WEDDED BLISS Bicentennial calendar of schools SECTION A THE HERALD Wednesday November Paget Ernest and Violet Ellison or Georgetown have stuck together through thick and thin for yean The couple celebrated their wedding anniversary Sunday afternoon with Jim Ellison of Acton left and Alec of Georgetown right Their daughter was up from Woodstock the day before Herald photo Holy Church hall was packed with friends and relations of George and Catherine Graham of Georgetown Sunday afternoon The couple were celebrating their anniversary Herald photo Dental care the herald for poor proposed The region a new Medical Officer of Health would like to establish dental care for low income people Dr Graham Pol kit recently reviewed the current community den program In the region His report to regional council recommends low income people who cam more than welfare reel pients and less than moderate Income people be assured dental care at a centrally located treat centre or clinic As well Dr recommended he region provide dental care for people over GO years old However Dr recommendations t going to be acted an in the 1965 budget He told The Herald they would require hiring of a dentist and would entail quite a bit of money Right now the region shares dentist Sam Green with Peel and York regions for its dental health program Community Speaker to talk on child discipline Clubs open house The Palette and Pencil Club will hold a open house at Cedarvale Park Cottage Tuesday Nov The members will be displaying some of their work and would be happy to discuss their art and methods wilh the public Everyone welcome coffee is available Eight estates Eight residential estates are being planned by Georgetown Golf Estates Limited for a subdivision on part of Lot 16 Concession 10 The hectares of property has been drafted into a draft plan of subdivision wlty the region The lands are presently designated rural In both the region and the town Official Plan The property is oft Regional Road and Birth alternatives Who ensures your baby safe delivery The Brampton Birth Alternatives meets Monday Dec 3atBpm HlllSquareln Brampton to discuss parent responsibility log a hospital and doctor compatible with your needs For further information call Susan si or Andrea at Communion Sunday By WINIFRED SMITH Herald Correspondent Communion Sunday was observed during the church service The children were given special Instructions by the minister what this sacred service meant to the Christian religion and why observed at special tunes of the year The Junior Choir conducted by Allison McKclvey sang an anthem which was very much enjoyed Mr and Mrs had their family home for the weekend as daughter Sheila was celebrating a birthday Sore thumbs By WINIFRED SMITH Herald Correspondent The home- making group who named themselves The Sore Thumbs have completed their quilting project Members have learned the basic techniques for quilting The techniques were used In their samples at the EC school in Milton Dec The club display is on gift Ideas Also don t forget those interested In the rug braiding course that it starts Thursday evening at the Community Centre Herald Disciplined one topic parents arc always wondering or worrying about said Jan Purvis of the Halton Council Workshop Committee Mrs Purvis along with the Council of Home and School Associations The Halton Vice Principal Professional Develop ment Committee The Halton Board of examples are will be host and practical ing a talk by Barbara to deal with the Colo rosso on subject problems The parents of child discipline can go homo and try out Mrs from the University Colo rado is a noted class room teacher workshop leader author and lec turer Held at Nelson High School 4181 New Street Nov at m Mrs Purvis said the tolk will have a very practical approach She presents some very theoretical aspects child discipline main theme of he talk will revolve around the fact hat in many instances a child has a problem and has to take ownership of that problem then learn to deal with the Mrs Purvis sold Mrs Colorosso will be making the presentation In Burlington while she is on a tour speaking on discipline In other areas of the province including a conference in Toronto By ROBIN Herald Staff What originally start as a fund raising Idea by Board of cation transportation officer Jim Hunt chang cd over a three year period into a at project The result of Mr Hunt efforts have produced an original calendar depicting ten of the older historic schools in the Drawn by secondary school students the calendar shows Illustrations Tor oil the months except July and August which Mr Hunt said are not usually associated with the school year Authentic drawings of the old Georgetown High School and Acton Public School arc Included in the calendar by Debbie Newman of GDHS and Laura of respectively While only of the calendars have been pro duced by the board at a total cost of It was originally planned that calendars be made and distributed free lo all students within This have had Co be done wilh the aid of a provincial grant which was available for some bicentennial projects In Ontario A request for was turned down by the government who felt the project was one which could have been funded on its own and the calen dars sold for profit Another drawback to ho grant was they were limited to a maximum of S3 Mr Hunt said The cost for additional calendars or for using the artwork on other projects will be consider ably cheaper with the metal printing plates already produced Student artists who participated in the art work for the calendar were each awarded a bicentennial certificate and an autographed copy of he calendar signed by board chair Betty Fisher and director Beevor Barclay handles snow Herald Stair s to be done by Barclay Snow removal from Haulage for another public parking lots In year the Georgetown by councillors ess Improvement Area j heir committee meeting the staff recommendation is to p Monday night news By J ROSS Herald Sympathy of the community Is extended to Mr and Mrs John Murray and family of the village in the loss of John mother Mrs Sarah Murray Mrs Murray had moved here from her native Scotland a few years ago and was with John and Marie in her own apartment This Tall Mrs Murray had had a trip back to England and Scotland and visited with relet I and friends and had returned to her home here just a few days ago The funeral was held at St John on Sunday Nov With the ty for public parking lots now with the muni clpahty the town is making efforts to acquire leases over privately owned land used for public narking Once leases have been arranged tendering for snow removal is to take place likely next November Barclay Haulage a private contractor has indicated a willingness provide service at Ihe same equipment costs as I ail winter The cost for winter sand will be Increased from lo per ton The Georgetown BIA are to continue cost sharing Tor this service Last ear tons of sand were used The agreement Barclay Haulage is for Nov 1 to April next Pinto on fire Firefighters to the Line north of 22 Sideroad Saturday where they dealt with a fire In a Ford Pinto There is no Indication how Ihe fire started which destroyed the car An estimated in damages occurred to a TR7 after it was hit by an unknown vehicle in the Consumers Distributing parking lot on Mountain view Road In George town Saturday Barry D Timleck Chartered Accountant DWG IB MMflUMeiN M S 8776948 jtlearx FOB products WITH EXPERT SERVICE CALL 8775413 ONTARIO PHOTO REPRINTS J 13 Lose Up lb Ten Pounds InJust Two Weeks 70 Mid St Old Post Office Selling tools Selling tools at the Speedy Muffler Shop and Tim in Georgetown has led to charge under the Hawk era and Act for a man Tapes stolen A Panasonic AM FM radio and cassette play with an approximate value of was stolen from a Crescent residence in George town sometime between Nov and 12 FILL TOP BUD HAINES 3 DURHAM You Qat Individual Attention For and in good valuing auiwanhoiB gs no than ha Mlllon Fltnaaa twill a Ml en and ll oil In In- watlt or and Mama Inwnu is inn can Hid a apoclally la Vow nslg MILTON FITNESS CENTRE 355 Main St Milton Dreems Become Reality h china a Iota iKoi Soda and DELACOURTS CHINA SHOP Main St Milton Something Sweet For You 1hl a lo again HUNTERS COUNTRY RESTAURANT Ha Charles Makes House Calls ltd haa THE LITTLE GALLERY WILLOW LANES NATURAL FOODS IS Willow St Acton Dining Place With A Difference almoictwt la apodal a joint in a is I la a aim Dial Dull era o a tea floor BRACKENS lOMounUJmriewRd KldaGet The Spirit Early COLCRAFT Marketplace 877 Quality to Last a Lifetime Hood ot waDdcNpKanulicliiiIng Pint m WOODCHIP MANUFACTURING Armstrong Aw Unit The Warm Glow Of Old World Values I LAVIEILLEAUBERGE Allow Go Ahead Pamper Yourself I In you aw a good out soaring Is buying a lima ilia Than oui ttatl la Cam ahaM tooth of to hat iho aeoUifng CAMERONS FASHIONS BEAUTY SALON ft AS Main