Let real estate agents narrow your choices SECTION THE HERALD Wednesday February IBM Page 11 searching for their Tint home in Haiton Hills shouldnt look at loo many differ choices because it can be confusing says real estate agent Sue Graham Mrs Graham says a and In on what exactly youre looking for and narrow the choices Most young couples looking for their first home have high expec tations and aim for a detached house she says However choices often depend on the location the price range expected and the cha racter of the home she says However through the process of elimination some potential home owners may decide they dont really need a garage or the repairs for an older home may SUE GRAHAM be too much to handle Some younger couples Celebrating wedding festivities with bubbles The oldest symbol of love unity and celebrat ion is the raising of glasses for a warm toast to the happiness of the bride and groom But if sharing special moments with fomily and friends intimate parties and Champagne occasions are taking too big a bite out of your overall wedding budget you can celebrate by Xing the cork with an alternative Imported sparkling wine Wine has been associ ated with love since the early Roman times therefore theres no need to diminish your budget with expensively priced Champagnes Champs Dore a sparkling dry wine from France is a perfect alt emative It adds excit ement to every occasion once the cork pops and the bubbles rise To make your wedding ce lebrations memorable try these entertaining and serving suggestions from the sparkling wine experts at Viceroy Im ports- Sparkling wine should be served in flut ed or tulip shaped glass es Air is the worst enemy of a sparkling wines bubbles the nar rower the opening the longer the bubbles will table wines if used for sparkling wine they cause the bubbles to dissipate rapidly be cause they expose so much of the wine to the air Once poured you can dress-up- the wine it self in the glass Freeze strawberries cherries or blueberries in Ice cubes made from orange cranberry or lime Juice and place these in the wine Or add a peach slice to each glass of sparkling wine for a sheer romanl effect Another treat is to add sherbet to each glass this creamy de light will melt Into a luscious foam may feel ambitious and buy house that could use some repair work or decorating this usually offers a chance to Improve the value of their property Mrs Graham says One alternative to a detached home is a ached unit in Acton that has wo bath rooms and is only seven years old The occasional duplex in the area could offer the opportunity for a couple to rent the upper portion to help pay the rent she says In the older areas of Georgetown there are homes that some first time buyers m town might be able to afford Townhouses are one alternative to a detach or semidetached she says When it comes to financing a tax deduct ible Register Horn Plan can help get a couple start Mrs Graham says A real estate agent will figure out what kind or down payment a couple can afford then look for homes in that price range The closing costs for buying a modest home such as lawyers fee tax adjustments transfer tax can add up to so Its advise- not to put all your money into the purchase price Real estate people can usually help arrange for mortgages Mrs Gran am says A booklet is available through Sue Graham entitled Information for Home Buyers which does give hints about buying your first home you want everything to be perfect If your nails are long and lovely you neednt hide your hands during those important wedding portraits youll have the confidence to be In the spotlight on your special day Since it is a special day we offer a BRIDAL PARTY SPECIAL for hair by Donna Spittal and nails by Towler Call today Hails by STARTING A NEW LIFE TOGETHER THEN LOOK TO YOUR NEWSPAPER THE HALTON HILLS HERALD The Herald has the information whether you are planning your wedding or Ihe of your life Youll information on housing real employment financial aids community events and a great variety of businesses informing you of their great values quality products and excellent services FIND IT ALL IN THE HERALD GREA T WAY TO START YOUR DA Yl the HERALD Homo Newspaper of Hills Established 1