Cross country fronts Ontario See Bl CI C2 Red Cross raise Last Monday the Georgetown chapter of the Canadian Red Cross celebrated the end of their an I nual campaign Edward Green was honored for giving donations at blood donor clinics See pages A6 A7 town lacks hotels See Newspaper of Halton Hills Established 866 WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 31 Little report questioned on possible conflicts Bat em an prints missing A of five Robert Bat em an prints an estimated value of were laken from Ihe Crawford Lake Conservation Area Oct II Is believed wis gained through sliding window in the rear of the cafeteria The framed which were nailed to the wall had been forfced off The five included Red Tailed at Mount Nemo The Killdeer Red Winged Blackbird on Pence Rail Mallard Duck In pond and Woodpeckef Nothing else was missing in the incident and regional police arc investigating Wish fulfilled Make A Wish of Hills has sent a cheque for to Tony DeGabriel of Georgetown for help to fight a skin disease If the disease is not treated in Europe it can be fatal to the unfortunate victim says Bryan Lewis one of the members of the group J The organization Is designed to fulfill dream that a seriously HI or a life threatened joungster may hove Apartment approval Regional Planning and Develop ment department have few problems with allowing a classification change to allow a unit apartment building in Georgetown The land is located within the urban area and is now classified as low density residential The acre property is located west of Highway 7 and south of Carrulhers Road The development of the property Is subject If regional servicing and financing concerns can be a staff report suggests regional council members inform the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing to approve the plan fundraiser Members of the Halton Peel an Institute for the Blind have been busy licking stamps as they prepare for their annual fundrate drive Letters have been sent out to residents asking for contributions to help these who are classed as legally blind The money would be used to rehabilitate patients and help them to become more independent There are people in north Halton who are registered as legally blind For more information call Supervisors needed The Hills Recreation and Parks Department is looking for Ski Bus Supervisors for the Saturday afternoon Junior Ski Program which starts Jan 1985 Applicants must enjoy working with en and skiing Job responsibilities include supervising the children on the bus to Glen Eden assisting the Skiers with their equipment and getting the children to their lesson on time Ski bus supervisors ore required from both Acton and Georgetown areas Application forms can be picked up at either Recreation Office Mill Street East Acton or 25 James Street Deadline for applications Is Nov 30 Besting after surgery By KAY WILSON Herald Correspondent In who is resting at home while waiting to return to hospital for surgery on his ankle Gel well wishes to Grace Crawford who is recovering at home following a short stay in Hospital Get well wishes to of In Brampton who is feeling much better following many tests and rays Alan and Jean attended the wedding or their granddaughter Gall Wilson daughter of Bill and Marie Wilson formerly of the Georgetown area to Steven Richardson son of Mr and Mrs Ross Richardson of Barrie Also attending were Fred and Joan Barnes of Harvey and Burt of Balllnafad and Barry and Aileen Little of Guard tunic stolen A Burns Security guard s tunic was stolen an estimated value or after it was left on a chair In the guard house while the guard was out patrol The incident happened at Tannery In Acton last Thursday night By Herald Staff Some members of regional council have a long memory like ele phants arc reputed to Last week Burlington regional councillor Joan Little recalled a commitment she had sought one year ago from candidates for the chairman Job Last year sought a commit men from the dales that in the event of either a led era 1 or pro vi election prior to municipal lion they would decline to seek office at cither not in her report Our ex pec I at ions will be In October rcgionil chairman Peter tton the nomination or the Burling Ion Progressive Conser party making him a candidate in the next provincial election pet led in the spring Little support by members of the region finance and commit tie iskul Ih it Chur m prepare a on how the chair man office will be served and how the region will operate over future problems she there will be no reduction in the time commitment little indicated her preference for a new If not now thin it tht very least whin I hi e lection is tailed Shi concerned about whit pro I in i election is tailed Dim the chairman propose Io resign or is chairman during the campaign If the inter lime commitment will wi be and how will he out the chair man duties Little asked Concern is bound to arise over the potential conflict during hat lime of chair solicit support within one portion of rcuon dealing with problems affecting the whole of of Little is how the bandit the region landfill issue In January a site is io be selected and public opposition is iniiupatod If the selected site is Ihe provincial riding of Burl inglon yet still In will be cull to convince the public that justice is being done Little said She asked that Chair man step down now from landfill discussions and give up chairing landfill meet in order there be no doubts cast on the region s decision mak ing process PETE POMEROY Pomeroy said he would be pleased to prepare a report land Group files suit for water access IIWMII Herald Special A lie interest troup funded by pro gov grants has launched a lawsuit against Liberal Julian Reed in an effort to force him to open a waterway p eunocists Mr Heed MPP for illon says the suit against him by a group called Canoe Ontario and resident James Green aerc could be a prece dent setting ease for across who have a lhroUfh Iheir properly Some faqls surround case however make him question when paranoia stops and judgement begins Notice of Ihe suit was just before a il election was expected to be died How many times do find a private interest group using money to sue the government a citizen he said Mr Greenacre said first court hearing is slated for Nov the ex pec led was stutiied however I remicrVvilliamDaviss decision to step down way for a new provincial Tory Ontario Is an group Racing organ Including the Ontario Canoe Association to which he belongs The situation he said started when he ran into Mr Reeds no trespassing signs four Mr wrote Mr Reed asking per mission to use his land to canoes around dam during a proposed trip in the spring of 1381 Mr Reed refused permission His letter JULMN REED idmits his i ihe action may be paranoia he notes Ihe both events have worked igiinst him and in favor of of his Hints Mr Reed dam and power generating plant make it necessary for canoeists to stop and lift their canoes around obstacles To do so they must use Mr Reeds land and he has const refused permls He stopped us and threatened us with Ires pass Mr Greenacre ill eiationerywith a noltee that a carbon copy had been sent to local thief of police Mr said also contacted the Cam bridge office of the Mini of Natural and the Credit Valley Conservation Authority Their advice was for us stay away In a newsletter to group members Mr canoeists to avoid and lawyers In group decided they wan ted to pursue the matter He admits cose is a lest which could be used open up many bodies of water in pro- Jennifer Robinson caught off guard in a wooded area by Gins Brown portraying witch The Grade dramatic aria students were hamming it up In By ROBIN preparation for en tonight Herald Herald photo by Robin Regional Police 1 Force will have a great Residents fear loss of farmland water Extra patrols for police Herald Staff Farmer Gordon was applauded by a group of concerned residents when he said living beside a dump site is more punishing than what a criminal might have undergo Forty years Is a long sentence even a criml nol gets time off for good behavior said the own er of land on Lot 13 on Misslssauga Road He was referring to the expected length of lime a proposed Brampton dump site would be In use before being exhau sled A public meeting was held Saturday at Alloa Public School for resl dents to air their views about Peel region want ing to take soil samples from a proposed site The site is called Area 1 and the land borders on Winston Churchill to the west Side- road to the north and the CNR tracks the south and the Line to the west The meeting was chaired by Peel regional chairman Frank Bean who fielded questions and referred technical queries to Peel staff Representing rcsi of Georgetown and area residents whose properties border on the site were Hills councillors Pam Sheldon Mike Armstr one Mayor Miller and Burlington MPP Julian Reed Mr Reed spoke to the chairman about the two tributaries lhat flow through Area 1 one an Impact on the citizens of Halton he said He wanted know what provisions had been made for citizens In Halton to be represent Mr Reed said the area being proposed is ronmentally sensitive and he wished to have he knows underlines that point The local MPP also tea hale a residue left by de composed garbage is not always properly safe guarded and thai gallons a da Is being spilled into the Credit River by a faulty site In Georgetown Many of the residents who spoke were over the environ menial effects of a to have i dump site in their neighborhood Brampton Alderman red Kec why he seen any report from the Credit Valley Conservation Area on the proposed site Speaking on behalf of the citizens he said People need water and protection from the ronment You can live without money but you can t live without water Residents themselves banded together to read brief at the meet Brampton Concern ed Citizens expressed concerns with wells being contaminated and acres of farmland thai would be taken out or production Haulage costs would be the greatest of any of other candidate site and Road would become overused The group also wanted lo know if Canadian National Hallways had been informed of Peel decision They asked hit Peel staff not come onto property for drogeolog I I testing until they were properly funded to research the technical aspects of the proposed dump site The president of the Peel Federation of tullure said that landfill sites should not be con sldcred Tor farm areas but rather Industrial sites He said there are dairy farms in north west Brampton and a dump would disturb their land through under ground water contoml nation The tusk force prom is to compose written answers to written que stions by residents concerned with the sion to lest further in Area 1 Meanwhile Brampton Concerned Citizens arc planning to present brief to Peel Council next Tuesday in opposition to their plans number of manpower on hand tonight as children in Hilts lake to the streets trick or treating We at least double if not greater than double the amount of officers we would nor have on patrol Crime Prevention Con stable Bob Constable warns children to slay on the sidewalks as much as possible and not a taking any shortcuts or venturing into unlit art as during the even ing Ideally the younger children should be accompanied by their parents or an older person he Bui As fir as costumes for Hallowe en goes Const able advises children not to wear black and no matter what color outfit is worn some white should be prominent at a distance He recommends clothing as the safest bet While makeup on the face usually t present a problem Constable is asking parents to moke sure their children can see out of sides of masks properly Children should not cat any of treats they receive till their parents have had a chance look them over which should be done very carefully he said Although there has been decrease in loaded treats over the years in Hills Constable said when the parents are checking out the candy even if there is a possibility the candy has been tampered wilh It out regional police will be enforcing the 10 curfew very strictly anyone under 16 seen after the curfew without a parent or appointed adult will be apprehended Any acts of vandalism such as soaping windows or throwing eggs will be treated as criminal offences and offenders will be charged Constable was happy to report there were very little problems last year en REBEL CHARIOTS Or FIRE Like a scene of Chariots of Fire members of the Georgetown District High School country Jog the woods Park The team is bully preparing for their chance be hosts at the Its OFSAA cross country championships The location Is the Georgetown Golf and Country Club and the first race starts Saturday at a I Herald photo