the HERALD Home Newspaper of Hal ton Hills Established 1 A Division ot Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Guolph Street Ontario L7G J OH Publisher and General r PHONE BOB Advertising Manager Second Clan Ma I Reglilim Hi Till- 1IPH Wednesday July 18 Plaza potholes Georgetown merchants and shopping plaza owners must realize the cost of doing business By letting many of the parking spaces deteriorate to the point where cars can be potentially damaged chants may be losing customers Potholes and ruts in plazas and parking spaces along Guelph Street need refurbishing In some places it is possible to avoid one pothole without hitting another Though we realize they do offer an alternative to speed bump in slowing traffic the results prove that our parking lots are not customer friendly The sad ending to this story may be that customers shopping in Georgetown or anywhere else where proper facilities are not maintained We believe the town does have a solid core of shop locally oriented people who feel they are better served in town because of comparable values better and friendlier service than they may get elsewhere But their patience is tried If its the shopping plaza management that are to be blamed then individual merchants should try and put pressure on them to make improvements It may cost more in the short term but the benefits will be felt in the long run In a town without a public transit system it s necessary to cater to those who depend on cars to do their shopping Its only fair that loyal customers receive something in return for their patronage New men ideas Despite calling a summer election when cam paigning drives may find residents on holidays Halton Hills should record a high number of voters on polling Sept Recent trends seem to indicate in the federal ridings of Brampton Georgetown and Halton that the choice of replacements for Joe Clark and Pierre have stirred everyones interest A year ago delegate meetings both ridings were packed with excited Tones as they met to decide who would be their next leader A monthago the Grits followed with equal en Then in Brampton Georgetown last week a con tested local won by Ross Milne brought for new members in their party in record numbers The Progressive Conservatives have been anxiously waiting for their chance to unleash the results of their planning which has been gearing up for more than a year Canadians want fresh ideas new leaders who promise a stable future for our country That why the Liberal and Progressive Conservative Parties should do well in gathering supporters for election day in September Breathing not easy for the asthmatic Take a straw place one end of the straw in your mouth and then run on the spot for a few minutes Do you notice anything It hard to breathe you say That right And that the feeling more than half a million mattes in Canada experience when they have an asthma attack Being able to breathe normally each day Is a function most of us take for granted says Cindy Pro gram Consultant with the Ontario Lung Association a person with ma has no such guarantee What exactly Is asthma People with asthma arc said to have airways A special sensitivity causes their lung tissues lo react far more than they should lo various stimuli The triggers arc many and varied For Instance grass pollen animal dander or even certain foods can cause an asthmatic reaction An asthma attack can also be triggered by cold air a viral Infection or exercising a little loo hard And to compound matters it may be a Letter to the editor combination of these factors will cause an asthma episode When docs occur there Is a narrowing of the bronchial tubes or airways to the lungs thus producing a feeling of brcathlessncss Moat often the episodes although uncomfortable and frightening are relatively mild Some asthma however are very serious The asthmatic may feci he or she Is suffocating able to take in air perhaps but able to it out all is not gloom and doom for the person with asthma Today ma can be well controlled with medications prescribed by the physic an after thorough assessment of the The asthmatic can also help in the control by avoiding those irritants to which he or she is sensitive Your Lung Association in the Ha Hon Region can help asthmatics learn more about their Call the Lung Association at Tor further in format inn Concerned dentists doing their upmost Dear Sir Concerning the letter entitled Toothache a big headache by Mrs Bet tyanne Georgetown Herald July 4 I believe several statements re quire clarification The dentists of George town are very concerned about providing emergency Ices to their patients I look strong exception to Mrs Well stead s comment that in Georgetown if you have a toothache you bad better have It on Monday to Friday sometimes between nine and five m or be pre pared to suffer In her letter Mrs Implies that she attempted to contact oil dentists listed In the telephone directory When I spoke to her personally the stated she had telephoo her husband regular dentist who happened to teawoy but did not feel comfortable telephoning a dentist who had never treated her husband pre viously Let me assure her that if her regular dentist was unavailable any dentist in Georgetown would have been more than witling to treat him On ho weekend in question there were at least four dentists In Georgetown available lo handle em Many Georgetown res I dents feel it is wonder to live in a small own excepting when you have a prob lem like a toothache fully agree with Mrs when she slates that there should central dental emer service telephone number such thai a pat tent would not have to make several calls Hopefully this Is the interim dla agree with her comment thai the where Ihcy at least realize that there Is need for emergency vice The dentists in Georgetown do their most to provide just such a service the ity I appreciate how rating It is when a member is In pain and seems hat help Is unavailable With a little better communication this problem could have been resolved in George town without Mm Well stead having to battle the traffic for an hour drlv to Toronto Her final comment thai you will certainly be out of luck if you are depending on help from the dentists of George town Is unfounded fair and untrue Dr Davis has Guaranteed the pressures Queens Park TORONTO If government fundi Hie schools of one religious lion can it rtfuse to do the same for tilt lo this quest ion from new On la no Progressive Conservative leader premier Bill Davis in 1J7J To embark upon such a policy of funding Roman Catholic secondary schools not be in reason or In justice limited lo some faiths and denied lo oilers In logic be limited lo the elementary ind secondary school systems alone We would inevitably be obliged to proceed throughout our educational Institutions to fragment ind divide both our young people and And logically if nothing else nothing has By fully funding the Caih school system by treating it simply as a separate part of the overall public education network Davis his guaranteed the pressures he spoke of in 1971 SCHOOLS And there are many of them In the elementary public or sec ti nan school system there are pupils There are in the Roman Catholic there are another invunous private schools many denominational in character In addition the secondary pub lic or system has the Roman Catholic system 38 of whom are funded at clement rales by the taxpayer the remaining private schools 16 In short the parents of students pay school taxes and receive no benefits from Ihem Until Davis announce men I of full funding for Roman Catholic schools another 30 inthc ItC secondary system had par boring under the same burden The irony is that some or those In the Roman Catholic system and an even larger number In ihe tan system would be In the totally sector if Ihey could afford it These arc Protestant Jewish or similar denominational schools where discipline and hard work are held in greater esteem It is noticeable how many petitions the Legislature has received this session from various private schools lobbying for government aid Per example wrote In a democratic multicultural society choice In lion should not provide some schools of choice funding while denying the same rights to others COMMISSION Thnl kind of demand will likely now although Davis may halt temporarily defused the issue by up a commission to look at the question of funding what arc known as and schools I politics of the matter aside the funding question comes back to the principles enunciated by Davis more linn a decade Calling the Roman Catholic system a part of the public system change the reality of lis denominational character Henry VIII is not a sympathetic figure in its history books Where is the in denying Protestants Jews and irs a slatesupported school system when it is considered legitimate for Catholics History Do ever lonely Do you ever feel lonely Do you otter Do you feel that there no one In the world who cares Are you facing a problem without any hope you desperate Depressed able lo cope Are you feeling a sadness that won t go Is it difficult for you to get through a Uncertain helpless hurt or afraid Just give it a chance and pick up the phone tor you do have a friend and you arc Please call us The North Distress Contact Centre 1211 A concerned and friendly listening and information service where all calls are confidential WILLIAM McLEOD and the Mammoth House NOTE Moled local Ian Rev Hick will be writing a articles for The Herald each week about the history of Halloa Hills the people who have helped the town develop William 1913 become Francis Barclay the dry goods business in Georgetown Horn and educated In he decided early in life to enter the merchant trade At the beginning of the century according to Lord Cock burn merchants in Scotland were a despised class by the time tried his vocation first in then In Glasgow they had gained acceptance and respectability Opportunities seemed more prom Islng across Ihe Atlantic andinlB57hc emigrated lo Canada For about three years he clerked in Oakviilc then removed for a while to the United States returned for a short while to and finally in 1B63 came to Georgetown lo work for Bar clay Barclay recognized the ability of two of his clerks McLeod and McLean and that year look them Into partnership The firm was known as McLean McLeod Company with Barclay remaining a silent partner During the sixties the firm built up the largest retail business in the county When McLean died in 1865 continued in charge Barclay sold out his interest in the business went through series of partnerships until when took over full control The brick store two stories high employed hands and boasted an annual business of in the mid seventies Known as the Mam moth House an engraving of the prehistoric beast of that name graced Its ads The logo the vast choice available and the claim All Goods Sold at Remarkably Low Prices gave the an instant and favorable identification in its customers minds business and other inl paralleled those of Barclay in were Justices of the Peace were for several years McLeod was chairman of Board of Management of Knox Church were active In munic ipal politics McLeod was a member of Georgetown town council for 18 years pnd reeve for nine years and In 1B84 was elected Warden of Hilton County while Barclay was serving as were Liberals ran unsuccessfully as a Reform candidate in Besides these activities was a Mason a member of the Scottish Rite and served on the local high school board In leased the Toronto store formerly occupied by James Eaton and Company and advertised a clearance of the store at a ten percent discount reassuring his customers This is no Fake Sale The following year sold his remaining stock to the Toronto firm of Walker McBcnn and Company The Mammoth House came under new management bul decided remain In Georgetown and had lo pay a S3 penalty to get of his It for ihe Toronto store Again he followed the steps of Barclay who had been postmaster of Georgetown from 1865 to 1871 and from 1903 till bis death In 1013 had charge over the Georgetown post office His second wife Sarah Barber survived him living until Research for spinal victims A luss of bladder control and resulting urinary infection is common among those with spinal cord Injuries At the Spinal Cord Conference Dr explained how the bladder is controlled by different nerves an J muscles performing related functions In sequence at varying speeds electronic stimulation is hard pressed this activity to many of us lake for granted Yet positive results have been achieve by 3d patients with radio out rolled implants programmed to aid meter and bladder muscles Six or sevtn years ago dogma was without question that nerve celts could not regenerate Now realue that we can eliminate a large per cent of the nervous system and still function Since regeneration occurs in arms whynot in thespinnl column Diamond explained lhal nerve cells must be given instructions from supporting cells in order to ale Such cells do exist In the spinal column Research Is now seeking growth factors which will stimulate as well as Inhibit growth Growth surfaces available genetic information and supporting ceils ore also under Investigation Research salamanders Is the electric current flowing out and back within a slump that appears to stimulate orderly regeneration of a leg Any manlpu of the current prevents growth The salamander in contrast he frog has an even distribution of electron flow When an electric buttery altering the current was Implanted in a frog some new growth look place In humans fingers have grown back normally when there has been no interference to the flow of current from skin grafts disinfectant bandaging Tissue and nerve cells reproduce most rapidly in the young m iking such regeneration possible Electronic stimulation has also been used In Ihe he ding or fractures and Infection In the third last article on the Spinal Cord Society National Convent Ion I will deal with artificial walking Pie bear in mm this report is presented in highly condensed form the risk of over simplification dialing with a subject thai Is best experimental THIRTY of public rest rooms slack enforcement of two hour parking failure to stop dogs running at targe and raids on his vegetable garden were some of Ihe things on W mind when he staged a one man What Your session with council Monday A large barn owned by Bob Lane is destroyed In a spectacular fire Monday one of three which occurred within an hour period The barn housed farm equipment as well as trucks oilier equipment used by Mr Lane in his haulage business The only major item saved was a tractor Georgetown newest doctor is Macintosh MB MRCP Lond on who succeeds Ins friend in the practice which established here a year I- It- Alls AGO The running I attic between council and Hilton Region Authority look another lum Monday night when a Ictiir from the Authority asked council fur resolution approving the Craw Lake project The maximum temperature of on Julv ljth established a new record for the date iking the former mark of set only last year Zorge Construction a local con firm operated by Fred will building the town new senior citizens apartment The building cii will be creeled on Hyde Park Drive near the Hospital will cost Sit I W Some downtown merchants in scheduled a meeting for Tuesday evening to seek a new executive body for the George town Merth mis Association The meeting was called as a result of a sidewalk sale held last Thursday through Saturday on Main Street A number of merchants have complain there was a lack of organ tuition cooperation and pation shown by for the sale Proposed Ontario Hydro routes through the town of Hills has Mayor Tom Hill upsel and he claims that Hydro wasted the tax payers money by holding public meetings A woman who lay unconscious for hours with a broken arm was rescued Thursday morning by her tlon cleaning lady Hughes of Winston Churchill Boulevard was alone in her home when she fell Tuesday evening and was unable to reach the telephone to summon help An American firm has purchased the Canada plant In Aclon and more lhan 80 hourly workers will lose their jobs least temporarily as a result of the sale Officials of region are considering extending the life of the Georgetown lindfill site so public health will not be further by pollutants seeping from the site into the Credit River POETS CORNER To My Dad a been a real fail year One that been without fear Thai we I make it Ihrough day Without you here to slay We miss you very much Dad The Urol few months were really bad But we are coming to see That you are in a much belter place limn we wish you could hate stayed longer Hut your leaving has made us stronger No one could ever take your place Your memory time can t We are learning to wllh the fear we know you ore near I down on from Looking down on Ihe ones you love Dedicated the memory of Nick Bos