the HERALD Home Newspaper of Halton Hills Established 1 866 A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 45 Guolpti Street Georgetown Ontario PAUL J TAYLOR Publisher and General Manager DAVE Editor PHONE BOBLIGHTBOURN Advertising Manager Second Out Page SECTION A THE HERALD Monday December 1W4 Help them help us Feeling the Christmas crunch If youre considering a trip to Brampton or Toronto for a shopping spree weve got words of caution Its busy out there in the hinterlands beyond Halton Hills By shopping locally residents can avoid traffic in the aisles and roads that lead to many of the same purchases that can be made right here in town Were willing to bet youll find more smiling shopowners and clerks here Theres another reason besides fighting crowds and helpful staff though Local merchants support our town through their taxes sponsorships and charitable donations Part of the money they make helps a multitude of programs ranging from minor hockey to the Red Cross A good Christmas season for some firms means the difference between closing their doors forever or con tinuing on The citys trying to beautify the downtown area so they appreciate it if your mother stayed off the streets Armchair general misjudged What others say No time to idle It seems some members of council finally believe Bramptons representatives must take an active role in the search for a new garbage dump Garbage dumps for that matter any kind of dumps are hot political items And Brampton city council is just starting to feel public pressure even though Peel Region will have initial say in choosing a site Under an old agreement the regions dump must be located in Brampton The existing dump at the Britannia landfill site is in Peel Region has badly handled the issue Consultan ts were hired and five sites were chosen The preferred location near Mississauga Road and 5th line west Site received strong public and corporate opposition boroogfrPropertiestold the region that Mississauga could lose millions if Jump was located near its proposed in dustrial park The region folded and in a panic rejected all five sites Consultants picked seven new sites The preferred one this time is in northwest Brampton near one of the original five The site ranks last from a stan Area residents are already campaigning to stop the dump To now Bramptons representatives have been strongly quiet about the whole process Its apparent doesnt want the dump anywhere near its boundaries At a meeting last week some city representatives suggested Brampton refuse to pass an official plan amen dment if it disagreed with the regions choice of site That doesnt solve the problem and only delays the result The time to become involved is now Coun Sutters motion approved at commit tee level asks the region to conduct soil tests at Site the original preferred site opposed by will likely pull all the stops to oppose Site the original preferred site opposed by Mark- borough will likely pull all the stops to oppose Site B but it shows a willingness here to get involved Brampton otherwise will have with the con sequences Its no good complaining after the deciions are made City council should be involved if only to save their own political hides Ultimately Bramptons tatives will bear the brunt of the opposition They can no longer sit idle and blame the region Courtesy of Brampton Dally Times Although he was a federal cabinet mlnlslerfornearlyelghtyears Gerard never managed to bare his Immense intellectual energy before us Ab Secretary of State and then as Minister of Slate and then as Minister of Communications he tended to come across as a sort of cultural czar often viewed by English Canadians as on armchair general in the battle for bilingual Ism And then he slipped out of our Immediate view as Canadian Ambassador in Paris followed by a threeyear stint as Canadian Ambassa dor to the United Nations Certainly a distinguished career but so far as the general public la concerned he remained largely underexposed And Its really a pity because Gerard recently retired from IhcpubllcserviceattheageofGS is an intensely interesting individual who despite the image that his various portfolios imposed on him Is far from the aloof morningcoated thinker we have come to imagine Had Pierre Trudeau made him his Ministetpf Labor or even we would no doubt have tome to know a far GOOD STORY What we tend to forget In Pellet case was the fact that he along with Trudeau and Jean Marchand were in the trenches fighting Maurice during the infamous IMS asbestos strike And while we may have associated his newspaper career with a publish suite it was as a slogging labor reporter that he really established his reputation As a gutsy activist he took a backseat to one although It was Marchand and Trudeau who captured most of the glory such as it was Perhaps simply looked loo cultivated But he has finally gotten around lo telling us he full story of those early stormy years and a good story it Is If there is one thing that Gerard can do better than any of his content poraries from that era Is write and his new book Years of Impatience Is one of the best reads for anyone who has the slightest interest in Quebec and the often stormy years which followed If he was an enthusiastic partlci pant he was also an astute observer and it seems that little has been missed Without having wade through any dreary documentation he tells us Pierre Trudeau than many of the books devoted exclusively to lha fascinating subject There are equally Intriguing insights Into the restless Rene Lev and the feared Maurice But most of all we finally get a longoverdue Insight into the author himself and unwavering commit to the country served so well STILL GOING And what I got from a long conversation with him were encourag indications that it far from over GerardPelletiermaybeSS like Pierre Trudeau Montreal stomping grounds after in New York and Paris he can wail to plunge headlong Into new projects Being Chairman of the National Museums Corporation might look alter one day a week buthehassixothersto worry about So for he has been busy organizing a forum in Montreal for the discussion or international affairs- The interest in international affairs throughout Quebec Is quite phenomenal and he mulling over how to harness the energies that might be left over from the nationalist movement He has even talked to hia old buddy Trudeau about he possibility of new magazine lo this end What worries mo Is what will happen to a whole generation of Quebecers who have worked toward independence and who were on the verge of power What will happen to this energy Are we going to lose a whole generation How are we to harness this Into productive pursuits To Pelletler whose eyes and ears have missed few sights and sounds in Quebec the present situation if allow to drift is fraught with danger Somehow we must create a forum that will bring two generations er This is what be in mind for a possible magazine In fact he has already talked with potential backers and participants although very tentatively Considering the fact that he still was surrounded by packing cases and wasn yet living in his own house It was difficult to expect much more progress But it will come bet on it Thursday day of reckoning By Derek Thursday this week Is the day of reckoning for Liberal leader David Peterson and to a lesser degree Leader Bob Rae That when voters go to the polls in five byelections How they turn out should be a pointer to the future hopes of both Peterson and It true that byelections can be unrepresentative of how all electorate will vote come a general election the Parti In Quebec is the ultimate example of that losing byelections out of but winning two general elections But even in Ontario voters will cast byelection ballots to punish a governing party when they really don t Intend to vole against it in a general election That happened with the rural breakthrough In the Middlesex byelection in a break through that ended as soon as he next general election was called BEST And It is also true that when it comes to byelections the New Demo crats are usually the best organized with the greatest number of bodies knocking door todoor Interestingly while in the past Tew years the Tories have maintained they re as entitled as the to the byelection organization award no Liberal has ever made such a claim This lime round many CbnservaU ves are tied up with their leadership campaign to replace BUI Davis as premier Still all that hedging aside these byelections are important in terms of credibility for both Peterson and Rae Four of the ridings were Liberal held Hamilton Centre Russell Wentworth North and Ottawa East and one NDP Ottawa Centre In all but Hamilton Centre the Tories were the number two party TORY HOPE Considering they are running with a lameduck premier Davis and only partial organization a victory by the Conservatives in any of the seats can only be seen as a plus for them There is speculation I haven I been in ridings to check It out they could win as manv as three of them not Hamilton Centre or Ottawa East Since even Ottawa Centre a scat its loss to the Tories necessarily hurt He has only to run up respectable totals In the two scats in which his party has a chance Ottawa Centre and Hamilton Centre and hold bis own or Improve his vote in the other three contests to be a winner That will indicate although not prove that the s nineyear slide in provincial politics has ended It will be champagne time should he win both Centre and Hamilton Centre PETERSON PROBLEM However If the Liberals win those two seals then the bubbly will be out in Peterson of flee Such victories would confound the media pundits predicting the demise of the Ontario Grits Hamilton Centre loss would be the most devastating for the Liberals Their high prof lie candidate is Lily Munroe former federal cabinet minister John Munroe and the former representative was Liberal Sheila Copps who took Munroe Ottawa seat The competition there is solely Ihe NDP If the other three seats also stayed Liberal the Grits would be ecstatic But Ottawa East is their only sure bet Thoughts at Christmas time CLERGY COMMENT Herald Special Away in a manger Santa Claus the miracle of the virgin birth Rudolph the red nosed So many different Images float through as we think of Christmas Christmas memories of the Skates we unwrapped one year a preity doll the next or maybe a fluffy kitten or frisky pup The warm memories clash with radio announcers voice Only IB more shopping days before Christmas light The crowds the confusion who needs It In between our thoughts of fruit cake and fudge come the questions like How did Christmas get so And we wonder about the possibility of putting the Christ back into Christmas Yet Jesus did not come Into the world so that we could romanticize the beauty of a baby so soft so sweet Jesus was born long ago Into a world of violence remember the slaughter of all the little children In Bethlehem how many children are assaulted across our land every year The Christ child came into world poor he was bom in a stable on a bed of hay how many will die of starvation this very day The Saviour arrived in a world of indifference remember those who followed him no more because his words were too hard how many in our land of materialism follow other gods whose words arc alluring The Messiah arrived in a world of unfairness after all the purpose of he census was so that taxes could be levied and in our world It is still many who support the few So let us not allow ourselves to be distracted because Ihe birth of baby Jesus seems to be left out of Christmas In our society Why was Jesus born Was it not to bring a message of hope to a world where violence poverty Indifference and inequality are ram pant The message of Christmas is that there is hope to be found our world is so in need of hope Doesn anybody have answers Doesn anyone care Jesus came to speak a resounding YES in answer to those questions The Jesus we know came not be cooed over as a baby but to bo looked to for the answers to life dilemma Our Saviour come to communicate that YES there is the possibility of peace in your life when conflict abounds YES there is strength avail able to you when you have exhausted all yours And YES YES YES there is love a love so great you can never exliaust It So this Christmas let us focus not on bow commercialized the celebration of the birth of Jesus has become Bui ralher let us focus on the people in out lives who need to hear the message of hope that Jesus was born to bring And let us praise God for reality of that hope in our own Uvea farmer Tom I England on the S helped an American ship In distress during the crossing which involved picking up IB dead sailors from the ship Footings are being poured this week by and Nelson contract ore for Ihe new addition of Cedarvale School Mr and Mrs Kenneth Roy Hurren will be making their home In Acton after being married Dec 3 Plans ore proceeding for on of a Rotary Club in Georgetown Mrs Nancy became the first lady mayor in Brampton defeat Bill Robinson Gilbert Cunningham from Salmo Joined the Drug staff last week Lt Col Sam Charters succeeded Lt Col John Barber Georgetown as commanding officer of the Lome Scots Regiment Pipe Major of Georgetown Girls Pipe Band since 1950 Mrs John Scatty Patterson has retired and will be succeeded by Ann Luke FIFTEEN YEARS section of Main Street between Park and Maple was closed this week when work started on storm sewering the first step in road reconstruction 1969 Christmas seals have been distributed to Halton County area homes for lha year All schools in Halton County are receiving nursing service on a full or parttimebasls iheboardof education personnel office said this week Frank Cleave Don Parker and John Narey won door prizes at the Smith and Stone annual staff Christ mas party A clause bylaw setting up a community program of recreation was given two readings by council Monday night An overloaded feeder line was the cause of a minute hydro blackout which left a large section of the town without electrical power early Monday night J David Hogan is a new member of Georgetown medical fraternity with an office on Young Street TEN YEARS almost official There will be three provincial ridings in Halton region next year The Georgetown boy scouts have been granted permission to purchase trees to plant on the site of former Georgetown landfill site As a result of what is believed to have been smoking In bed a George town District Memorial Hospital pall ent died in a fire there A standing Committee on the Status of Women which will be cochaired by Peggy Balkind and Sylvia was- formed at the December ting of Local Counc of Women Councillor Harry Levy has been nominated to represent Hills council on the special fundraising committee for the new Georgetown recreation centre Mike Richmond is a street hockey game in the hopes of breaking the worlds endurance record for the sport A critical sand and gravel shortage in Hills has town council seeking a petition asking the provincial government to dtnend Its Niagara Escarpment policy Dorothy Zebedee from the Georgetown Club presented with a cheque for which will be used to purchase a knife FIVE YEARS AGOTheir crops threatened by starving wildlife Halton farmers want an open season on deer next year in order to try and control the size or area herds Councillor Harry Levy who has on occasion had differences of opinion with Mayor Pete praised the mayor for his contribution thus far the municipality Although the Acton Town Hall Restoration Committee has come up with a way to raise the necessary for Its share of project members arcn t talking about it until all the details are in place Adding impetus to efforts by downtown Acton merchants to beautify the central business area plans are now being made for the construction of a fivestore mall at the comer of Willow and Mill Streets Thursday defeat of Prime Minister Joe Clark government has sent the three riding associations in Brampton Georgetown scrambling to organize campaigns Chamber Alert a preplanned way of warning Chamber members of problems such as bad cheques has now been implemented Jakes Restaurant and Disco in Georgetown is looking for couples to enter Its hour dance marathon Jan 11 and 12 residents expecting their regular newspaper pick up will have lo wait until January Art Rice a spokesman for Ihe Norval Cubs and Scouts said Poets Corner ROOD FRIENDS In continuum ray needing CojUdl have eight reindeer bags 150 Years of service to firm With combined employees having vice of years six reached years at employees were honor- were Helen Noble and Terry held at Ihe Acton Legion Norton both members on Sep 22 1964 of the maintenance de- Joining the Compa John s list of dedicated ty Bill and Lloyd Dyer tool and die makers and Francis a supervisor in assembly depart The six were present ed with suitably timepieces save god listen been loo busy to return my messages lately a modem day rip van winkle recently awakened I keep asking where d you all