Page BIO CH EDITION Wednesday May From small beginnings Tenth anniversary for social caterers Centre helps locate workers for all needs 1884 Bell Telephone opens in town By ROBIN Herald bluff If In doubt throw it out That is one of philosophies of Ken In Social Wo want tverything to be way make It at home Dave Kentncr Kcntncrs Social Catering located on Mill Street In George town began ten ago with an old bread van nicknamed The Rill You d be out in the middle of a field five miles from home and people would ask for whipped cream or something The usual reply was Where do you think you are The nickname stuck with the van and the business had begun During this period Mr Kentner was ing a deep rooted sense of with the car industry n which he was involved Realizing that all business had certain constant factors with his wife Gerry love of cooking the couple formed Social Catering I much happier now working with my sweetheart Mr Kent business Is a family run operation with a grca t deaf of help from daughters and Stephanie who nine worked In the business from day Iff raid Special The North Volunteer Centre is d by the Hat ton Social Planning Council whose purpose Is to encourage citizens to take part In their The Volunteer Centre has rmation on Ihc programs and needs organ and agen which require volunteer ho Id The phone nun is The tor Is Maureen Mc The factor as the success of the business has to be the help wc ve received through friends and family Mr said The Kcntiitn will cater to almost any size group They have cater two people for a candlelight dinner with wine lo a sit down meal with almost present Gerry Kentncr says of mouth is the best way of advertising We look at a new booking as an opportunity for us lo get new customers by putt ing our best foot for ward We look for the long term profits not the quick buck Mr Ktnt The Ken triers now own a hall which can a a module groups of people up to The c Hiring business has every and we are buying new equipment Mr said The Ken triors have a permanent staff of three but may have anywhere from to pari timers working for Ihcm at any given moment Mr takes care of all the paper work and has ten volumes of By WALTER LEWIS The opening of the Bell Telephone ges In Georgetown and Acton In November of 1B84 was greeted almost casually The Acton editor reported a satis factory social chat with his Guclph counter part and went on in the next Issue to complain that nothing had been done to fix a street lamp broken sometime oils by Bell careless employees But why should any one at least in Acton get excited about the arrival of the Bell mono poly when just two years before this telephone had been Invented locally Acton Early Days attributes the Invention to Stafford and Bob Roe While was never mentioned In the contemporary accounts of the new wonder shortly after was patented hedldlakeslx months leaveof absence from his post as the Grand Trunk Railway station agent Most of the credit however was heaped on Cyrus V Stafford a year old teamster whoannounc his patent In Decern Other men mentioned In connection with the new enterprise Included Hill who come home from Buffalo to manage the office and A and new James Matthews who look up the market product ACOUSTIC TELEPHONE Stafford Acoustic Telephone was described as being on an entirely new prin ciple being on a wire without battery or in form It was H Moore claim much clearer on short distances than he electric telephone and thus was Ideal for private lines si from home to office or facto ry or from hotel room to front desk To demon Its value a line was installed between Moore newspaper office and J McGar drug store line between Matt hew post office and bakery and a third demonstration line In London Ontario All three attracted considerable attention and much helloing ensued While the Staf ford Acoustic Tele phone ultimately fail ed to be competitive because It coutdnt be Integrated into the general telephone net work it certainly took the edge off the with which Bell was later greeted The new Bell had been establl shed In Drug Store In Acton and J Jackson statione ry and furniture shop In Georgetown Within a year those men had installed phones In Acton and all of In Georgetown and Glen Williams The new vice was pnnci pally a business tool Acton having only two Installations at WD and Moore and Georgetown three John and Joseph Barber and G S It is not surprising that the Barber brothers so readily took the tele phone Into their homes Apart from their pioneering work with electrification just before the Acton version of the telephone was announced they had petitioned Bell to esto a local agency In both places medical rr en were early subscribers as were the railway companies manufacturers and newspaper of flees Thus It Is not surprising lhat the major advantage was seen to be the direct communication with Hamilton Toronto and other communities Anatomy of a People Helper Bottle wi ft Branches to urn you COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION make your home jour castle FENCE YOUR HOME RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL FARM STEEL PRIVACY WOOD PRIVACY DECORATIVE STEEL CHAIN LINK PROFESSIONALLY INSTALLED OR DO IT YOURSELF A mans home is his castle EMPIRE FENCE YOUR HOME Since November 1982 Waldrum his sons Sam and Terry Roger Wayne and Georges daughter Susan- have been part of Fence In Georgetown wilh numerous awards and lilies George and his workers combine 20 years of professionalism in deal ng with Ontario Hydro Smith Stone Neilsons Construction and the City of Toronto ill LTD GEORGETOWN 5 ARMSTRONG AVE 8731431 WeStinghOUSe years in Georgetown We are proud to be a productive part of the Hills Community With our opening in the fall of 1981 our pledge to be a good corporate citizen has been backed by our new concepts and facilities combined with the Wesfinghouse tradition community involvement We are proud of our employee work force too many are in in community affairs Westinghouse CANADA INC TRANSPORTATION SERVICES ELECTRONICS CONTROLS DISTRIBUTION PRODUCTS DIVISION Armstrong Ontario