Page 10 THE HERALD Wednesday October IBM In Your Opinion What are you going la be on I la Howe en Trailer is allowed SOMA Georgetown said she was going to be a ghost The youngster said she d alreadj bought her outfit for Jet In a store Asked what k of ghost she planned be Sonia said a friendly ghost NICOLE of Georgetown said she was go to be a punk I going to sing rock stuff Nicole said Her costume is going to consist of a black leather skirt with a chain around the waist RICHARD II of Georgetown is going to be a this en a character in the movie GhosCbusters he explained They fight SHAWN PEARSON 10 of Georgetown said he going to be a for Hallowe en Asked what that Is Shawn sod lis a guy who dresses up in a wh te suit like a mummy and carries a sword and Herald Staff on to locate a tra temporarily on Claude Picket a dairy farm on Trafalgar Road received the approval of councillors n genera committee Monday night Mr Picket was grant perm to have a feet by feet trailer with the necessary septic tankfacUtiesanhlsRK2 Georgetown property for six months In lieu of taxes a monthly fee of up to is to be charged for the residence In a letter to the town Mr Picket said farm business Hoi steins has recently been sold Port of the agree ment was to supply a home for the new mana and h family Because the sale is not complete I do not wish to embark on the purchase or construction of a house until this sale la completed Mr Picket wrote Wants mobile home Thomas Teggart wants to put a mobile home un t on his acre form for his farm help The operator of a live- Block farm with some pigs and cattle made h s application to amend the existing zoning to perm the mobile home The form Is located on I he north side of SteeJcs Avenue west of Winston Churchill Boulevard Whats happening Baptism for Jurstan By WINIFRED SMITH Herald Correspondent There was a fairly large congregation out to church service Sunday Many relat ves to witness the baptism for little Lee daughter of Mr and Mrs Helm uteri berg of the village The children of the Sunday School shared In the service as they gathered at the front of the church with the minister and the other principals of the christening party convention By WINIFRED SMITH Herald Correspondent Five I members from along with many other Branch memb ers attended the area I convention at Brussells Thursday Alberta motor trip By WINIFRED SMITH Herald Correspondent Mrs William McLean has returned home after accompanying her sister on a motor trip to Alberta and other parts of the West Good bazaar By WINIFRED SMITH Herald Correspondent The C held a very successful bazaar and sale at the church Saturday Eye operation By WINIFRED SMITH Herald Correspondeat We are all hoping the Jessie Madlll has recently undergone will prove to be very successful Halloween how it began page Et IndWon- bonfire Eventually the Hallo we en celebration we experience today was developed Although presentday celebration la an of What the Celtics did and saw on AU Hallow a Eva our celebration of en it much Though banire each things is anirn Instead Hallowe en has become a on for children Children dress up in- costumes ringing doorbells ant demanding treats with very rarely giving a trick But much like Celtics Oct will sec fairies an roaming about through