Tilt HERALD Page DISARMAMENT The referendum Soviets have vested interest in securing peace CttOinneJ from UN All parties want Why the Rail Una Tbey have good reasons 10 do we must credit them with the seme realize Hut in the nuclear age they could never dominate the whole world as they once hoped Nuclear war would produce no era only victims And Ruttlans have vivid of World War 11 which cost them million II Furthermore Russia is not a rich country there are regular shortages of food and consumer goods The billion spent on arms could be better used elsewhere Nor any other govern But an Red last spring when marched or disarmament and physicians formed an nuclear association like their An counter parts They real they would be helpless to aid their patients after a tear attack nuclear weap ons worked as the ant years The superpowers used to think in those terms Now they moved past this defensive stance towards a first strike conceptdevelop ing weapons such as the Cruise and Pershing missiles which could make a successful tnke Reagan even talks of ity rales only people would die in the First half hour So the superpowers plan how make war not prevent it And of course nuclear weapons in the world there is the increasing likelihood of an accident or failure Inanycase why do the superpowers need MORE weapons at a cost of billion a year They can already destroy the hum an race to SO times over Will they ever have enough And If they dd start dismantling 10 nuclear weapons per year it st take about yiars So not build more lint and What be gained by totally permanently Irojlng the nation we attack And the other de thinks it can do the same to us These weap ons only escalate the madness Who else has nuclear capability- Probably a dozen Ions w 11 by the end of the decade Israel Indian South Africa Argentina and others especially if we keep selling them the technology All these ions have to be part of a global agreement to It might be nee to threaten to cut off foreign aid to them or slap importing their goods to force their agree ment but foreign aid and trade deals are what really want from us any not th end of the Hon t disarmament coil a lot of Jobs Governments will have lots of other to billion Dollars spent on arms provide fewer jobs than dollars spent on labor Intensive products work such as schools symphonies medical research hous ing and so on If all that arms money were spent on Food homes education and health care for the worlds people perhaps Risks in onesided disarmament Coo tinned page out the obvious without deadng in any great length to the realities of our present day wold For instance there has been no organized to the Vote Yes referendum campaign in Halton Hills because ply no person in their right mind would vote AGAINST nuclear dis armament It Is a lofty goal we all some day hope toreaih The Vote Yes group has concentrated much their campaign in ex plaining the horrors of nuclear war compiling statistical data on nuclear overkill ryes with 37 tactical nuclear weapons we have the power to destroy the world times over and the tremendous amount of money spent which could be channel to feed the starving and house the poor These topics are fright important to cuss they they should be seen as secondary lo the main issue which must be addressed as simply can we disarm have our cake and eat il too A worrisome view by skeptics the refcren dum Is that by CHECKMATE Artist Del left shows work to Doris Morton who seemi ready checkmate Mrs King Beautiful figurines were apart of the display Mr Howie brought to St A ban Parish Hall In Acton Saturday Chessmen attracted Just as math attention from the crowds did other work Herald photo ing Western disarma the world might well be more vulnerable to nuclear war A hypothetical Vote No group might want to counter with their own referc question by asking Arc willing to risk a Free and peaceful society in Canada that has lived for years without atomic conflict by attempting to disarm our nuclear neighbors Although the Vote Yea explain that disarm a ment is their goal there is tile evidence if any that supports the Ideal that a nuclear country comply with the desires of a Canadian referendum least of nil the which re presses public opinion in their closed totalitarian society A quick review of Can foreign policy since World War II shows that Canada has had little success in influencing he S our closest ally in mailers of foreign policy affecting S interests As far as the Soviet Union is concerned their forclgnpolicysinceWorld War lias been one of lemtoml expansionism coupled with more subtle forms subversion To deny this Is tantamount lo admitting to never having read a history icxt or a newspaper The United Stales and its allies have countered the Soviet geographical appetite with a policy of containment and deterr In a nuclear world Ihls means a readiness to negotiate from a position of strength or realpoli I pragmatism and realism such as great powers have always developed throughout history West cm policy in general and S policy in particular has created a balance of power with the end in mind of eventually reach ing some sort of accomm with the powers Georgetown s Janet Duval uses former Soviet leader to sup port her Vote Yes cause by quoting him as saying in a nuclear war the living would envy the However the same said after the Berlin Crisis of The experience of history teaches that when an aggressor sees that he Is not being opposed he grows more brazen Con versely when he meets opposition he calms down It is this hist one experience thai must guide us In our actions History has been defin as the study of change Bui have WE changed Have we quelled our hat red our nationalism our desire fight for strong ideological or religious convictions When the world has learned to love they neighbor we will be ready for nuclear and general disarma It is misleading to think nuclear referendum is a first step towards creating a nuclear free word For many decades it has been in the interests of all countries Involved to reduce the frictions and tensions between all peoples of the world and the origins of institutions such as the United Nat ions prove this ReElect TRUSTEE For Board of Education For Acton Ward No 1 BRUCE I REELECT Betty FISHER HALTON BOARD OF EDUCATION However just as the United Nations stands as a monument to our sin eerily in striving for world peace the UN rors exactly why the world is not ready to assume global nuclear disarmament It record in trying to stop even small brush fire wars has not been good it is some- dlent municipal iclans in Canada lo accept a referendum ballot on Nov because again no one is against nuclear disarmament They can also wash their hands clean of the results be cause disarmament is not a municipal responsibil If one of our federal opposition leaders would care to challenge the Liberal government on an election platform of glob al nuclear disarmament hey would be branded naive or daft while trying to simplify a complex issue with Idealistic views of the world we live In I for one applaud the efforts of the nuclear disarmament groups for their work on the Nov 8 referendum Wo should all be striving for world But let us not forget that whatever the slog the rhetoric and the emotional appeal for glo bal disarmament the realities of the current world must always be taken into consideration J Kohari DT Georgetown 122 Street on Hwy 7 Denture therapy Clinic Phone 8778974 DRY CLEANING 8770387 HILLS SHOPPING CENTER there would be no reason Who else hi toting In IhU About 150 Canadian municipalities represent over five million Can Where do the malts go- To Ottawa and the N The next step would he a N motion that each country in the world hold a referendum lobbying has shown that if Canada so moved there would be over whelming support even from Russia I still don think world In dm will ever agree to disarm The only hope left is for massive worldwide pub lic protest toforce leaders to agree Millions demonstrated already in New York Bonn Osaka and elsewhere Public outrage has gov in the past we no longer have child labor slavery or the Viet Nam war Witness also the movements for black cm rights and for suffrage The peace movement has to be successful if we are to prevent global and a few left to achieve that Thealtema getting involved is to wail for the is he wording of the referendum In Hills Are in favor of supporting the goal of global nuclear d ment and directing jour government to support goal to the extent of their powers TOWN OF Please be advised that the Council for the Town Hills at its meeting held on Monday October 1982 passed the following that the Town of Halton Kills proclaims the week of November to 13th as YOUTH APPRECIATION WEEK in accordance with the Optimist Club of Georgetown Choose St Canada ren1iintolGMci inickt Charge it TILDEN flud In Erin Township REELECT Deputy Reeve JO SCHNEIDER VOTE FOR LEADERSHIP Advance Poll Saturday Oct am to pm Municipal Building ELECTION DAY MONDAY NOV 8th 82 1100 AM to PM Kentucky fried finger lickir score Win one of prizes available in Ontario including 3 Pontiac SE Hatchbacks and Casio Supasport watches Get your scorecard and full contest details at any participating Kentucky Fried Chicken outlet Play as many times as you like up to November 28th chickenyia ia guiith mm GEORCrTOHN Pulp and Paper Reports Net Contribution of Export Dollars FOREST PRODUCTS 11 PULP AND PAPER 84 METAL ORES NON FERROUS METALS FOOD BEVERAGE TOBACCO WHEAT GRAIN 1 FISHERIES 1 1 PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS 10 AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILE PARTS 33 IN BILLIONS OF DOLLARS Exports arc vital to Canada Without foreign sates the pulp and paper industry would be a fifth of its current size with thousands of fewer jobs Canada traditional exports still earn the lion s share of foreign currency Ex pons of forest products are the largest net comnbutor to Canadas trade balance In fact they account for more than the next three groups of products combined Eighty per ccnl of Canada pulp and paper production is sent to compcic in foreign markets Every load of pulp and paper shipped overseas supports hundreds of Canadian jobs The policies of governments at all levels and paper companies and of labour must reflect the importance of cost com petitivc exports For more information about the chal lenges facing Canada leading industry send for Pulp and Paper Reports Cost Competitiveness a free booklet from Public Information Services Canadian Pulp and Paper Association Sun Life Building Suite 2300 Metcalfe Street Montreal Quebec H3B 2X9 A