Page WEEKEND EXTRA Fri September BUYING SELLING CHECK OUT THE CLASSIFIED ads The Buyers and Sellers Market Place 8778822 8772201 HEIP FOR SMALL BUSINESSES Did CLASSIFIED DAYCARE available Sept DAYCARE George Kennedy area Experienced siller urn provide rwtrrtteuslurefwendSuriervtsed after school daycare for children do horn daycare ch and avtyiabto with fenced In yard and My equipped playroom I tea am f LOCATED OK 87334 TARANTULA ISO LB BOW with bolts and CM John FURNITURE Cane and Ratten Fumrture and Accessories for every mom Free decorating service WICKER THNGS Queen E Brampton Plus a whole tot more 19NobteCoun Georgetown PRESS PLATES can used lor numerous 32 each The Herald 877 2201 Monday to an services Oxen Kirov Compact central or bun and eg EXECUTIVE MEMO FORMS Choice ol designs padded 1 sheets spaced IS office IS7 2201 SOD FOB SALE In field on between Deny tantai Road una east TnUavWWiiMMim GARAGE SALE to tun Jcftvyn Cm condliionar guitar hot WHLIMM 81 HONDA ex ceBent KM 73 MUSTANG fled Good parti car Beit Offer certified 1 MI MAZDA Wagon speed standard 40 Only 23 les firm 10 am to8pni mh 83 Honda Chile demo auto SWA2B2 82 Accord 4 demo loaded sunroof THZ070 Rabbit demo automatic THZ012 Honda Chrtc auto REX405 Grand Prix 81 Chwt Mont Carta BO Dodga Van Muatang Qhla Coupes RCB248 80 Honda CMc Uc SO Accord- speed RHA1S9 Rabbit Olds Cutlet Lie B0 Cadillac Eldorado PSC283 Dataun Lie OWJ492 Butch RagaL Turbo 7B Pontlao Firebird Almost now Honda CMc Thundarblrd Toyota Corolla Station Wagon LTP10O Honda auto Datum Honda Accord Qrand Monarch loaded KYOOSS Specie HOW744 BAZ MOTORS Oft ft GEORGETOWN HONDA Basset Hounds bom Augusts 1982 First Shots vet approved papers will be available Asking Shepherd iSmca ok up with crtfdren Apply 1 or 8731191 FREE to good home Meaty month old soiytd female 8778108 DAYCARE for mtants totters experienced with references great tor f rst ma moms area Aden 5dco30 greal tor a Of DAY CARE CENTRE IN GEORGETOWN haver a of avaflablo lor contact Qeorgatown Ontario Tat ONE GREY and while kitten about mm lour months old In 0oert Street area Has btadt rush across and wearing a Ctf days need not worry about Norma and Jets debts They are buying no mors luxuries this year such as art wedding grits etc I MM TURHBULL am no longer tor any by Anne- Marie LADIES looking forward lo seeing you when we open tor our 1SS2B3 Fan Winter season on September hen at Exclusively Yours Fitness Centra Register and save Located on Jerries Downtown tor tut Info call 1210