SECTION T Wednesday D CARS TRUCKS 1974 MERCURY MLTOR 351 a Besloller AT 160PlYM0UTHArow Town I 97 BUCK SYKLAHK IS MSI of ale 14B4jtlrji6pn 132154b 1979 GMIC drive mile SI cars a trucks cms trucks Little Ones write to Santa Letters to Santa hiiihin A 1 is if 877 SB Co VOLVO Coupe lour spare pails Mil lei is Olds Culliis body 1 1 gdt rally tic Lis 1 mm LTD runs 1977 T0Y01A Body need spied 13Bis4G53r PLYMOUTH Fury PS needs bodywork cc 1 good runner oiler 198 HONDA CIVIC on wagon floor edited NOTHING BEATS EM MIKE BURNS HAS GREAT DEALS VB mediimdaikhiownwm Cloth inter or rewheets 81 CHEV PICKUP ScolsdatePkg auto 79 PONTIAC Factory r wire wheel covers lone maroon Hi inter or STK 392 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX Ifi red cloth 470UEIPHST- good con as is Us leSabre tin condition 1971 FOflDGaiaxid50a2doof good motor needs body work riiany extra parts 3776 I 1977 low mileage needs body best oiler 1582as49 1979 CORDOBA Black red pi lully loaded lb Hack on S3 km uncertified Needs work or best It- 52e5 Power window sun cassette FORD FIDO PKkup 302 standard I tans 100 mites well mania ned wiih cap SI as is 853 1983 with si 87 8052 44b 1981 Pielude speed power sun mo brakes 91 000 km or be si oiler 853 1388as47 1974 VISTA CRUISER very good ng Gondii on tires Air shocks body rusted les brakes many 87600 2724as50 4es F150 pickup 000 ml LEMANS 350 miles rebuilt radiator or best of lei Cord alter 4 Tradesman van lined SI DO Phong 1l2fl5as47 HONOA CIVIC Special Good spd phone earn headers Her snorkel scoop etc Richard 1 CUTIASS Cruiser Wilh an AMFM radio new Iransmisston as Ion nder standard with cap stereo alter 02 1982 MERCURY LYnT low mleago excellent 870322 day 87 oven rigs body new brakes shocks cyl speed Cert led 100 Call 1059as45 ton pickup w aluminum cap as as VALIANT Brougham good it con dilloned original mles Musi sell 2721ls56e5 truck 1983 Most options cap small Phone evenings or weekends 1278a I cyl 2 df m condil on asking 877412 les 1978 HONDA CIV doors Sodas T peed best oiler John allot Cert lied 19B1 VAN captains seals power cruise stereo good condition 80 asking HONDA Cvc as is good w car 1163 2es 1975 DODGE DART needs body work oiler Days or 1193as46 Honda Civic standard ex condition or Oiler 114 5 I496as49 GOLD Plymouth Fury air on power brakes Steering radio very good con dition lamiiy car 3927 1580as49 3cs CHRYSLER blue door wilh Landaurool Power steering seal windows air condition Eiellent Must be seen Call Bums Transport or oiler 1975 MUSTANG It battery radials clean SI evenings 9579 I convert We new 1 end body body II RABBIT door very good 1972 inn no also one lor pails Jigs 196 GRAND IRIX IJ 455 1972 Hilly cube ill work no ceil ted in niter pin 853 2450 19B1 MUSTANG Immaculale miles extended wananly 4 speed I tool SB Ted good body we 1 Needs exhaust 0O 2B34 15G1as48 at 1978 TOYOTA speed mult pie snow til excellent cond alter 1976 TOYOTA COflOLLA iGOOPatts good engine new water pump 1563as48 2es 1974 AUH FOX wen UMod rebuilt new brakes tic tan cloth interior body ex 1975 DODGE ROYAL Monaco certified wagon passenger or best oiler phone877 9705 alter 1973 car Has not been licensed lor 3 years needs palm Linda 1348 197G one owner ac Power everything tape S2O00 1981 CHEVROLET hall ion pickup power steer Radial Ires as is or certified 2567as50 4es DODGE Cornet door as is ever 873 1587 4es FIREBIRD RED PIS 106B 1975 DODGE DART door 000 miles as Is lor S900 or best oiler Dear Santa My name Is Glen and I am almost five I am trying to be a good boy Tor Mommy Daddy I would like you to bring my new baby Amy a little care I would like to have the new Dragon Walker from Masters or the I will leave a snack Tor you when you get to my Love Glen Wood Dawson Cres Georgetown Dear Glen Thank you for your nice card the on drawing It looks like your house If my memo ry serves correct My elves ore lorly lord of the dragon walker hat He Man uses It a lot different than the toy trains I used for boys and girls a few years back 111 look for a little core bear for your sister Thank you For leaving a Love Santa 77 CORDOBA barrel headers racing cam Bears rear end 90 m les Best oiler 4064 OLDS TORQNADO Power sleeting brakes windows air stereo or 1978 HONDA CIVIC slat on wagon speed A l976G0tDPIvnoulhtuy 1 brakes power sice ing Good lion Wagon 307 vB power sice brakes air con dihonng les 1974 4 door tilled SI FORD CUSTOM automatic power Steering brakes mles Excellent J will certify I203a50 4es Wagon power sleeting brakes automatic air tear block healer 000 miles 519 10B5aS45 HERES A BRIGHT IDEA TURN THOSE UNWANTED ITEMS HOME INTO CASH RUN 17 WORD ARTICLE FOR SALE AD FOR ONLY Dear Santa My name Is I want for Christmas a Plush Snork Cabbage Patch Rocker Corner Baby Snuggle bum Momma Snuggle Bum Poppa Snuggle Bum Tugs Care Bear Cabbage Patch Feeding Set Kimono with booties and nighty bunting bag Michael Jackson coat will leave some carrots and cookies and milk out Tor you and Rudolph Love Carrie Stone Poplar Ave Acton Dear Carrie Thank you for your very complete list of toys Thank you for send me a picture of you too should be easy for me to find some of them In my factory inventory ir not the elves will change their production schedules and work overtime find just Ihe right gift Thank you for all the food We need to keep our strength to battle the northwesterly head winds Did you know an average reindeer gels miles a dozen wishes Santa Claus Dear Santa My name is am trying lo be a good girl for my Mommy and Daddy Sama t would like you bring a candy and a little table and chairs for my dollies and me Love Wood Dawson Georgetown Dear You write very well for a girl your age Or did your mommy write it for you Anyways scribbled sketches in pencil must be yours III look for the presents you ve asked for It be hard find a tittle table and chairs for your dollies Merry Chris mas Santa Dear Santa Thank you for last year presents How arc This year I would like Knight Rider Go loth He- Man Figures and a Big Foot I have been a good link boy Maybe you bring something for my sister Kelly too Wc will leave you some cookies and milk and for Ihe reindeer Love from Adam Bowman I age Parkview Georgetown Dear Adam I am fine thank you but my chiropractor feels I should lose some weight before Dee After hat night I usu ally gain about 100 pounds from all that milk and cookies and I II look for some nice gifts for you and your sister Kelly It was kind of you to think of her I Love Santa PS Do you have any diLi cookies Dear Santa Thank you very much for all my nice presents last year I have tried to be a good girl for my Mom and Dad all year May I please have a Cabbage Patch Doll a Car Bear and a game called Operation Thank you very much Santa I love you Kim Ken- Prince Charles Georgetown countries combined 1 try to bring you some or the gifts you want Promise you be good though Bye for now Santa Santa Hi would you please bring me a counting frame Legos a dolly puzzles more play Mine is dried up and new pyjamas Jennifer Mc Mullen PS I will leave you milk and cookies and carrots for Rudolph Dear Kim You are welcome for your presents lost year Its so nice lo give lo a girl lhal is so apprecia J II try bring you at least one the Hems you asked for on your plus some other goodies that will be a surprise or now Love you too Santa Dear Jennifer My what beautiful you and your brother have Some of I hem are of but I think 1 more hand some lhan that Don Play Dough is one my fovorile all lime loyt so I m glad you asked for it My elves will get lired of making it because they re always playing with it when they should be working Love you too Santa Rudolph thanks you on behalf of the rein deer Tor the carrots Hi Santa I wonder if you would bring me a Cabbage Boy Night Rider Burning Key Car a record about Santa Rudolph and the and new ramp for my Stumpers Matthew McMullen I leave cookies and milk for you and carrots water for Rudolph and other reindeer Dear Matthew Your mom lold me l hose pyjamas ihji you ve worn failhfully foi so long I II 1r and find a new pair to keep you warm plus some of the you ve asked for Do you watch Knight Rider too Ever since the satellite receiver has been ins la I led it s hard to get me away from TV Love from Santa Dear Santa Claus How arc you and how arc the elves doing with the How Is Mrs Are you busy Are the raindccr doing okay My name Is Angela van der been good this year I cunt wait till Christmas Eve and can t wait till Christmas morning I would like a Pound Puppy and a teddy bear thai says my name on it for Christmas Ilovejou and I wish you a ver Merry Christmas and New Year Angela van der 11 keeping Mk ixtepi fi lew iltms Irki em old them In wnuldn I mi I tlail 10 mi been this llil 1 1 low 1 BiUiii nit vitll special gill i hi Dear Santa Say hello to the rein deer and Mrs Claus I have been a good boy most of ihe lime I would like to gel the big GUoe Jet and Joe Command Centre To tell the ruth I would like All of it all of it all of it because it is really hard for me to make a choice Maybe it is best thai Ihe choice is left up to you or my Mom and Dad would be penniless Thank you for any thing MarkMaltby KlnghamRd Acton Dear Mark The reindeer say back They think you have a very nice home with a good solid roof for landingH Yes it would be if I Joe would sill and be an infantryman like In the old days He got more equipment than and the Warsaw Pact tillage DAY CARE CENTRE AGES 2 YEARS TO KWOEUIAnTEN Professional Cars Hot Meals and Part Time 0PEN7AM FOR CALL HAMPTON LOAFER LAKE LANE 8777310 8462935 CHRISTMAS HOURS Sal Dec a 1pm Sun Dec 23 1pm Mori Dec 24 CLOSED Tuei Dec CLOSED Wed Dec CLOSED Dec 3D a m m Dec 30 am Sal Dec 29 Dam Sun Dec 30 9am 1pm Mon Jan 1 CLOSED Tues Jan 2 CLOSED J fromDc22to1W6rMbabvhtlng WORK THAT DOnV I DW1 232 SI Royal Bank AlWMrMWMwiMVWian 8770771