Press police discussion CBC reporter Gerry McAuliffe complained that much police news is hours old by the time reporters get it A TV reporter in the audience attributed the delay to police bureau cracy BLAHBLAH Often Its Die bureau thats the pro blem he said Instead of them getting on the phone and saying blah- blahblah reporters arc made to wait for a press release Italton police Inspector James Currie said rela tions between police and the media have a history ol being anything but smooth sailing He said the days of no comment ore over and such a response has been identified as being mental With the medias role being that of asking questions the police need to have someone specif responsible for the release of Information someone knowledgable cant expect news media to wait around for Undue periods of time Inspector said We can foster good PR public relations and gain public confidence if were prompt In dealing with the press and distributing the news He brought out the old tug of war between police secrecy and medias pry Some cases are con with the needs or rights of the public to have the Information versus the infringement on a suspects rights If such Information Is released WEDDING BELLS Recently Herald reporter Chrff Aagaard de cided declare Ms bachelorhood at an end and at a mall outdoor ceremony set In the railing countryside near Bradford married Anna Ma Don The wedding was attended by family members and Mewls from Montreal Toronto Georgetown London Out and Orangevill Herald photo Scholarships presented by Plowmen The foxes are few for these hunters in some cases Insp Currie said hinders investigations into crimes of violence or Into crimes where there Is continuing danger lo victims He concluded his speech asking the press allow police to Judge for them when the press should be informed of cases and what detail Crown Attorney James said police will always tend to be very conservative in what they give out to the press He said they are cautious of being In contempt of court or in Influencing a trial by releasing information Undue pretrial publi city can require a change of venue In a case and increase Ihe cost of the trial Mr said Is It fair to release the name of a person charged with a crime before theyre convicted Mr Treleaven said in Germany toe name is released only if its over whelmingly In the public It can do Irreparable damage to a reputation and its an Issue that will come up in Ihe future he said Police If theyre err theyre erring on the side of not giving you enough information Mr said There are lots of cases where they could say more On the me theme defence lawyer Fred Forsyth said presumption of Innocence Is rapidly becoming an academic term for lawyers When a name Is tied with a crime hats published before the trial people tend to assume the person charg ed Is already guilty he said Other speakers at seminar Included Toronto Sun publisher Doug Crelghton Hamilton Spectator assistant managing editor Bill and Acton Free Press editor Gord Murray Six young people receiv ed cheques for each from the Plow mens Association at the Plowmens banquet Sept 11 These cheques are from funds received from the 1974 International Plowing Match held at Norval Winners were Beverley Ann Hendershot Milton currently enrolled In Sheridan College Oak ville Doug Humphreys enrolled in first year at Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technol ogy Jay Kilchlng Moffat enrolled at the University of Helen Mil- too currently studying at Sheridan College Angela Spence George town enrolled In the first year of the Bachelor of Science in agriculture program at the University of and David Stanley enrolled at the University tram Page l the scent The drive 1 very important Its some thing they have natural Mrs Lindvik explain ed She said Its genetic and not learned SO FRIENDLY The hounds are so friendly that if they do get separated from Ihe pack during a bunt the clubs biggest problem is that local coon hunters will pick them up and keep them Theyre a very easy going breed not aggress ive or fighting animals at all she said To compensate for the lack of real foxes or wolv es the clubs masters will often lay a false scent In the woods made of fox urine and cod liver oil Cod liver oil la mixed with the urine to keep the scent pungent longer and doesnt let It evaporate quickly A bad scenting day is a hot windy or dry day where the scent is lost In a few minutes The Hunt Club came to beta 1977 It was the renewal of a hunting club that existed in the early part of the century The original hunts were organized by Mr Cox of Oak ville who wu then presi dent of Canada life Mrs is one of the founding members of the renewed club The name was the name of Mr Coxs house in Oakville and was the name of a town in Ireland in the county of Clare Members of Ihe club are all ages People start from a love of horseback riding just like myself Mrs said Armstrong Collision Centre Ltd Auto Truck Free Estimates AH Work Is Guaranteed 247 Armstrong 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