Film viewed on immigration Screening for sex offenders Schools examining hiring A anil second Hennessey was welcomed to Saturday by Ada Word wife of president or Canadian Legion Branch Norm Ward Herald photo Legion hosts war veterans bad our busload of visiting us from Hospital They ait appeared to enjoy the outing with Ihe comradeship entertainment and refreshment Lie and I know we were happy to have them listening to their yarns and enjoying their company We had the usual full house for the final draw of our twentyeighth Car Draw waiting to set if their number would be drawn for one of the many prizes and especially for the final one which eventually was drawn for the winner or ihe Olds mobile Cutlass The lucky winner was 309 Norton Other prize winners were Andrews MOO L Hicks Davidson WD 430 M Sargent King winners Monk 130 B Paul 370 Alton Louth Henderson D Barber Sproule Dickenson N Hayward Garvin Sept by Ihe SltK 1 1ST Georgetown Hospital Roy Haley Pat McDaid Lloyd and Bill Walson Toronto Western Harry Brown RED SMITH Herald Correspondent AD The Women Institute resumed meeting for September a break for July and August Frances Buck re 1 1 was for the held Sept the president called the mccling to order and welcomed everyone back from holidays She welcomed a new member Stella Cumm ings TwcKc members and two visitors were present to answer the roll call which was some interesting thing about a Canadian province The area convention was discussed and delegates named to attend The guest speaker for the meeting is John from Erin who brought along film about The government represent live told the group the taws on which govern Canada Eileen Burt on behalf of those preheni llnnkcd Mr lor coming presented him wilha token of States trip to visit Optimists Legion ladies By MAIUORIt The opening of Ihe Ladies Inry Biennial Con vent ion Niagara Mils Online at 130pm Sept 9 with a parade of Massed lags convention dele gates and visiting dig nitarics marching to the at the Niagara Falls Arena where a remembrance service was held The Missed Flags were then marched into the arena by the color parties of Ontario Ladles Auxiliaries for She opening ceremonies of the 41st Biennial Convention chaired by the Provincial President Teresa Our flogs at the carry colors order Canada was sung and all at the salute the began Ontario Command President James spoke a few words of welcome and declared the 1 si Biennial Convention Margaret Bryan of Branch 194 The Royal Canadian Legion Ladles Auxiliary Ontario was the guest soloist singing a most beautiful rendition of Amazing Grace These opening ceremo nies were very impres and your Color Party Kathy Watson Mary Franks and Sgt at Arms Marg Clarke were very proud to have been a part of It Zone Commander Rose Green welcomed all Zone accredited and fraternal delegates and Color Party members to a relaxing hour at the Hospitality The next few days will be very busy for your delegates attending meetings and various functions and the next general meeting our delegates will be giving us their reports on reso lutions and business pertaining to the Ladles Auxiliaries Ontario Command By J ROSS Herald Correspondent STEWARTTOWN Mr Harvey Clare and his two sons Jamie and Joe plus friend Barb have Just returned with other members of the Optimist Club from a trip to Georgetown Indiana and Georgetown Kcntu St John celebrated their 150th anniversary and held memorial service at the church Sunday The service was to be held at the ceme tery and the dedication at the church but the weather changed and the service was held at the church Saturday at the Georgetown Fall Fair members of St John Guild sold tickets on the quilt which will be drawn Local boys atCNE By MRS JOHN Herald Correspondent Its September again summer is going and fall is coming closer every day The swallows and robins have flown south the EX Is over for eryear school has start ed again and the fairs are starting in the towns through this month We arc proud of three of our local boys Ron and Charles Bird and Dan Wickson who showed their 4- II calves at the CNE Dan Wickson attended for two weeks a leader ship training and sports camp sponsored by the ministry of education at Lake repre senting Georgetown District High School November The next Gtitlt meeting Herald Sufi Peel Hoard of turn hiring practices hive the asking prospective employees if they have ever been convicted of any offense under The Criminal Code of far which a pinion has not been The alter an incident in which a janilor sexually aw seven school hoys in a school boiler room seven months A similar in Ha I ton aver year ago hid a Georgetown tc leher charged with indecent In connection with com plaints from five liven ilc students Superintendent of employee services Sloncss with Board of Education has had committee looking hinnc practices for FERDINAND deLESSEPS AW ORGANIZED EELS SPEEDING GROUHDS THE BERMUDA YOUNG EELS AGE CALLED ELVERS AT AGE or THERE ARE OVER OOO SOFTBALL TEAMS IH ALONE IT HAS BEEN ESTIMATED MILLION PEOPLE PLAY THE GAME IN COUNTRIES ABOUT OP THE PLA1ERS ARE MALE ONE SHIFTY GEARS STRUCK OUT BATTERS HIS ILLUSTRIOUS CAREER ABOUT YEAR IS THE GAME HA TED WE ARE YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD HAIR SALON Traffic technician wanted By KAREN HEWER Herald Correspondent The Town of Hills is In the market for a senior traffic technician following a report approved by council Sept The individual would research assess and comment on traffic and parking concerns traffic control budgeting signing and meters and irking lots and update traffic control bylaw and miny other duties GERRE ELECTRIC WHOLESALE LIGHTING CENTRE of selection Lighting on hand Extra discounts for house fun of BUSINESS DIRECTORY R E Clipsham Limited Consulting Enrjineore Dr Robert R Hamilton OPTOMETRIST iGMountalniowfd S CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Goebelle Wagner 5155453 BRIAN G00DLET Mutual Life Canada S Suite NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Subject The General Committee lor the Town Hall on Hills con duct a Pub Meeting to d and exam no a proposed amendment to nn By law No 51 ailed the former Towns of This Amendment involves Ihe roion ng a hectare 40 acre properly located in Pail Lot Concession a second res denco lor he Fur trier Is available iho Planning Department ALL INTERESTED CITIZENS ARE WELCOME Time Data Monday 19B4 Location Council Chambers Municipal on Bo Id rig Line Trafalgar Road Town Is Bruce Maclean rector HALTON HILLS SCHOOL DANCING Mrs Y Principal ANNOUNCES SPECIAL CHILDRENS PREBEGINNERS CLASSES STARTING NOW OTHER CLASSES AVAILABLE IN BALLET MODERN JAZZ NATIONAL FOR CHILDREN TO ADULT LEVELS REGISTER NOW 8771581 the months INPUT Headed up one person in Mr staff there ho been input from up to ten different groups in field for j opening Mr Sloness- the twin The will report back to Mr in December which lime he will moke decision on There will be a lot more put into print In regards to procedure expectations hut I can see any changes takinp place process is one of the best can be done lire screen ed more than one person more than one person is involved with the final decision as the hiring the applicant ISSUtS V employees any time Mr said there arc issues from time to lime llitir st iff hive the same iblems is employ Si tool director Clifford he said there have been no problems In the Sepi rite School Board with sexual offences 1 don know ho v you in prevent lb it from ippcnme You do the best cm hope done ly he said CALL BEFORE 30 AM WE MANY GEORGETOWN BUSINESSES WHY NOT YOU STARTS FRIDAY NEVER ENDING STORY HELDOVER 2ND WEEK LAST STAR FIGHTER STARTS FRIDAV THE PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT Swearing Evenings at Sat Sun mal STARTS FRIDAY OXFORD BLUES GUELPH ST General Con mulct I duel a to d Town Ha ion Pi Lot 10 Concession A n ros denco lor la he Fur an lab r- ALL INTtnESIED CHIENS WELCOME Monday 15 I n Oil Bo Id ng BARREL pc finger good chicken 2 500 salad loaf of bread Feed 8 hungry people for under 2 each Offer available Sept 51o 23 Kentucky chickenyiflCo