Page WOMEN IN BUSINESS Wednesday February It IMS More women on the road When I was a kid women driver jokes were jiie in thing If youre over you probably remember them too Youknowtheyalways started with Did you hear the one about the woman driver who Recently But in recent years women have assumed a new prominence and inde pendence which is no where more an on the road Women have changed their role in society Theyve entered the work force as professionals and have broken the maleonly barrier in jobs ranging from police work to politics Recent estimates put 50 per cent of all women in the work force triple the number in the 1960s In the 70s 35 per cent of women lived in twocar households In the past ten years that has almost doubled And in the past dozen years an additional women drivers have taken to the road Startling as somcof these statistics are some things dont seem to change too much Females aged 18 to remain the to be licensed drivers Thats certainly the cose in my family My 16-year- olddaughtershowslittlein- terest in getting her drivers licence although her male school mates are falling over themselves to get be hind the wheel Women have tradition ally had little serious input to the purchase of the fam ily car The man was usu ally considered the bread winner and carbuying was his exclusive responsi bility But today no less than 85 per cent of women are cre dited with having input to the purchase process In fact many women are buying their own car with out formal helpexcept per haps that provided by a Surprisingly although the number of women drivers has soared few have entered the car sales or maintenance departments Many women though are showing more interest than ever before in finding out what goes on under the hood In a recent survey 80 per cent of the women asked said they that explain basic auto me chanics and service sche dules arc a good and would attend them Moread With the obvious in crease in the number of women driving and owning cars its likely that in the fu ture a larger percentage of advertising dollars will be geared toward them Since the influence of women drivers is on the rise it is likely that the next joke you hear will start with Did you hear the one about the man driver who Shes done her homework Women are catting an ever- lengthening shadow in the automobile industry At their influence la beginn ing to be recognized by an industry that has traditionally been the private preserve of men Thanks in part to the Age of hat first bloomed In the late sixties the stereotypical little woman and the damsel in distress have gone the way of the silent movies that once exploited them Theyre no longer content to ride In the passenger seat they want to drive Today a woman is Just as likely to stride into the showroom and slap down for a sports car as a man And you can bet she will have done her homework on the make and model she has selected before buckling up behind the The lack of women sales person nel makes many female car shop pers uneasy IRVINE ADD COLOUR AND BEAUTY TO YOUR HOME Interior design Stained glass lamps and panels Suncatchers Glass etching KYRAGLASS Custom Stained Glass CALL FOR A FREE CONSULTATION English style pub operated by women features Devon tea fiesta fair The Main Street Glen Williams restaurant is owned by Brenda Gove who employs three staff besides herself and her husband Daughter Gove Is a cook while daughter Tracy Is a waitress along with Chris Briggs Is also a waitress while managing business Iter hus band Is employed at Varian as an technician For the Cop per Kettle he docs maintenance books odd jobs and dishes The menu consists of English food and all different types of dishes from Great Britain All the bread pies and comlsh pastry are home made New at Ihe business is the in troduction of Devon Cream Tea The cream comes from Devon and this Is specialty the house Mrs Gove took over in September of and since then there have been regular pub nights The restaurant Is being renovated to accommodate more of a pub at mosphere but the tradition In which the restaurant was built will not be changed The business which is run by women is still small enough and close knit that if required employees family and friends will help out when things get busy The goal of the restaurant is to bring a bit of England to Glen Williams and let people experience exactly how a pub in England would look like If you get It in England she doesnt sell It Is the motto Aside from pub nights the restaurant has what Is called phone In lunches People can phone in from a menu their lunch order nod book it to bo ready the time they arrive There ore also takeout services The clientele is changing said owner Mrs Gove Most of patrons used to be tourists but more and more local businessmen are in for lunches GOVE Mrs Gove and her family ore from Devon England and they came to Canada six years ago Her dream was to own her own little restaurant The owner opened the restaurant with the money left lo her by her mother when she passed away Her mothers tradition In the way she runs the business Is now car ried on The Gove family consists of three daughters one son and a hus band Without the support of the family the owner says she couldnt manage to continue Mrs Gove has waltressed Tor 30 years and loves to meet people and lo really get to know her customers and make them feel at home Sur prisingly Mrs Gove never drinks ten This seems lo amuse her customers who find It strange the owner of a tea room doesnt drink VISIT OR CALL NATURES EMPORIUM lust For The Health It MAIN STRECT GLEN WILLIAMS ONTARIO MAHY THOMAS rst hair fashions THE SCIENCE OF HAIRCARE A new method of lightening and permanently brightening hair GUELPH ST GEORGETOWN 8730865