Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 11, 1985, p. 4

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Home Newspaper of Hills Established 1 A Division Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Guelph Street Georgetown Ontario GARNET Publisher and General Manager DAVE Editor PHONE J STEVEN FOREMAN Advertising Manager Page SECTION A THE HERALD Wednesday Decem II l5 Christmas is Give with your heart and give till it feels good Many in Halton Hills wont have the type of Christmas they deserve The season is a time for joy for giving and a time for celebration Not everyone can afford the little things that make a Christmas so special A turkey dinner toys for children and new woollen socks are taken for granted by so many of us We can help families and singles enjoy the festive season and in doing so brighten our own outlook on the true meaning of Christmas There are several organizations offenng their ser vices for those in need Good Neighbors Georgetown along with the Kinettes Toy Drive and the Salvation based in Acton are the sponsors of goodwill packages An article elsewhere in this newspaper outlines where you can phone and what type of gifts are required If you can help with gifts of food or money we urge you to call these worthwhile organizations They need your support to ensure everyone town has a very Merry Christmas Missing key point The federal government will not insult Japanese- Canadians by offering them money says area MP and Cabinet Minister Otto Jelinek The minister says money set aside will go to some form of redress for their displacement during the Second World War But regardless of where the money is to go to Mr has missed the point Many Japanese Canadians particularly the National Association of JapaneseCanadians want input into how and where the money is spent The minister says he will not negotiate with the group instead he intends to consult a wide range of Canadians before presenting a redress package to the 7 cabinet early next year The JapaneseCanadian association wants any set to be the result of negotiations between the gover nment and JapaneseCanadians As a story in The Herald two weeks ago by Ani Pedenan shows JapaneseCanadians that were interned J during the Second World War were treated unfairly But the key issue is not whether each individual family should be compensated nor is the key issue about whether it could have been prevented Top priority for Mr Jelinek should be to negotiate with those who were most affected by the events of British Columbia when possessions were confiscated and families were taken from their homes Only then can JapaneseCanadians rest easy knowing their message has been heard Burst of confidence If you think it helps to know someone in high places then we as residents of Halton Hills are indeed lucky Thursday Arlene Bruce was elected as Chairman for the Halton Board Of Education Dick Howitt was ac claimed as board Vicechairman Both these people represent Halton Hills as school trustees In fact they are the towns only public school trustees on a board of 20 representatives Thats what we call clout Their victory continues the pattern first started when Betty Fisher was elected Chairman last term with Arlene Bruce as ViceChairman Our political representatives from Hills have been given a mandate to be leaders for Halton region Georgetown resident Irene was recently voted in as the Separate School Board Vicechairman At Halton Region Peter Pomeroy was elected for a second term as Chairman Their victories should give Halton Hills a new burst of confidence in ourselves and in our leaders It shows were capable of contributing to the regional process even if we dont have the same population base as Burlington or Because our representatives are well placed in positions of influence it almost guarantees Halton Hills will receive a fair hearing Of course I wouldn t know when I was well off I never WAS Mulroney never had doubts Ottawa Report By Stewart Mad Ottawa Bureau of Toe Herald Now that Marcel Masse has been cleared of any electoral wrongdoing and In the event that a similar investigation Is launched against any other MP would It be too much to ask Prime Minister Mulroney to refrain from all comments on the case It might seem unfair to single out for a dose of lipseating here but after all he Is the prime minister of Canada and consequently a man of considerable influence Nothing he says can or should be taken with a grain of salt So when he said on several occasions that be was confident the would clear Marcel Masse of alleged campaign spending violations it was an opinion of some conse quence After all Itianteverydaythat a prime minister offers his considered views on the outcome of an Investlgatl on being undertaken by the federal police force But Mulroney never appeared to have any doubts Prom the beginning so far as he was concerned Marcel Masse would be exonerated and would then be welcomed back into cabinet as minister of communications And that exactly what happened OTHERS CRITICIZED You might recall the flap that occurred when other cabinet represen tatives admittedly of a lesser rank than prime minister had the misfortune to comment on charges against other elected representatives Elmer MacKay now the minister of revenue but then the solid torgenera raised a merry old outcry when he expressed some disbelief over lions against his former cabinet colleague Robert Coates was being investigated by the Canadian Human Rights Commission over charges of sexual and the solicitor general told reporters he simply dldn t believe the accusations The popular reaction was that the solicitor genera given the Influence he wields displayed bad judgement in commenting on a matter before the commission Critics suggested it might appear as though the minister was trying to influence the outcome of the And that criticism seemed fair enough So did the criticism levelled against Justice Minister John Crosble after he expressed satisfaction that my friend Richard Hatfield the premier of New Brunswick bad been cleared of marijuana related charges The fact that at the time Crosbie department was still in an official position to launch an appeal clearly made the minister comments inappropriate Lay people Hie you and me could be left wondering whether such comments might somehow influence any careerminded official at a lower level There Is no evidence whatever that It did But wondering always comes easy NO REACTION And the same feelings apply with the prime ministers expression of confidence in Marcel Masses innocence Mulroney being a concerned sort of human being and understandably probably reacted like any employer would if a valued employee found himself under police investigation He expressed his confidence that the Mountlea would eventually clear Masse of the and he would then return to his desk A nice touch by the boss Trouble Is Mulroney Is no ryboss As prime minister of Canada he could be considered the most Important boss in the country certain the most influential figure when It comes to the massive federal payroll which incidentally includes the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Would you be entirely comfortable if your mayor said he was confident a council colleague would be cleared through an investigation undertaken by his city police force Or perhaps more to the point would the police chief be comfortable I haven t the faintest idea how the RCMP felt about launching an investi gallon while the prime minister was expressing such confidence in the eventual outcome There is nothing to indicate they whit of Influence on the investigation But that t make any more acceptable There are times when a prime minister feelings for a colleague can be more appropriately expressed In public through a hearty handshake And this it seems to me was one of them Conference of theatrics Queens Park Derek Queen Park Bureau The Herald to an unfortunate lytime illness on my part I missed the first ministers conference in Halifax last week But maybe It was Just as well Judging from the media accounts of what went on I might have been even more 111 being there These politicians can sicken you with their posturing This is not to take away from the conference as theatre It was Incredib ly successful In those terms particu larly for Ontario Premier David Peterson He took on Prime Minister Brian Mulroney oneonone and demolished him He left the impression was taking money away from sick people and kids needing education It was marvellous nonsense on Peter son apart And it was what Peterson wanted of course He was seen as defending Ontario interests His profile was raised Both these are important as he builds the base for a majority liberal sweep in the next provincial election Unfortunately what is good for Ontario Grits is bad reality for the country The real issue at the conference leaving aside free trade is what our 11 responsible governments are going to do about getting spending under control They t even try to address preferring Instead to believe mat there really is a Santa Claus called the federal treasury and that every thing would be fine if only Mulroney stopped playing The The specific issue they clashed over was unconditional federal trans fer payments to the provinces These hod been running at a seven per cent annual rate of increase even though inflation is only at four per cent And did anyone notice that all not part butallofthomoatrecerttrisein the cost of living was solely the result of federal and provincial tax Increas es Although unconditional these grants generally are considered to be targeted for health and education expenditures Thus when the feds announced the increase next year would amount to the calculations of outsiders five per cent Peterson and the other premiers howled Ontario has already cut to the bone Peterson protested in the process redefining the word bone For the current fiscal year Ottawa is sending Ontario 54 billion to do withasitwlsbes Health alone will cost the province billion Education runs another S billion and that doesn t Include more than billion raised local property taxes Next year federal transfers will creep close to billion Unfortunately for Ontario It can t keep either Its care or education costs down to the overall Inflation level which in the case of education with declining student enrolment Is especially amazing And that is why It is more fun to go to a first ministers conference and berate an already bankrupt Ottawa government for not giving you enough money rather than have to face up to the reality that your own health and education spending is out of control also why anyone there should have felt a mile ill at the games being played THIRTY YEARS AGOFrank scored five goals as the George town Raiders defeated Milton Bill Chard had five assists the game of revenge Milton defeated the Raiders the week before J MacKenzle and Son have the contract for constructing a new hydro building on Water Street on property purchased from the Lions Club Their tender of 170 was one of seven Two new teachers will be hired to meet the needs of Increasing enrol ments In Georgetown public schools Mrs VF Bull of Weston and Mrs James Carson of Georgetown will begin In January District real estate broker Mrs Bertha Brown died in a Milton private hospital Nov 25 She was sick Tor four months FIFTEEN YEARS former pupils of teacher Mrs June Evans returned to school to wish her a happy retirement She taught at Chap el Street Public School for years Georgetown s Tiger Joe la one of eight Canadian amateur going to Moscow Dec to meet Russian junior wrestlers He was selected by the Canadian Wrestling Association after winning a gold In the Canadian Championships Four Georgetown men became members of the Association of Pro fessional Engineers of Ontario and will now put the initials after their name They are Ronald Patey of Marilyn Cr JR Robertson of 32 Marilyn August of Cr and G Elliott of Pennington Cr Over 800 Georgetown residents are back to work as the Vi week strike at Northern Electrics plant ended TEN YEARS of the Georgetown Fall Fair Board Charles and board members Doris Lindsay and Jean Ruddell were honor ed with certificate of merit awards Mr presented the awards to the has given Halton Hills for building an addition to the municipal building on the Seventh Line Some of the money will be used to buy land Peter has the approval of council to operate a hockey school at the Gordon Alcott Arena Of the three tenders submitted Mr was chosen After a year ska ting for the Whitby Senior A s Doug Tate Is returning lo the Georgetown Raiders He Is noted for his hustling style on the left wing FIVE YEARS AGORob plac ed fourth In the meter freestyle event In a competition against the top swimmers from England and the United States He also placed in the M Individual medley at the competition in Etoblcoke Karen Greenham of Georgetown adopted yearold Bautlsta of Mlndoro In the Philippines through the Foster Parents Plan or Canada The Georgetown Volunteer Fire fighters Association raised towards buying a piece of rescue equipment Don fund- raising committee chairman said local businesses and Industry have been very responsive Inside Open Door Hoping to purchase peace EDITORS NOTE The following article written by Open Door direct explores one the On a regalar basis Open Door be messages about their dropla centre and will share futon event and topics that yeata of today are talking abost Growing up An odd time of life made up of an indeterminable length of days months and years and tad crises which turn to memories go go Not an easy time for those nor for those who Ob of the goals of Open Door is lows sane of the pressure provide positive support and help to create memories that will bless twenty year away front now an article hen to let you bear something from Inside Open Door and to give you an opportunity to respond or question The fallowing Is a poem one or tens of poems songs and stories from Inside Open Door GROWING UP Do we ever get over the fear It haunts us everyday II complicate our life Do we go on living In There is so much to be experienced So much we nave know Answers bring responsibility Is there ever any answers Within reason no Not within reach We have to extend our arms Join our hands and strive To gel the answers What If they are there What become of us WIN ever be there reach Wliata oar grasp written at age If you wish to write and express on opinion or concern write lo Letters to Open Door Street Georgetown Ontario Clergy DRICKAMER Immanuel Lutheran Church Vanity Fair is an enduring image from The Pilgrim Progress by John Bunyan A fair was a market like a modem shopping centre In classic it was a place of temptation to materialism the Improper love of things and possessions the worship of the false gods of this world Those things are vain useless worthless So vanity is the right word describe what was talking about But the word fair no longer seems fitting for we are used to the adjective fair meaning nil or lovely Materialism is ugly December Is the time of year when materialism is at is peak Its promises are persuasively pushed and pressed by the modem media Snooping centr es are gaudier than at any other time Inwardly ugly If these things are approached with a sinful attitude I know that 1 must be careful lam one of those people who Just hates lo go shopping and finds browsing a bore and a chore except in a bookstore everyone has weaknesses So it Is too easy for me lo criticize shopping Itself What must be condemned Is the faUe faith in things the false bope for things and the false love of things to which we are all tempted There are Christian shoppers and Christian merchants But only by God gracious power could any of us go shopping without adoring the false gods of materialism or run a store without worshipping financial profits The strong temptations of money and things will always be present In this world We are all templed to have faith In things to bring us Joy peace itess contentment But what Is only material cannot produce what Is purely spiritual Even worldly experience should teach us that things can bring only fleeting pleasure not lasting Joy Anything we con buy In a store will only disappoint us In lie end Yet people still shop desperately expect tag one more new toy to produce satisfaction at last We have all heard the complaint The church Just wants my money People should admit Instead The store Just wants my money If a Christian congregation only wants money there Is something seriously wrong But there Is also something seriously wrong In the attitude of people who spend all kinds of money hoping to purchase peace In a shopping centre but neither bear nor support the of God Word For in His 1 God gives a gift greater than any treasure on earth Jesus said A man life conslsteth not In the abundance of the things which he possesseth Luke 12 15 Possessions and things and wealth are not what life is all about Mora important than any object we can possess is the spiritual Joy and satisfaction of peace with God for eternity Joy and peace with God are what Christmas Is all about For Jesus Christ came to pay for our sins to purchase the great treasure of peace with God for all people by His life and death forus The promise of Christmas Is the forgiveness of sins eternal life and salvation for Jesus sake How God wishes that people cared more about these things than about the tilings that money canlmyl In October BUI S3 was passed to amend the Municipal Elections Act Now psychiatric patients who ape Incompetent to handle their flnancul affairs have the right to vote fa municipal elections This change was brought about by extensive Interested groups As a result of this success ARCH produced a video tape outfitt ing the voting issues In local elections for people living in Enquiries regarding the tape and accompanying booklet can be directed to LIndy Layer A H The Housing Authority is now accepting applications from la psychiatric patients The demand Mr low rental housing is high however enquiries can be made by calling Zenith Under the revised postal regulations soon to be introduced blind be able to mail tapes and other recorded items to virtually all other countries freeof charge This includes topes and discs containing personal messages j Included In the literature which can be sent free of charge are books periodicals letters and plates sent by surface mail Air must be paid at regular rates registration and special delivery be added free of charge In the only recognized institutions for t blind were permitted to send n tapes or discs A variety of aids can be imps by Individuals doctors hospitals free of customs federal tax Included among these devices a canes wheelchair ramps lifts si etc A booklet titled Importing for the Disabled can be obtained ft the regional excise office 97M8el Likewise tax exemptions an granted to equipment designed soles for the use of the disabled purchased or rented The list includes such Items as crutches toilet aids devices The sales tax office a provide you with more details A support group fort patients has been formed urn you would like to Join arm a support group please call to Shannon at who can you with further InformaUoa

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