J Editor Neighbors addition is fire hazard woman says Dear Sir the required as on building permit available to a potential to my property If a responsible Ross Knechtel quitting politics Dear Sir In a little over two months we will be elect new councillors for the next three years I have given a lot of thought to the possibility of being a candidate for area councillor in this election while it has twin difficult for me to devote as much lime as I think the position requires For this other reasons I have decided not be a in this election The citizens of Acton have chosen me as a councillor for Ihe past seven years For this I am thankful and I hope thai my efforts on their behalf have been of real benefit to them Sincerely J Ross Coun Dear Sir As a resident of Glen WlllamstHalton Kills I writing this letter express my concerns re garding a potential fire which exists mediately adjacent my properly The owners of the ad a cent properly at 34 Glen Crescent Drive ap plied for a building per mil in late 1983 to erect a garage and breeze way onto their existing all wood prefabricated cot tagc home A request for a minor variance followed lo al low for a for the garage in place of Trafalgar Rd called unsafe Dear Sir Re Safety We seven under signed members of our Club and our Lead participated this summer In a project in Wellington Score With County that have not been altered or adjusted from the original road at the turn of Ihe century About years ago a curve was straightened shoulders lo do it on Two vc extend our of our members who are to a coffee break licensed drivers have to on the front lawn of one drive this stretch of road of our members at the called Score with Safe- out and the paving has which is organized been patched frequently and sponsored by but never have Rural Organizations dangerous hills been Branch of the Ministry of levelled out nor Agriculture and Food shoulder spate At our seventh meet been added every day and concerned about their safety and the safety of the general public Police records show the abnormal amount of mishaps on our road specifically in he winter with icy conditions inbg on July 22 was made to con actively to the safety of our ly as suggested in our Achievement program Identify a danger in your community and with your council approval clean it up or lobby for your council lo clean it up or repair It etc In this regard we would like to bring to your attention the sub standard condition of Regional Road the four kilometer stretch of Trafalgar Road between Stiver creek on the south and on the north These ore the only four of kilome ers of Trafalgar Road reaching from to High Not tine of the memb ers of regional council the voters of Hills make decisions about OUR road lives here ihey are not forced to nor to have their young people by the condition of Ihls accom modal today traffic The numerous dents caused by the con of these four kilo meters of Trafalgar Road should be of inte rest to the car insurance companies who have had to pay the claims for extensive damage to vehicles and in two cases the loss of lives On August 4 in front of He the members of the property of two of our II Club members an accident would like to invite the occurred due lo the lack honorable members of of shoulder space A car council lo meet us on was pushed off the pave- Labor Day Sept by a speeding car at 1700 hr at the top of that followed loo closely Hill the sheared of two mailbox only place possible to and ended up In the slop and park off the opposite ditch with total road walk a mile damage of along the road with us to Now our parents experience first hand won I let us ride our what we have to live bicycles until there arc with Hospital pool gym idle due to no funds Dear Sir I wish to comment on your article concerning ihe physiotherapy department at George town Hospital Your reporter Is to be commended for an excellent Job on this piece however there arc a few points that need to be brought he alien lion of the public 1 have been an out patient of this particular department for several weeks now and have nothing but the greatest respect for the dedicated ladies who run this What the article fails to emphasize Is that the deportment has a pool and a gym that arc both standing idle due lock of government funding The pool is greatly needed as is the gym and only through the efforts of the public writing to their and local governing bodies demanding funding for these facilities will we ever see them come into The article also makes reference toe the long waiting list patients must go on before there is room for them in the totally inadequate space that has been assigned to this depart ment Government constant refers lo Ihe high cost or medical care but 1 for one do not feel that our area has even adequate funding for a town our j While politicians are busy spending money on their own creature comforts ing their residences as soon as they take office increasing the size of their office staff increasing their pensions etc the liltle town of Georgetown and Us medical problems are certainly not on their minds I feel our physio department needs a real boost and up to the voting public to get behind them and let the powers thai be know we will net forget in next election that they forgot about us and our needs Hoping there arc other Concerned citizens out there I remain Respectfully yours Pat Georgetown APPLE WINDSHIELDS S3 8731655 BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY SEEM 1 1 1 1 1 II HI MICRO COMPUTER SALES PROCESSING SECRETARIAL SERVICES SUPPORT SERVICES 8778877 KINO ST TERRA COTTA Unkjtmtmmtbr OPEN Tom Sun Noon IbS NEW and USED Cars and Trucks 1 986 Nissans are in stock now Special Prices on all 1985s 1 610 Martin SI 12 Milton tomEEHJl NORTHEND NISSAN Mortgage Protection Let me show you how a Mutual Life mortgage protection plan can work for you and for your family Its surprisingly reasonable And it also could provide you with extra income when you retire Call me for the full story BRIAN GOODLET S Suite 8775129 Mutual of Canada end of the walk Copies this teller by the members of our II Club will be sent people and nliatlons who we feel Interest in this problem Since this is the Year of the Youth we hope you wilt honor our concern for safety of our community We look forward to your reply to our Yours truly Christine Curry Alison McKelvey Kyle Pinker Ion Christopher Glenn Schwarz Lynn Sinclair Adrian Zenisek the required set out in the zoning regulations Three surrounding properly owners ing myself objected lo the request However the Committee of Adjust meeting I was en incorrect zoning info rmation and I was representing all of the objectors the ion for the minor was approved Construction or the garage and breeze way was completed in late IBM The lowevcr is a fully finis heated enclosed room with windows sliding door lo the rear of thepripcrty and is illached to the exist house and the new garage This so colled breeze way it now appears was never Intended to be a but rather a habitable room As such ihe building permit should have been for an addition to the house would have rid The likely reason for the addition was probably to make the small bed room cottage more mar table This August the prop erty was listed for sale The Is now listed as a third bed room although it has been used as a den and TV room since ion of construction My concerns are three Schwari 1 How can a DENTURE CLINIC J OT Guelph St GEORGETOWN phone 8778974 CAROL WHARTONS DANCE SCHOOL OPENING IN GEORGETOWN Classes for Children and Teens In TAP JAZZ Classes available far Adults TAP JAZZ CAROL WHARTON J Taachar LINOSAV FOR INFORMATION AND JL REGISTRATION BETWEEN 11 am 5 pm Limited Openings Available BOOK YOUR TIME EARLY CALL 130D STREET GEORGETOWN 8774919 building permit by the Town or Hills become a habitable room when as Ihe building should have been for an addition to the house What safeguards are available to a potential ure to my properly if buyer of this house to fire should break out inform them thai this there Is no question now which it third bedroom repre sents a Ire hazard of l his wooden struct DOING THE FAMILY WASH a Tire in backyard to hect kettle of rain water Set tubs to smoke won I blow In your eyes wind is peart Shave one cake He soap in Sort things in three piles white work britches and rags Make starch flour in cold water lo smooth then thin down with v iter Hub dirty spots on board scrub hard then Hub but don bile just and lake while things out of keltic wilh broom stick handle reach blew and starch Spred tee towels on grass Hang old rags on fence Pore rench water on flower beds Scrub porch with hoi stjpy water Turn tubs upside down Co put on clean dress smooth hair wilhslde tombs brew cup of tee set and rest and rock a spell and count your blessings How does compare with your modern automatic washer and dryer method Contributed by Bird thai my house would suffer some damage The totally wooden structure Glen is approxlmat 10 feel away from my stone barbecue and since my property higher and he house adjacent Is very low sparks from either my chimney from base ment fireplace or the barbecue would a fire problem Since I feel that this addition was mis from the beginning In the building Ion I will not accept any responsibility for any fire damage which may occur at Glen Cres cent Drive Glen Wil Hams Nevertheless I am coo especially since this wooden true lure is now only 12 feet away from my home I am also concerned that whoever buys this bedroom house is being misinformed and that In fact the house may contravene zoning regulations and fire illations Sincerely Ellen J Russell Glen Cres Dr Glen Williams Pool shutdown The Acton fool will be shut down for Ihe annual maintenance break from September lo The pool office will be open during this time for registration The two indoor pools arc back on their fall hours again now that summer Is over For information on programs you can reach them by telephone or in person a 1 1 CALL US FOR THE IN DRIVING TRAINING CLASS THROUGH AVAILAILE HAND CONTROLS NEW COURSE STARTS SAT SEPT Call Now 8775844 university course in Georgetown College lie vers Water loo w II otter two course at the Holy c Separate winter that can be used lor I to degree andor the Hen Soc Word You may attend course at charge tor pergonal Interest or eg iter take them tor al the I rat meet ng Few more informal on I the Recreation and Parks Department ton H lis at the Off Pan T me Correspondence and Conl ng on Social Wo 320R Mondays 7 Dec Changing Concept CMdhood nary Science HZ Mondays Jan Apr 7 1986 Beverly nicaiaiprareguiri These courses em presented to on and Pi Department Helton la University of Waterloo DANCE HALTON HILLS SCHOOL OF DANCING Mrs Yvonne Oldaker A R A I S T D CHILDREN S EXAMINER FOR THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF DANCING CLASSES FOB PRE BEGINNER TO ADULT III BALLET MODERN NATIONAL JAZZ FOR MORE INFORMATION AND BROCHURE CALL 8771581 ST GEORGE CHURCH GEORGETOWN DATES SEPTEMBER 1 985 6 p 9pm SEPTEMBER 7th 1985 10 am 12 noon