Citizens forum social group feels to to John Dear Sir pointed Georgetown your trails phenomenon il abelllllglf forge town ft if on il ana eorgctown past and I do no having discussed with ambitions oujutms future or our group wish you would a when labelling our group is i This me from meed thereby acted is teachers others this of know ledgi Arts and rifts have many it other groups such Arts Council Hug itiers anil iiisi mil Ihtrtlo h inl it Hid 111 donated tunc no fees charged at tin rail fair and tint mult dun ituiii the Fall Fair Prize list in the Arts and Crafts six ion lor m irs you remember Robert first visit to eorgctown as presented by he Arts ind Crafts of the pro ceeds of evening some was donated the Bruit I rail Assoc at his request tin Ho Hut i iin called Social pheiioniiniin As have been successful fur yiars in the Arts and in we are n proud of our record arc all mint and because we line our mils mil injo one while pursu ing them feel you were very in labelling us as you did lis of eorgclov No reason to close Mill Ins If Kir id i Send us a letter YES and Futures hi Id until llm sis proper pi ice is whtlhtr Titnt is person s or referred to agency person up will on go three months Program gnat silling applied us job in il mil programs rnblt ins imjieding II pioude wet wage whuh as a ull lead full lime t tor the- others win education is ar work placement iditl r it loast three hours pel Of by ihlt iboiil hid a lor some 1uturcs have the kiy In in gelling tin work experience they rtiiured lo make them employ tin igts of 10 and regirdl Inking down to employ mini can be difficult if have a disability however fc an there help all or drop in to your Iota fc office Roughly organisations in an trance a press con m loronlo to express their support of the proposed gov legislation to end billing by doctors A present on of the disabled wis made by Incs sident of Persons United for Self ul of and unemployed as defined by the Out Human apply This would include with disability Council filming lors be prim of retardil iming disability i night The in Hi in jusl ping usual soon as the television of Cable zoom in on students from Georgetown District High School to dim their meetings as pari of The Halton Regional lotal news program aired every other m The news is In ktr 111 f let 111 f the projmsi mi inth op in wtn loss of Hit inly tin loss of in ex school bill Hit loss ol Make jour wish Dear Sir The recent sudden son of Mr in of the I e A Store Ins saddened pinnv ol us As a gesture of community frund ship and to s ly thank Mr and his family lor Ihi w they care customers I invite individuals mil to mike an In lion tion to the Make a Wish round tionforehildrtn Thank you for your support Donations i Wish of BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL TRAFflC COURT AGENT By low As a Police I you in court Your Points CALL RAJ TICKETTS ADVISORY INC M ELLS DRIVING SCHOOL NEXT COURSE APRIL Monday Wednesday Nights 630 to pm NEED ONLY INCAR LESSONS phone 8772671 Approved by Ontario Safety League MICRO COMPUTER NESS SOLUTIONS 8778877 Fond memories Kindergarten and now five My little sister lias and needs a good he is in FREEZER FRENZY Opmn 7 Days Il I III CLOSE OUT SALE DUE TO THE ILLNESS OF THE OWNER WE ARE FORCED TO CLOSE OUT THE BUSINESS LAST KICK AT THE CAN EVEN FURTHER REDUCTIONS Oil O OFF EVERYTHING REDUCED FURNITURE WAREHOUSE LTD 334 ST 8772828