Rockwell moves into fibre optics pprouil this llrraldsun On the brink o its I0h in Georgctovn a Todd Road is looking at a second ex pension and a new product Internationals Camdi Division is gelling into the manufacture of optics the future direction for this telecom company person representative Helen It has meant plans to not only tin Georgetown building at Todd Itoid and but Staff is four times as high as the staff brought to Georgetown in January 1977 whin it moved here from Then there were implovees Mrs At it vie win miinlj a distribution warehouse tor products coming from the mted States she sale We began incrnsing manufacturing hire and we now have a staff of loo The move to fibre optics will mean mort employees Mrs Hud in tlcip ilod Technnal inRmcers assemblers and unskilled will be hired and trained in a expansion of the The expansion will also double the of s production list expansion in in creased the This one will see the part of building increased It square feet Mrs mi iht building Plant stresses quality him j our equipment I dim I think In lot of industry so Is one of Mrs Most of staff at the plant art from the rest from Itrumplon shrnald is an iimpin In when ltockwel six Todav lis pari dollar Industry company based in the I with pro ducts in electronics aerospace automotive with fibre continue in lis of tplfcummunlcullons product The compiiiv ships products In ihi I will Ik total Tlie Hilton Hills Sit Committee recently addition subject to a including phn Whit is fibre optics It s in of the topper wires i used in optics is the slate of the sitc of i strand of hair this marvellous sliver of glass up to voici channels i bit difference from voice coppir w ire One of the problems companies ire having is mass of wires gits Ihhuvi re using copper wires Barker The number of ihinmls on copper are with fibrt optics Cost has come down in the 1 1st years for optics so thit it becoming more mm liesiys In fact six of irlcphoiu have ind gone out to tender for fibrt is of the two for the tender Mr Barker is mailing word of bid Mr Barker wis turned manager just last He Mike Pisco who lift for At the boards being assembled to right before Ihey go in rough wave Nancy Hayes Hand of Ijeorgetoi of ill r soldering machine at Rockwell In ternational Wei com Canada Herald photo i Mrs Mid ii I in In ground illicit mi fur El usmess wraps up fair season This is first wetk of Business Banter The column is about businesses and will of inform what happening around town with a number of firm and retulers If know of ex or changes taking plate a your workplace or know an employee usacall at ZClub There s popular new program at that is ready made for frequent shoppers called Club 7 Every Club Z member receives a bonus of points when they make their first purchase of a store item collected on purchases until can be from catalogue of gifts for free 1 example a coffee maker points while an alcohol leve monitor is worth loo points and Gifts are ordered at the customer service desk at Zellers Fletcher Family Shoe store is another relnilei who his much success with program Flintier frequent customers are offeree discounts to the number puretmos Fit cookbook A Terra Cotto resident Is sharing her nutrition secrets with athletes and anyone who likes to eat healthy Anne Budge Is Ihe author Fit to Eat a 304page recipe book which costs The book Is an expanded version of her book which was originally published for the Canadian Orienteering Federation Many of the recipes in the book are favorite dishes of Federation members Fit to Eat now contains over delicious nutritious recipes that appeal to people who are or who feed recreational or competitive athletes The mother of two participates in orienteering crosscountry ski ing canoeing hiking and tennis In the last IS years she has won pro vincial national American and North American orienteering championships in the Masters age group Publishers Ltd art the publishers For more information on obtaining a copy call 403 Much music has the ability to be musician says Joe Sercerchi manager consultant for the Ontario Conservatory of Music Mr Sercerchi Is overseeing the pansion the Ontario Conservatory to a new location on Street For 10 years the music studio was on Mill Street In Georgetown but change In location reflects a desire to provide more space or students The music school can now commodate up to students in their new facility Classes are taught by Jack and Pat Ellison Everything starts with a 15 minute evaluation says Mr Sercerchi Prospective students are tested for aptitude and areas such as finger co ordination their musical ear rhythm attention span and conccn Ira Hon level Teachers must attain five courses tor their diploma not an easy task lays Mr Sercerchi For more In formation about the music classes call a and summit work and activities the llalon members arc getting ready wrap Up their 1386 11 scison For many members their Achieve ment Programs take place it one of the many community Fairs On Sept ihe Milton Fur will be host to the Achitvt Programs for the Ha I ton Dairy Calf Club 11 From ScedtoShelf Club The members in the livestock clubs will be evaluated on thtir showmanship their ability to show and exhibit their animal to look its best the conformation of their animal The From Seed to Shelf a gardening and preserving club will have an exhibit which will Two storey storage storej metre building wis the Hilton Hills Site for thi nth lowir Jehovah Witnesses intends the carpentry sheet metal miinlmanie shops on their into this new building off it if Root North hihlts that vvtil show the diversity inlertsts covered in the pro gram is organized the On Ministry of Agriculture and Food It is a youth program for peo ple ages 12 to years There are my dilfccnt clubs offered ranging from livestock and crops clubs to sew ing and cooking clubs to Urinary and mnthmiry clubs While visiting the Fairs please stop by to sec the It exhibits Thin something for inters GEORGETOWN SPA FITNESS CENTRE EXCLUSIVELY YOURS 1987 ALL NEW FORD MOTOR CO Introducing one of the most completely equipped small cars in Canada See the Ail New TRACER at The Acton Fall Fair September 21 Register At Our Display For a Chance to Win A Gilt Certificate at the Olde Hide House ACTON ONTARIO SALES LTD 45 Main St Acton Sales Leasing Parts 853 Mississauga Toll Free 8583673 800 2657272 SfCTIONA Rabies review Not are you required by law to immunise your children against disease but medical officer of health wants to make rabies vac compulsory also Dr Graham wants to apply to the Ministry of Health to make munUatlon of cats and dogs horses cows bulls calves and sheep com in If Ihe incidence of rabies should rise significantly Right now animal rabies Is low The department will continue to monitor It monthly In case it should lump Tenor needed Any tenor right now ia worth his weight In to the Georgetown Choral Society If you feel that you have a voice which might help the Choral Society this season why not drop around to one of their rehear Rehearsal held Monday even at Knox Presbyterian Church In Georgetown at 30 and you will be welcomed with open arms you lust want more information why not call the president Anne Lewis at TOWN OF HALTON HILLS MAIN ST SOUTH HALTON HILLS GEORGETOWN NOTICE known is a Slop Up Close and Convoy Ihe Unoponod Road part of trio Town H lis Not hereby thai Iho Couna I tho Corporabon Town H Ms pass a by law lo stop up close and convoy a Slroot drown as Lino Street shown Hog Plan shown n tho follow ng lloslnt on it person who plios lo bo it regular meeting to bo hoyn locitnd at Trafalgar Road Ontario 1 it the hour m clock Th Not shed on iho 7lh day September 1 986 Tovnol H lis NOTICE OF APPLICATION By Corporation Town ot Halton Hills or the con struction and equipping a Municipal Administration Idmg TAKE NOTICE THAT 1 Council The Corporation the Town of Hills Intends to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for tor the construction and equipping a Administration Building at an estimated cost 920 OOO whereof the amount ol shall be raised by the sale of payable out of the general rate over a period not exceeding 5 years 2 Application will be made to the Ontario Municipal Board tor an order to approve of the undertaking of the said works Any ratepayer may within Iwenty one days after the first publicalion of this notice serve personally or by Registered Mail on the Clerk of the Corporation of the Town Hills at the address given below a notice in writing slating to such approval and the grounds such objection and that a public hearing Is held objector or representative will attend such hearing to support such ob 3 The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the said works but betore doing so it may appoint a lime and place for a public hearing when any objections will be considered but notice of such hearing will be given only to those persons who have given notice as provided for above DATED at the Corporation of the Town of Halton Hills this Seventeenth day of September 1 986 THE LAST DATE For filing of objections is Eighth day of October 1986 J A Simon MBA Administrator Clerk Corporation of the Town Halton Hills P O Box 28 Hallon Hills Georgetown Ontario L7G4T1 TO THE RATEPAYERS OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HALTON HILLS FINAL TAX PAYMENT The 1986 Final Taxes- are due and payable two In JUNE SEPTEMBER 24th A Penalty of 1 per cent per month will bo charged on the tirst day default and on the first day each calendar month until taxes are fully paid Taxpayers are reminded the the Ontario Property Tax Credit as provided through the 1 986 Personal Income Tax Return Is based on the property taxes of the taxpayer s cipal residence being paid in Please contact the Finance Department If there are any questions pertaining to your business or real property taxes by 5185 or BY MAIL Tax Department Town Hills Box Halton Hills Georgetown Ontario G USHER A C T DEPUTY TREASURER TAX COLLECTOR