Page PIONEER DAYS Wednesday June IS 198s COUNTRY SOUNDS 11 appropriate to entertain your with country and western when It Pioneer In Georgetown year the Jeff Barry bind above kept the afreet dance alive and this year It will be lie Gary Foot and the Country band for a Friday night and Saturday afternoon Another musical group providing good lUtenlng sounds are he Region Police Cnorua jit ERIN HEARING AID CENTRE SPECIAL JUNE- DISCOUNT FOR SENIOR CITIZENS 15 OFF THE REGULAR PRICE OF ANY HEARING AID AND HEARING AID BATTERIES FOR JUNE ONLY ERIN HEARING AID CENTRE MAIN ST Georgetown RESTAURANT DINNER FOR FOUR- Egg Rolls sweet and Sour Chicken with Vegetable Chicken Balls and Almond Breaded Jumbo Shrimps Chicken Chow Meln Chicken Fried Rice MAIN ST SOUTH GEORGETOWN GEORGETOWN GREAT FOOD AT OUR BUFFET THURSDAY FRIDAY OUTDOOR ROAST OF BEEF SATURDAY PIONEER DAYS ENTERTAINMENT GARDEN PATIO