Pig SECTION THE HERALD December It About those yuletide police By STEVEN AUERBACK Herald Special A section was added to the Highway Traffic Act in 1981 to try to get drinking driven oft the roads Police officers now have the right to stop any vehicle on the road in order to find out If the driver baa been drinking If a police officer sign al you to pull over to the tide of the road and stop you roust do so even If you think there Is no reason for the officer to inspect you have been drinking If you fail to comply you may be fined anywhere from to Once you have pulled over to the aide of the road the police officer will observe you In order to determine If you have been drinking excessively If you seem unsteady or if the officer smells alcohol on your breath you wlU be asked to take a breath test you refuse you may be prosecuted under the Criminal Code According to the Code the officer has reasonable grounds to suspect that you have alcohol in your blood and you refuse to roadside breath test without a reasonable excuse you may be found guilty of an offence For a first offence you may be fined anywhere from ISO to or be imprisoned for up to six months or both Therefore It unwise to refuse to take a breath test Legacy a roadside screening device If the test shows that the proportion of alcohol in your blood Is at least SO milligrams per milliliters what is referr ed blowing over the officer may ask you to surrender your drivers license Your license win then be suspended for 12 hours The Highway Traffic Act requires you to hand over your license Imme diately if requested to do so If you you may be fined anywhere from You may request that a second breath teat be con ducted at a police station This teat called a breath alyser test provides a more accurate reading than a roadside screening teat If you blow under SO In the breathalyser test the suspension on your license will be lifted and you will be free to drive away otherwise the suspension remains In effect If your test at the roadside or at the station shows that the level of alcohol in your blood is more than milligrams per milliliters you may be prosecuted under the Criminal Code for impaired driving As well as losing your license for hours you can be charged with a criminal offense For a first offense if you are convicted you may bo fined from ISO to or imprisoned up to six months or both If you are convicted more than once you will be Imprisoned for at least two weeks If you are convicted more than twice you may be mprisoned up to two years If your license is sus pended you will probably have to make arrange ments for someone to move your car The police will not allow you to leave It at the aide of a busy street for hours If no one with a valid drivers license can be found to move the car the police will make arrangements for It to be lowed away They must let you know where the car will be However you will not be able to get It back until you have paid any towing charges If you drive while your license Is suspended you may toe your license for an extra six months Furthermore for a first offense you may be fined anywhere from to or imprisoned for six months or both If you are convicted a second time of driving while your license Is suspended the minimum fine Is Although a police officer cant instruct you to take a breath test unlets be or she has reasonable grounds to suspect that you have been drinking it Is Important to remember that the police have a right to stop you at random in order to find out if there are grounds for believing that you have been drink If you are driving dont drink The information In this article is accurate as of November For more Information on this and other topics contact COMMUNITY LEGAL EDUCATION ONTARIO Noble St Toronto Ontario 2C9 For legal advice contact your local lawyer or the Halloo Hills Community Legal Aid Clinic at S Westeyan St in Georgetown COMPUTERIZED BOOKKEEPING for Small Businesses CaB after Martha Massey amy Doc I960 two voire ago you hit us To be forever But you left Tender loving memories a wonderful Mother Grandmother and Gteai Grandmother Sadly mtssod and forever in MATTSSN0W PLOWING SERVICE Residential Commercial 8774747 Friday in her year wile of the late ftn mother Janet Roy Bud Ruth Cruder Betty Coffin Alien SeHors Bar tars Douglas Fred Wilton and Catherine Kitty Remembered by SI gran and veal gran can be made In memory to Georgetown and Memorial Hospital or any worthy Donations to the hospital Should be Identified as CLARA CHAPMAN would Eke to thank an her Mends tenures and neighbours at Kill Court lor IE their visits kindness shown while a patient in Georgetown Hospital and since returning horns 30 all Complete Antenna Installation Repatii Removals BJ ANTENNA 8781145 STOREY Mora are happy arrival their first child a Julie Anne bom In Georgetown and District Memorial Hospital on Wednesday December 1992 Proud grandparents and Gordon and of Georgetown and Elmer and Dorothy Storey Erin Lucy Graham are pleased to announce the sale arrival their first a Leah Marie bom Dec 15 1992 at 8 In Georgetown A District Memorial Hospital weighing lbs oh Proud are Mr Mrs Harry Mr Mrs Leon Many thanks la Dt Kumar and the OB slat Williams deal sister Steve Newmarket Michael Eve Robertson and Henry both H Rested at the Funeral Home uneral and service was held Wed nesday attemoon Cremation I olio wed In con tnbutlons to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated LYONS Mary Dorothy ft On Tuesday December at the Mlssissauga General Hospital Mary Lyons Erin Mills Lodge formerly Milton and Erin Sister the late Mrs James Edits George Mercer and Frederick Lyons Loved aunt Jim Ecctes DoUon Jean and Nora Ontario and Frederick Edward and Murray Lyons and Edwards In Alberta Rested Jones Funeral Home where funeral service was held sday alter noon Interment Greenwood Cemetery 1 Avoid those VLoP9jdColouring Contest quick stops on the roads Special secret moving safely on slippery winter surfaces is to avoid abrupt changes in speed or direc tion says the Ontario Sale- League Keep your eyes well ahead of your car so you can anticipate lane changes and turns and nuke them gradually Dont follow too close ly you need an margin or error that you can Bet when roads are unpredictable Sow down when appr Inter sections or highway Be wary of wanning trends ice twice as slippery at minus one degree cabins as it fa at minus degrees Ice patches in areas shaded by yoa by surprise If yea an Icy apt ease up on the gas the wheel steady and roll If you do start to slide dont panic and hit the brakes Take your foot off tbe and turn your wheels In direction you want to go When feel the skid corrected straighten your wheels When slowing tbe car down on a slippery sur face squeeze tbe brakes by pushing down on them slowly until they begin to lock then let up and repeat process method of pump braking can actually cause tbe newer disc brake to lock because they do not release as quickly as the old drum bra Squeeze braking is not likely to lock up either Hud of brake and also lets you fed what car is doing and sane lockup right away League advises driven to practise tbe squeeze braking tech nique away from traffic to get a ted for bow It affects your car Of course tbe beet advice for wider driving la to do everything more slowly TAKE A TOUR OF MCDONALDS and see what goes on behind the scenes Great tor groups of all ages To reserve your tour call McDonald at 8770221 Win McDonalds Gift Certificates And Watches omit in tie mould KSTDRATBH See ins wood noon and trim Richards on this SOD gem