fi light easy summer foods for every day or special occasions tokcIti product of Oniano sugar 24 mm S A Canadano 1 grade Snowed beverage white ranulated kg bag limit 3 savetoo potatoes raw aw jar rich coffee 499 fresh save 20 apples gar I gnat save save ox mums i9 1216urjesyl sirloinp I steak- savei5o save90 Del Monte pudding cups 149 save 160 steaks save fillets savetoo pickerel fillets 133l save 130 peppers fresh save 10 hams save 50 saveioo save save54 save 50 save 90 i juices I Deans I soft margarine Ibeefsteakettes 1191249 save save 20 save 20 save 38 save 33 last week Off ipmeapple I Quench I Weston buns I Weston bread I ph finishing I a JlNghii saveijpo save 20 save 30 saveioo saveo I regular selling price and special sale prim Prices effective Sg 39h 289 available warehouse superstores Stores reserve right to 1