Home Newspaper of Halton Hills Established 1866 A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Street Georgetown Ontario L7Q3Z6 PAUL J TAYLOR Publisher and General Manager DAVE Editor PHONE 877 BOB Advertising Manager Second Clin Hi I Page HI- A Til lit BALD Wednesday August 1984 Still worthwhile As Brampton Georgetown NDP candidate John said last week its hard to be a third party can He was making reference to Bramptons Pine and Rose Festival where invitations to evants t as readily available to him as the other candidates His leader Ed Broadbent might have felt the same way last week In the televised debate on womens issues Prime Minister John Turner got in his digs by saying his opponent be forming the next government Canada Were his opinions really that important the prime minister seemed to be saying Back on the local scene Brampton Georgetown had their own all candidates meeting The all meant the three major parties Canada Left out of the debate were Communist Party of Canada candidate Jim Bndgewood and Green Party can Steve Kaasgaard We cant argue that by inviting these two gentlemen the public would have been better served An all candidates meeting is hard to organize and allow residents a fair chance to size up their potential representatives A three person format allowed for more questions and a variety of topics Nevertheless the Progressive Conservatives and Liberals need to be confronted by other individuals and parties for their excesses and their oversights We welcome the introduction of the Green Party for their views on the environment and nuclear disarmament And a probing Ed Broadbent is at his best when criticizing his opponents Yes its hard to be a third party candidate Its even harder to be further down on the totem pole But their ef forts are worthwhile in turning the election campaign to issues onented rather than image onented Letter to the editor Missed a good show J Dont forget William Caldwell Queens Park Dear Sir I considered myself honored to be one of a wonderful group of Hills folks who went to the Band shell to let Toronto know we were on the map I been a bit of a ham with local amateur groups for these many years in godd and so good shows This litter is boost the moral of a talented of guys and gals who may be downcast at the wide expanse of empty seats we Rave our all a fur approval Remember there always another opening another show To finish my sincere thinks to Joy Thompson who did everything to smooth our way To Mike as MC who praised Hills to the skies and introduced the acts with expert know how and to all those behind the scenes folk seldom praised Toronto you missed a good show Derek lson Almost every Ins heard or Daniel the tapped dead shot American frontiersman But how many are that one of Ontario founders William well with his own force of forest fighters to use the vernacular of the day- whupped the pants off Daniel and his men in a 1782 battle Few if any More than two centuries ago on Aue at a little Kentucky ford Blue Caldwell with Loyilisls and Indians ambushed rebel militia led by Boone and captured or killed of them Boone son I Caldwell lost Do we the battle Of course not In fact we don t even remember it Not even in this year govern meat has chosen as the official Bicentennial of Loyalists settlement of Ontario do we hear of it Not even though Cildwcll was one of those who settled the Windsor area Yet it lie argued that without Caldwell and a few hundred other believers in and Country plus their Indian allies Canada would have been lost to the rebel during the US of Independence In particular Butlers Hangers green clad riflemen who raided frontier style out of Fort sNnganand Detroit by foot canoe as far south is the Carolines stopped any assault on before it began not to mint on having partial responsibility for George Washington army being hungry at Valley Caldwell was a Bangers Some even suggest that after Blue I when British writ ran from Ohio to Minnesota only English meptness in he 1783 negotiati with the American rebels saw that vast tr of I ind stripped from Canada But don t learn that kind of history Today history is taught as if the only important events were those that reinforce current social and political goals or prejudices The past is seen solely in terms of the present and never for itself Since Ihe prejudice of lodaj is pi down the origin of Ontario Ihe of our history ire allowed to slip into obscurity Hut snickering at or ignoring fs of those who whatever their ethnic origin remained loyal to the of united British just it is extinct is bod story worse nation building One might excuse our kniwme Daniel Boone but not Caldwell of the pervisivc influence of the S enter I industry and Its packaging of American heroes Hut that docsn I explain why C mad immobilizes on film men who hjted this country mod traitors like Kiel Communist snobs like Norman when men like Caldwell ire aviiluble SOLDHHHJUNDfllS of the displayed about Lojulists like Caldwell is to do with their role as soldiers our side so out of favor now Hut we displace hostility to it to conflicts ago It to up their military heritage even though the mill male founders of Ontario were all citizen soldiers without whose combat successes this country even exist So on this of Blue Licks let a few of us remember William come to Georgetown Can do it Staff Comment If Sybil Bennett did it back in 1953 what arc the chances can do it Sept 4 I asked Stcimer Emmerson a former Georgetown mayor and a man who was on the hustings with Miss Bennett Mrs Currie won the support of the Liberals last month Mr Emmerson was pleased Good fur her give her a lot of credit hesaid and reminisced about how he used to piny with Mrs Curnc late husband Charlie when they were boys The newly chosen Liberal candid ate for the riding is a businesswoman from Campbellvillc Mr was asked if the fact that Mrs Is a woman would influence voters I don think so today Most people took at if a gal looks capable Mr Emmerson said Id have no hesitancy in voting for a woman I could accept a woman president or a woman prime minister wilh He said he think the sex of a candidate is the problem It once was Looking back at Miss Bennett who won a federal scat for Conservatives in 1953 Mr aid the public had had no hesitation in supporting Miss Bennett then The public liked her She was well thought of and she met ihe criteria The figured she done well and was a lawyer It was Miss Bennett second try fortheseat that won it or her Her rut against sitting member Hughes Cleaver in 1949 failed Today Mrs Curric Is running against PC Otto a man who has held the scat since 1972 People may be tired of over a decade of Mr but Mr thinks they may be even more tired of the lung reigning Liberal government I think the mood today Is that people wont a change They vc had enough of years and they want i change in government Mr said If she Mrs Curric was coming out when her party was on high role she might have a chance he said But she s coming in a time when people are really thinking it time to change governments However Mr wouldn call the final outcome of he election In arc like horses he chuckled You never know All the predictions go to the wind One of he candidates could do something outstanding or make a ghastly mistake during the campaign ind thai could afreet the outcome Sept Mr said If she Mrs Oriena runs this time and make it well shell have that much experience under her belt lhat she can build on he concluded By REV At stage of the American Revolution British troops under General were advancing toward the important city of Albany 1777 An inglorious rout at ton Vermont helped to change the tide of war in favour of the Americana One British officer killed In battle was the father of Captain Michael Day foot 1 1 Michael remained in Vermont and raised a family there By the 1830a emigration from the state was reaching a grand scale The industrial revolution was transforming seaboard towns and cities of New England and factories provided a hungry market for wool Wealthy farmers bought up marginal land to make Into huge sheep pastures and the enclosures added pew recruits to the stream of pouring out of the state The optimistic voices of the decades were now silent and the spiral of economic prosperity of most Verm enters was now downwards The Baptist cause had been gain in New England by the end of the eighteenth century and Vermont was particularly affected Misslonari from the Shnfesebury and Wood stock Associations centred in the Green Mountain state had In turn begun most of the Baptist congre gations in early Upper Canada The were stalwarts of that church and when they came in 1S3B to Upper Canada they settled first In where there had long been a Baptist church About two of Michael sons John and Worncr 181998 began the manufacture of boots and shoes in Hamilton When a Lancashire missionary named Alfred Booker addressed a letter to The Baptists of Hamilton informing his anonymous recipients lhat he felt called to commence work in the town the post master dohvered the letter to from the post office When Booker arrived became one of the ten charter members of the Park Street church a trustee and Its first treasurer had married a Burlington girl Sarah Caroline Harrold in and she was baptized in January in stream in Bcasley Hollow the ice had been cut That John bought 5C acres from Morris Kennedy in what was soon Georgetown and buillnlinnerjonit Other members of the Family joined him and as in Hamilton they combined the monufac boots selling tea and tobacco as well In 1847 he won the prize for shoemakers work at the Provincial Exhibition in Hamilton Phllo joined him and was active by IMG in a Union Sunday School In the village In which members of various denominations cooperated The of the foots was probably a major reason for the establishment of a Baptist chapel Georgetown in 1847 and Michael is appointed as its first deacon and treasurer interests spread wide He subscned live pounds to the church in the village A Reformer he wis a member of the local committee which helped raise funds to purchase a retirement home for William Lyon Mackenzie 1856 In he presided over the Sabbath School Convention where teachers from the county met to discuss their common problems and the prospects of Sabbath Schools In a fire in his house was reported in newspapers though Tremaincs mop printed two years later displays an engraving of a neat frame home He returned Hamilton In where he resumed the wholesale boot and shoe business In Ihe late 1870s he was one of a syndicate that built the Hamilton and Norlh Western Railway linking Georgetown lo Hamilton and John carried on the Georgetown business ind in 1877 the County Alios reported that he regularly employed between BO and too men to produce the heavy boots that were sold mainly in city markets THIRTY the happiest young man in Georgetown these days Is high schooler Bill Friday night he relumed from the national cadet camp at Banff with the coveted award of Best Cadet Mrs Phil of River Drive won when the Star puzzle man called her she successfully solved the in two minutes A highlight recollection of a British visit for Mr and Mrs Bennett Is a tea during the British Royal at incisor which ihe couple attended and which Mr Bennett sat at Queen Elizabeth right Phyllis Malcolm Stewart whose mother Mrs M Stewart lives on Durham Street had a leading role In a television show last night Two graduates of Georgetown High School are planning careers as public school teachers Sylvia Lambert and Ruth McBnde will enroll at Teacher College In Toronto in September Terra Cotta Inn well known picturesque country inn situated on the banks of the Credit River has changed hands The new owners arc Mr and Mrs Cedric who came from England in 1J6I Young Patcrson dueller of Mr and Mrs Alvin McGilvray Crescent will be leaving for Labrador City on August 17 with other David McEwcn has joined Dr lin in Buckrell at the Georgetown Animal Clinic iron Hume County s Dairy Princess will compete at CNF this Friday evening August by Ruing talk on dairying being interviewed and milking cows A J Jamieson president of Georgetown Cable T V Ltd this week that the has commenced construction of table services in Glen Williams Five year old Tim Kunica of Hornby went to a Jersey cattle show in Gilt with his pel calf Ness and returned with the Ontario Junior TI- Approval has been by the Canadian Radio and Television Commission for George town Cible Television to expand its arei of service to include Acton and Milton John Tost left Monday for the Royal Mounted Police Train Centre Sask beg as a police officer Hilton Hills councillors proved thai young love can conquer anything when they voted to allow a mobile home on a farm properly YhRS A highspeed car chase throufch the streets of George town a missive party with free hot dogs and souvenir shirts and a olden opportunity to rub elbows with known celebrity Orson Welles promise to make the coming week one of the most exciting periods in the towns- history All the iclivity is part of the filming of the I million production of Never Trust an Thief James of Georgetown in the Pepsi Coll Festival five banjo contest hcldat the Concert Shell Blue Mountain Foundations for the tolling wood during the past weekend Funloving Rhino party candidate responds We need more Dearb After rending letter in your newspaper August 19 I feel a reply is in order to Inform your readers of the mislnfor t contained In Bouwman a correspond For the past year New Democrats across Canada have been actively seeking women candidates I hove been part of that process In the riding What this entailed was the ex tension of progressive affirmative action passed by our Federal Convention In 1933 Internally the New Democratic Party operates as what we believe Is or example of women equality Its best pari ulai As it turned out due in part to the liming of the election woman in question was unable to commit the time necessary lo fulfill the obligations or candidacy After learning of this fact I decided that would throw my hat Into the ring What I feel this shows In my is that the New Democratic Party Is a party or action hot Just words Wehaveanafflr action program that t am proud to hold up to scrutiny by any person purportedly Interested In cement of Issues of concern a women This year we set a record in women Canadian politics by fielding women can Had things worked out as planned in we would have had a attitude is a sad display of the same old tired excuses used against piemen of affirmative action time and time again Keep It up While the New Democrats Increa singly move ahead In Ihe area of women s rights you In your steaming screaming self righteousness are sotting the clock back fifty years Yours truly Kevin Flynn Candidate By ROD DEACON Bureau of The Herald OTTAWA Get your home video recorders ready to roll the night of August The fun loving Rhinoceros Party Is going on the English language network in prime time to deliver what the parly campaign director Charlie McKenzie calls the most serious political message ever given in this country While Canadian TV viewers sit gripping ihe arms of sofas in terror will present the Rhino parly final report and recommendations of the Ronald McDonald Task Force on the Econo my The four minute freetime politic al broadcast is scheduled lo air sometime between and Other Rhino candidates in Peter borough and Guelpb working up parly wages to be used on the other TV and radio networks The party born years ago around a kitchen table in Longueull Que is holding a press conference in Ottawa August 1G to unveil the major portions of Its 1364 election platform Critics have called the Rhinos everything from anarchists to clowns But under the Canada Elections Act Lhcy are also a legitimate national parly with official candidates seeking election September In the 1980 general election 123 Rhino candidates collected a total of 121 votes and even finished second in two Quebec ridings There are fewer Rhinos running for Parliament this time because we found people want a smaller govern McKenzie said in a telephone interview from national in Montreal Outside the province of Quebec the part has unleashed the most ever The Rhinos also claim they arc the only national with a woman Dominique serving as Interim leader The party leader is rhinoceros Cornelius but he s stuck at the San Diego zoo for lime And my way McKenzie said Cornelius is in mourning because his lady friend Stella a black Rhino from Hungary died recently after a bout with tuberculosis The last we heard he was roaming around with a bunch of antelopes and gnzelles he said We just can get his attention for this campaign The poor little guy is upset SOLD bit ON There Is a well rehearsed routine used to round up Rhino candidates for an election campaign McKenzie and some of the two dozen hard core parly faithful hold a scries or well publicized news conferences They toss out the initial batch of off I he- wall Ideas Tor public consump tion drawing heavily on real life blunders and gaffes committed by the so called main party politicians After the first wave of Rhino lunacy the Inevitable Inquiries roll in The only stipulation we place on our candidates Is that they be sexist violent nonracist and not too smart McKenzie says The party runs on auto democratic pilot so candidate Is free to develop his or her own platform promises McKenzie admits the party has stumbled badly now and again They blew whatever hope they had of recruiting qualified candidates in Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island when they mistakenly promised to build lo the mainland They don t want thai McKenzie said In Quebec where competition to represent the parly Is fierce nominatl on meetings arc never held Instead there wis that was decided on the outcome of a poker game McKenzie said Another one was determined with a coin toss There was another race very tight one between a wellknown Rhino and a piece of wood The woodwon but he t stand the heal of 1 ha campaign so he hod to withdraw In British Columbia where the parly campaign west of Wawa la headed up by Rhino vet Richard the Troll there arc candidates Richard was one or Ihe first Rhinos lo break the party out Into the main stream beyond Quebec McKenzie He also happens to be an old dear friend of his part of the old 60s network In Alberta the Rhinos are running four candidates including one In the Bow River whose real name Is Gordon D POETS CORNER There Is a sound sunrise makes Birds wake The shakes lazy dew worms Us skin She would What Totter though he tried lu reach her could leach her drowned no in yonder III he but had not caught her llj ROBERT KENNlt Vanquish Plato Conquer the north wind Let thy handmaiden By ROBERT She said Get lost And I did I turned and I tossed I hid By ROBERT The cyclist has but one slim chance He only has just one quick glance Sometimes It Is only a light squeeze Oh give to them nit the road They wiggle In and wiggle out Natural way lhcy twist about blow down until Ihey are out of light They have half 1 1 It their right Perhaps could crash up against your Someone might get a terrible scar Their family wants them home lonlght A few minutes later would save To have a conscience pure and clean Or Inter on nightmares with tad Drive your car and care Lei roads and life together share Take no chances while on your way II only you who will hive to pay By ALBERT