WEEKEND EXTRA Friday Oetaker 1 1HI Reed discusses restraint premiers jet By JULIAN REED RESTRAINT PROGRAM A oneyear restraint program has been intro duced by the provincial government which Impose five per cent wage controls on public employees and regulates prices and fees by provincial agen cies program would extend expiring collective agreement by one year and would limit wage increase to five per cent or roil back Increases In the second year of existing contracts It would also ban strikes by public and para public workers for the duration regulated prices are to be reviewed by a Cabinet Committee on Administered Prices which would have the power to reduce or delay them provincial treasurer loq the Legislature that the program Is not an attack on the public sector but is an attempt to avoid cutbacks and lay off in Una sector while lightening burden of JULIAN REED government on the economy in addition an Inflation Restraint Board Is to be established to administer the wage restraint and administered prices program and to monitor wage and price increases in the public sector Covered by restraint program are provincial municipal agency board com mission university and school board workers Brewers Retail prices for beer hospital and nursing home workers Including physicians on salary at hospitals ambulance ser vice drivers group home workers Crown Corpora tion emp tuition fees TTC workers elect ed officials and Judges employees of charitable organizations funded by tbe province such as the Childrens Aid Society Also to be controlled arc hydro and natural gas rates Blue Cross and Green Shield Insurance premiums GO Transit and bus tares government licence fees Ontario Place admission Not controlled by the restraint program are doctors who provide service for fee workers earning less than IS a year otherwise Jobs who would get slightly more than a five per cent raise between and Also not covered by the program are urns and most private Insurance premiums fares Bell Canada tele phone rales rent hike ceilings public housing rents and food marketing boards The Provincial Treasur er estimated the program wilt save the provincial government million and other government bodies million based on the assumption that workers would hove settled for per cent increases Both the public sector right to strike and binding arbitration process have been and if workers are unable to negotiate a deal wiihln the limits the government will impose a contract The Liberal Caucus vot Halton ag reps update on school buses income By HENRY STANLEY Hi Urn kg rep BEWARE OF SCHOOL BUSES penalties came inlo effect Sept I for motorists who fall to stop for school buses The Onto lion The new legislation also includes a mandatory stopping distance of metres behind a bus approximately Ihe length of a tractor trailer traffic go ing in both directions must stop for a stationary school bus flashing its red lights The only exception is on mulll lane highways with median barriers increased the to J fine to to Second and subsequent offenders face fines from 250 to up to six months In jail In addition drivers lose Sheep Club is prepared By PAULA MARTIN Halton SHEEP CLUB For our August meeting Ilalton Sheep Club Joined along with sur rounding counties for a meeting preparing us Tor Achievement Day This Intercounty gathering was held at a large sheep operation in Lynden own ed by Mr and Mrs Lloyd Decks The meeting started off with a social gettogether and a friendly game of volleyball We then wrote our and proceeded down to the barn to take part in the demonstration The demonstration given by Holly McGnffln show ed the processes in pre paring for the Achieve ment Day Show How to wash card trim and present a lamb In front of a judge were covered in the demonstration After some or the tried their hand at carding and trimming and after all questions Were answered we moved outside for a meal of hamburgers and a drink Thanks to the Decks for their hospitality Then only traffic behind the bus must slop INCOME STABILIZATION FOR GRAIN The Farm Income Stab ilization Commission of Ontario has developed a threeyear fivegrain pro gram to assist Ontario growers to stabilize Incomes The program establishes stabilization funds from which pay may be made to the participating producer In a year of depressed market prices Funds are created by cash deposits from the farmer to the extent of onethird of possible pay outs him the other twothirds of any is funded by Government of Ontario Money in the account earns interest for the participating producer and any balance is return ed to producer at conclusion of the program crop year Final date is Oct 1962 lo cover the five crops corn soybeans white beans winter wheat and barley There is a separate account opened or each crop you wish to protect with your money in each account earning bank Interest Participants agree to remain In the plan for its duration that is up to and including the sales year Growers who want to enroll in any of the Grain Plans need to fill out an application form Only one form per grower is re quired and any or of the crops may be enrolled on the same form The grow should list the numbers of tonnes of each gram to be sold in the sales year Total fees arc then cub led by multiplying Ihe number of tonnes by the fee for each crop For crops the fees per tonne to be registered arc Com tonne Soybean So tonne White Beans lotonne Winter Wheal tonnc and Barley In any year when tbe average market price is less than the Ontario support level a claim form will be sent to each participant In the plan Forms are available the Agricultural Office Milton The Commission will mall an application form all growers who were enrolled in ihe pre vious grain plans BRIAN GOODLET RRSP Mutual Life of Canada or 877451 S GALLERY HOUSE SOL MAKERS IN COLLABORATION ARTISTS AND ARTISANS FROM GREY AND BRUCE COUNTIES OCTOBER 2 OCTOBER 2182 PREVIEW OCTOBER FROM 2 9 PM ADMISSION FREE with tbe Government on the restraint program but Liberal Leader David Peterson has called for a total economic recovery package Including Job- creation measures He has urged the government to put savings from the restraint program into Job creation We will be pushing hard for the second stage ho said We need an ambitious economic recovery program now Otherwise this five per cent program will become merely a gimmick lo the heat of econom ic mismanagement and profligate waste In a ranging speech on the economy Mr Peterson outlined Liberal proposals for economic recovery sires sing that people expect real and lasting lions not gimmicks PREMIERS JET The Premiers contro versial purchase of a lo million executive Jet has been cancelled and ihe government is acquiring Instead two forest lire fighting water bombers from the same Montreal manufacturer James Bradley Liberal MPP for St Catharines a long time critic of the jet purchase was old by the Premier that the cost of the water bombers was the Jet Mr Bradley said be would now direct bis criticism to government advertising Lodge and Suncor other of government over spending EXCANDIDATES JUDGESHIP Charges that Progress ive Conservative organis ers promised the mayor of Kllchenera Judgeship If he ran and lost as a Tory in the 1981 provincial elec tion are to be lnvestigal by a Queens Park Committee However the govern ment has refused to con sider a Liberal suggestion tbat an Independent inquiry should be held to examine the possibility that the Criminal Code articles prohibiting Influ ence peddling had been broken in this case Albert Roy Liberal for Ottawa East expressed view that the credibility of the administration of justice In Ontario might be at stake AGAIN AT THE GREEKS PRICES GOING DOWN MsnTuei Wed FULL COURSE DINNERS Breaded Veal Cuttot Liver and Onion Restaurant Tavem Market Place Sun Roofs from295 Staam Cleaning Interiors CM I THEFT PROTECTION SEPTEMBER SPECIAL Sound Rebel RoadNoise Protection SAVE wo Rust Rebel Treatmenl ONLY every TIDY CARS OTHER SERVICES INCLUDE UPHOLSTERY GUARD I MMCnilvctnuiAe VINYL HOOF RESTORATION SAME PAY SERVICE PINSTRIPING TOUCHUP PAINT SPLASH GUARDS ASSOCIATE DEALER CHRIS BYDEVAATE FOR FREE ESTIMATE CALL OR DROP IN AT 71 MOUNTAINVIEW RD N GEORGETOWN AT ARMSTRONG AVENUE 8776136