexpected deaths as required by law Were the parents of the children whose deaths were probed notified The coroner learned that high levels of digoxln a potent heart drug were found In one dead Infant and tally was later told of another strangely similar death Had a pathologist reported to another coroner as could easily have happen the murders might not have been uncovered What systems are requir to ensure better nation of Information to coroner i The police In early 1981 were told of numcr unexplained deaths In the cardiac ward Why have they not yet deter mined IS months later which of these deaths were homicidal Why was Susan charged after only a few days of police ion and what was the basis for the charges The police decided to start an investigation after being told March 1M1 of two specific deaths but did not actually start he Investigation until March 23 Meantime two more babies were murdered Why was the investigation not begun immediately and why did the coroner not Insist on this Why did the Crown not withdraw the charges against when it became known she was not on duty when one of the deaths occurred given the Crown a case was built on the credibility of clrcum stantlal evidence The Deputy Crown Attorney has said the whole story is not yet out Why it RETAIL SALES TAX In response to a written question by Liberal Fin Critic Fat Held Rainy River the gov eminent has made public survey done by Consultants In lew This public opinion poll carried out for provincial government found that a majority of those surveyed favored extending the re tail sales tax to previously exempt Items rather than raising the tax rate across the board Asked which measure they would pre fer In principle S3 per cent of the people surveyed opted for a broader tax base while 39 3 per cent favored rais ing the rate to eight per cent from seven per cent Some per cent of those surveyed had no opinion Other questions In survey elicited the Infor mation that S3 per cent thought small business carried more of the tax burden than large corpor ations or farmers 36 per cent favored raising taxes on liquor and alcohol 35 per felt low income earners were most in need for relief from income tax per cent opposed a mortgage tax and about per cent would support the government If It set up a provindallyowned oil company We in the Liberal Party arc very anxious about impact on On tartans part icularly those with limited income of the extension to previously exempt Items of the retail sales tax Its our intention to bring pressure to bear to have this question reviewed by a Committee of Legis lature and to provide for public submissions to that Committee TOWN OF WHS HUS PARKS Ml ADULT KEKNBIWTCBMEOATE TENNIS LESSON GRADS REGIONAL TENNIS TOURNEY Doubles Only Single Elimination Saturday June 19th 1982 to m Joseph Gibbons Tennis Courts Area RttfiUr it IB Stmt SO WIS RECREATION PARKS DEPARTMENT TENNIS LESSONS LOCATION Joseph Park Juno21sl Mondays A dull Beginner 10 Adult Inlcrmedtfta REGISTER NOW Class Size It Limited So Hurry Mm FriB30im WE DO IT DELREX ALUMINUM Specialists In Aluminum Siding Soffit Fascia Trough 8775383 MEL TAYLOR ALUMINUM LIMITED Aluminum Home Improvements YEARS EXPERIENCE 8776772 WATTS ALUMINUM BOX CHURCH ST GEORGETOWN suing Fuel and Wtntttwi Eivuirmghi 8774747 8774217 GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP BRIANS BICYCLE CLINIC Reconditioned Bikes Expert Repairs CLEANED REPAIRED BBSS 8531818 SAVE Up to on a CHIMNEYSWEEP off lor Cash Citizens 1 0e off till June 1 GORDON SWEEP DRYWALL TAPING REPAIRS Texture Spraying Call Don Leadlay 8771210 DRYWALL TAPING TEXTimNG Reasonable Rates No to small 8783317 LANDSCAPING and SODDING EVERGREENS TREES ROSES SOD FAIN STOKES SHRUBS RAILROAD T STOKES TUITMANS GARDEN CENTRE miles south Aden 8532480 Mi 8783093 j MURIELS ELECTROLYSIS Safe permanent hair removal featuring trie blend method Muriel Johnston LETUSTAXEVOUflCAlia TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE 8776973 SOPER APPLIANCE SERVICE Service on moil makes Washes Ft entire Rolfujernlon A I Conditio nets 8531457 Bhd dUilUlVMB EARLS FIXIT SHAVER SERVICE AgthDrtwl ft Brauni A CUnkicrill 134DrcaiBlvd Georgetown Ruari Lawn Small A neat Blow Dryer ending Ironi Motors 8774822 I BOUGHT THAT THROUGH THE CLASSIFIEDS GEORGETOWN AUTO GLASS unlet Inmrincc emeriti Armitrang Ave 8777433 APPLIANCE SERVICE ANTENNA REPAIRS INSTALLATION PHONE 8773376 GEORGETOWN Betide the Office AUDION ELECTRONIC SERVICE We Service All Makes of TVs STEREOS MICROWAVES All Work Guaranteed Moore Park Plaza Georgetown 8731322 ELECTRICAL Your home Need an extra pluglight 30 years experience fteasonabfo Rates CALL JACK 8778182 QBARJ ENTERPRISE Excavating trenching loading top soil 15191 8530038 8533708 HOME IMPROVEMENTS as CARPET CORNER CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Personal In homo Estimates Specials Tremendous 8533620 CARPENTER WORK Trim T bat ceilings Repairs Renovations Peter P Looser and Son Formerly Woodcraft If you have a problem Its no rouble for usl Slop by HAZENS Sinclair Ave BUSINESS PEOPLE Circulate Your Name or distinctively Imprinted In black relied lettering Complete with card cm STMT HUM 500 Cards 1 3 DROP BY- the HERALD 45 Guelph St Georgetown JACK BEER INSTRUCTOR Ontario Safety League Approved Court Duel Control Fully Iniured CALL 8775844 BRUCE PURCELL Fences Patio Decks Trellis Flower boxes Benches Room Remodelling Carpentry Taping Texture Painting Planters Free Estimate GENERAL CONTRACTING PATIOS SIDEWALKS CHIMNEY REPAIRS POINTING OF BARNWALLS STONE RETAINING WALLS ROCKERY ROOFS Estimates 8770402 BlOWKRBERfllASS WITH THIS AD OFF tatmiA mo now 8774148 BARBER HENLEY COMPLETE TRAVEL SERVICE Man I 8772214 SHANNON TREE REMOVAL 5i9T5T6T51 W COX SON LANDSCAPING Complete Lawn Garden Maintenance Indus trial Commercial 8777300 JOHN CAMPBELL LANDSCAPING WHITE OAK A itMitwl1980 DAC mucin JP TREE FARM Cedar lor Hedges Field Cedar Nursery grown Blue Spruce Pine Buy Direct from the Farm 8542338 FARM ANIMAL SERVICE Dead or Disabled animals removed Phone 5198226061 Brampton Monument Works MONUMENTS MARKERS LETTERINO 4510445 18261363 OR RICHARD 1BM1SIE Acton 8530650 JrllrltliliH BETrlWOOD PROFESSIONAL DOG GROOMING BARLOW HEATHS 8532723 BILLGARBUTT Plumbing Heating ELOIH STREET 8773638 SID SPEAR a SONS Repairs WE SELL THE BEST AHD SERVICE THE REST THE POOL PEOPLE Pools Equipment Chemicals 24 Service 8531800 10 Years In the Pool Business GG SERVICES MOTOR JHCHCHCAL1 RADIATORS PEEL RADIATOR SERVICE Wail flaarot0liCup Con it PLASTERING REPAIRS ALTERATIONS TILE WORK 4168770493 Vcrns Masonry Construction FIREPLACES BRICK BLOCK STONE 8533826 FISHBURN SANDBLASTING Alio Mobile masonry work roof repairs 8781843 ROC RUG VMyl A PERSONALIZED SERVICE BUSINESS MEETINGS BANQUETS WEOOINQS SHOWERS PARTIES No Occasion Too Smalt Sinclair Unit for Call BILL or RON 87722032204 KING CITY PAVING Limited RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL Memben Comumer Protection Bureau BEWARE OFIMtTA TORS TOnONTO BRAMPTON KING VALLEY PAVING LTD ASPHALT SAVE TOP QUALITY GUARANTEED DRIVEWAYS PARKING LOTS TENNIS COURTS ETC BARNS AND STALLS ORNAMENTAL CUSTOM WORK GAS STATIONS Ftot dm Extra tenRititltl Ex raDtn and micNotiy Frtt CALL NOW ASK FOB 6ART0L0 8771 1 81 VA mHT thai BnrMUwti A mm MEMBER OF A THE BETTER BUREAU