Page SECTION TlIE HERALD Wednesday October NEW HOMES GEORGETOWN ah brick Maturing I main Boor lamlry room fireplace main flew laundry large matter bedroom with id From Dave ITS A STEAL 500 Completely from head to lot Juit move right In mi SOLO BRICK BUNGALOW on large GO ft rot apt to and shopping Priced low Cl of MM Arlima RAVINE LOT Vary dative area nun Boot room with flreptece Ingrouad betted pool dtceptd a run Location A decor review flAVWE LOT Largo 4 bedroom of kitchen main titer findy wtm 3 end nig 9213 NEW HOME SlmHtirlopiciure new being north of Glen el bedroom raited bungalow it brick aluminum and nil 2 Solon acre It bat fireplace end from the room Don FOUR BEDROOM 2 tlorey homo for only 75 900 And you get on finished ret room end oarage For more Information Dm Ttmmoni or Whiting 4130 ft on cret Luxunr lootnrti Knelled family room jer oik cir walkeuti horn kitchen Aid fimtfy morn CM Peter Yvonne for viewing BEST BUY DREAM HOME Abtohitely buirttfuRy dtcoraud well eared for homo from Iowa on ergo lei It Very luge Hugo room fJrtplico big bright tunny windows vendor will with financing Come with 410B NEW LISTING jut north of Georgetown try family room with fireplace gorgtou pool Vendor action 118900 Brace Elmtlo UtUni BrokeO VEND0R SLASHES PRICE TO 900 Need Immednte on INi home Fettiiret Include circular uk limlty room fireplace lovely kitchen with cupboards floor laundry room with garage Peter or Yvonne 4282 GEORGETOWN DETACHED SOD A dol flolthed from bead to toe detached garage dote to 80 CaRAmtorAb 9213 or Rot D7G8 DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL Filtering with twan- I CaB Pod Harrison or 422B GREAT FAMILY HOME Located prtillgt area of Erie 4 Urge In room heated garage walkout dining tret to double deck CilNonnneKllgaurit PHASE III and throngbMl to end rear yard ray afford to Gin a call and Arme at or Hot B77 GEORGETOWN BRICK SCO Super treed tot Shoplift look in oil mile SI bill on or fro rmti lm mill on Amcilci rtr Snail fume ft ih tract I ha member he Heavy ici aabt ntbttiuidwurn BliBrde Killer pin brain more CREDIT RIVER PROPERTY Km nicety tola Two BEAUTIFULLY RENOVATED home with rttlnlihed pint trim now In kitchen The homo It tot on a largo ft let that fruit tnoi mac buthet and numereui Priced l CaB Dive Whiting it IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS TNt 3 bedroom bungalow b Men tor young lamBy or anyone Iht el a quiet end the el a nearby cen tre Lltttd at tome ap- planctt CM Gary Brand at or GOT THAT COUNTRY FEELING Com tot tbta 3 bedroom 4th dewmUJn on lot In- brick drlnwiy treat from la dock Inadloont and aucb mora Only at 900 BEDROOMS Lovory bedroom home In reiMtnrJal Largo foyer eft of family room 12 ft deck Large private lot wtlh fgimoredttaltitB OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1PM4PM 4BMouatalnirrawN Meal Georgetown home Ann Foilcr 4212