Paget WEEKEND EXTRA Friday Aqgmtll ltd Its cheap easy for lender to sue U credit la used proper ly It can be beneficial to both the buyer and the seller of goods and servic es- However the fact that credit has become readily available and has lost almost nil of Ihc earlier social stigma which was attached to its use has meant that It is becoming more and more to abuse by both borrowers and lenders The primary cause of abuse is that borrowers purchase more goods and services using credit than thoy can reasonably expect to pay back from their sources of income The result of such over extension Is that the borrower is unable to and thus fails to repay the amount awed to he credit or as required by contract When Oils occurs the creditor has the right to recover his or her money in a number of ways The lender may sue the borrower In court and get a judgment against the borrower This right to sue is fairly simple for the lender to pursue because there arc a number of different courts available on the amount of money owed For example it Is cheap and easy for the lender to sue In Small Claims Court If the money has actually been borrowed It will be hard for the borrower to defend a legal action by the lender In addition to the chance of losing such a legal action there can be considerable meat and expense to the borrower resulting from being brought into court Once the lender has obtained court he or she is able to formally question the borrower In detail about hi or her financial affairs and with some exceptions and protections for the borrower be repaid by taking and selling goods or land belonging to the There are a number of other rights which the lender acquirer either under the terms of the original lending contract or under the terms of a court order These may include the right to reposs ess the goods which have been purchased the right to obtain interest on the Interest owing the right in some cases to force the borrower Into bankruptcy and so Regardless of the outcome the procedur es which the lender to entitled to will be expensive and difficult to defend for the borrower If you do end up In a situation where you are unable to pay your credit obligations there are some rights and procedur es available to ease the situation If you are sued by a number of creditors whom you cant pay or satisfy you may apply to the court for a Continued on Page Too long for repairs Why is the region taxing so long to repair complete repairs on Regional Road 15 Para Sheldon wants some answers to that question by the next town council meeting Aug and shea not happy Ih the lack of action over the issue by the town representatives on region council She described the road patchwork stretch of rec ently laid grovel and old hard top as deplorable and is concerned that the road condition poses special dangers lb child ren driving In school bus Parts of the road have been rebuilt but not finish leaving high ditches on cither side She demanded that ional councillors Pete Po- Dave Whiting Roy Booth Mike Armstrong and Miller make a bit of noise to draw attention at council to the road condition A IMPORT WTO SERVICE The Volvo Specialist Ytpert Repairs To All imports Domestics I 332 ARBOR VALLEY ORCHARD APPLES Pick Your Own Weekends Only fSHCOlWmrabhkimtdtiimntKlM Umt doen HOURS OPEN WEEKDAYS WEEKENDS HOLIDAYS e Everybody loves you so much they lust cant trade elsewhere 3 Children stop being born more business than you can handle 5 There are no new people moving Into your area I dont Need To Advertise Youre Right There Is A Time NOT To Advertise When The economy Is so healthy anybody could make money in business YOU want to Keep your large Inventory 8 You have no competition 9 You dont realty want to work very hard anyhow You have netted your first million after taxes 1 1 You have to hire more help to handle business I The Time To START Advertising Is When 1 You do not agree with all the above statements The Place To START Is With 1 The media that will get your message to the most families 111 your customer area 2 The media that is most reasonable in cost Advertise in the medium that meets all the qualifications the HERALD St Georgetown Serving Homos Twice Weekly