agt SECTION A THE Wednesday September 12 ISM Halton Conservatives search for a candidate Herald Staff II bout of election swept the laMweck Is in veins liike note I In in the provincial lun ire looking for a i throes of nomination imttmi Oct 11 al Mil- Inns K School on Ontario Street If lo put your name on their slate be there by p Now that the federal election is gone youve probably heard rumors about what Bill Davis is going to do Im as worldly as you are PC president Ken McDonald told Tho Herald Be cause of oil those rumors Ive got to be ready The rumors are that Premier Davis is going to call a November election Mr McDonald said he wouldnt be sur prised if they were start ed up by the premier himself He said he thinks the rumors were started deliberately so that local PC associations get ready and not be caught with their pants down Mr McDonald said hes sent out feelers to find out who is Interested in running Pete Regional chairman may enter the race llyNlPKIFJHAN Herald Starr Chairman Peter may bile The possibility litsnt been ruled out Mr may be one of the candidates up for nomination Oct 11 i the Progressive vat Ives in Helton- hold their nomination meeting I havent made any the chairman told I lit Herald I have to within the next weeks He said hes trying keep all his options open ml noted Hint the goat of municipal politics is to get into the vine tat sphere Because the jobs are it interconnected muni iljwl politics Is almost he training ground for provincial politics Mr said I he resident is formerly the mayor Hills entering polities with a back ground m small business in Georgetown Id be lying If I didnt that when I started into this whole thing my 1 1 mote goal was to get into provincial politics Mr confessed Its whether the time rutin that he likes ho Is now doing the regional chairman said nevertheless that he nuvur rules any possi bilities out and things no a habit of changing a dally basis Mr beat out Oak- Carol for the chair manship less than a year ago giving up His mayors scat Theres a definite no from board of education chairman Bejtty Fisher when asked if shes been considering running for the nomination The Georgetown woman told The Herald she has no plans to run for the nomination and is happy where she is Mrs Fisher said how ever that she plans to run again in November when her oneyear term as board chairman expires She noted not many school board trustees go Into other levels of poli tics using the board table stepping stone My plans are to go for the chairmans seat again then I will sit back like Burlington trustee Bill and be tho grandmother of the board Mrs Fisher laughed Progressive Conserva tive Morrow indi cated hed be interested in running for the partys nomination but that It Isnt his Intention to do so at this I have mode up my a that I cant com bine a job in Air Canada with politics Mr Morrow told The Herald A pilot with the company Mr Morrow will continue neverthe less to help out on various campaigns he said Georgetown lawyer Dick a school board trustee for Halton also Indicated he wouldnt be running for the PC nomination He said his law practice made it impractical for him to carry on the two consecutively Without a partner his law practice would have to fold up As well Mr mentioned the sacrifices political life requires of a politicians family councillor Mike Armstrong said he hadnt given the Idea serious thought and that although he had been asked if he was Interest ed In running that there were other priorities lor him now Unless there were a real short supply of candidates which I doubt very much Mr Armstrong said Other regional coun cillors rumored to be interested in the nomina tion arc Milton mayor Brad Cle ments and Barry Mr made his candidacy public on the weekend The North Burlington councillor has served on the Burl ington City Council six years and has sat two years on regional council Reed will keep A guessing Julian Reed is fond of mystery If you ask him whether he intends to run In the next provincial election he cant be pinned down I will continue to keep my options open For nine years Hal tonBurlingtons MPP the Norval resident has won three elections in the riding Its been a happy exciting experience for me and I wouldnt have traded that time for anything under the sun Mr Reed says Mr Heed says he hasnt made an official decision about running for the Liberals should Premier Bill Davis call a fall election and I wont til we get closer to an election Traditionally the provincial Liberals have held their nomination meeting at the beginning of election campaigns It allows us a rallying point get together Mr Reed said Its a way of getting the interested Liberals out and the campaign mechanics organized Also it raises the general interest the public at a time thats critical Councillor opposes levy on residence Herald upon dent When a town council meeting coincides with a federal election voting some distraction the agenda is understandable Bui Councillor Levy didnt let his preoccupa tion with the election results impede his concentration When it come to a decision relating lo taxa tion by the Regional Municipality of against a town resident Levy couldnt justify levy He que stioned why the town should support the regions collecting of a levy we know nothing bo After on eloqu ently delivered argu ment on Issue Coun resumed his scat I can say all this and listen to the too awaiting the outcome no However despite Levys protest council ruled in favor of llic levy which was required In order for properly owner to erect a residence on the land i I expect theyll come out of the woodwork now he said So for there have been five tentative inquiries as lo whats involved two by Georgetown people Mr McDonald said nobody from Acton has yet expressed interest in running for the PC candidacy Divulging the names of persons seeking the PC candidacy for is beyond the duties of Mr McDonald He told The Herald he has to keep the names under his hat until the candidates themselves come out into the open As a member of the PC executive for the riding Mr McDonald cant appear lo be taking sides or helping any one can didate over another Candidates consider party nomination Back in Brian Penman took a run at the nomination for a provincial riding losing to Fran Balnea Today Mr Penman is giving consideration in trying for the PC nominal Ion again He told The Herald hell be making his decision within the week Mr Penman is currently a Milton councill or a position hes held for nine consecutive years He is also on the Region Conservation Authority Another Milton councillor Brad Clements refused toconfirm the rumor that hes considering going after the nomination He said hes thinking about it and will make a definite decision week Mr Clements has been a Milton councillor for years and a regional councillor for four years If he chooses to run this wilt be his first go As for Georgetowns Fran the answer was No maam some things In his life you only do once The longtime PC member said shes working full time for the provinces parole board which excludes her from being Involved In politics to the extent she once was I feel very strongly that the riding can be won she said When Mrs- ran three years ago the PCs lost the election by a small number of votes Toying with decision Milton Mayor Gord Krantz told The Herald he has indicated hes interested in running from lime to time for the HaltonBurlington PC candidates position At this point I have not made a decision yet he answered when phoned He said he expects to be deciding whether to run for the nomination within the next week As for regional councillor Brad Clements the Milton representative was not available for comment as of press time Rumors have also named Hoy Galloway a builder from Moffat and Brian Penman a Milton resident who tried for lie nomination three years ago against Fran who won it Mr Galloway indicated he is still making up his mind whether to run and will know by next week Theres a couple of things that might stop me personal things you want to make sure arc all right and business things he said You cant just Jump in People have to be Beta are for election The bets are on for a provincial election Even Premier Bill Davis fellow Progress ive Conservative party members are wagering on when the next elec tion will be called If you think back to the old days Davis is the greatest con artist about fooling everybody about an election chuckled the HaltonBurlington ridings PC president Ken McDonald Talk In political circles Is that Premier Davis will call for a November election However Mr McDon ald told The Herald hed prefer it if the provin cial election were called for the spring Instead With a new PC candi date to be selected Oct 11 the ridings PC presi dent wants lots of time for people to get used to the partys choice That way Itll give the new candidate the chance to become a face people will recognize Mr Mc Donald said Pulp and Paper 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