SECTIONS I WATER STAINS A PROBLEM TRY CULLIGAN Sail del very a table lor FREE Ft ANAL SIS THE FUTURE CAULS FOR Totl 2 HAPPY As Sure As May Brings Flowers Classifieds Bring Results the HERALD The Buyers and Sellers 8778822 Market Place PART TIC FULL HELP FOR WEEKENDS SUMMER REQUIRED CnntwarsOwuts fi town OnL HAIRDRESSER WANTED Experienced Cease call 7222 REAL ESTATE HELP WANTED HEIJ WANTED TOWNHOUSE FOR SALE bedrooms garage two appliances an cur tains and drapes Nicely decorated ASKING or My PARTS PERSON GEORGETOWN BUCK Excellent company benefits Call Brian Dorsey 8770748 POLISHER WANTED For in expanding Georgetown com Willing la train Parson should be mechanically Inclined Wages comment urate with experience Of ROYAL REALTY LTD Barken MRaaOTAct atpnM5l23 The Proud Parents of Halton Hills Newest Citizens are invited to come in to Youngs Pharmacy and receive an I A Penaten Gift Pack HELP WANTED time employee with on for ad All bo held Mondays Wednesdays and Thursdays Apply In person to KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN EXPFJUENCEOFUU TOtE AND WEEKEND Help required on thoroughbred breed ing farm Accom available FARM AHr mo FOR SALE fiberglass Milestone Drums Toms Bass Chrome snare stool and hard good condition SHOO nam fowl CUUIUMOtpl DEATHS BIRD Marlon Super ted School Teacher North York Board of On Thursday May 1 at St Joseph s Hospital Guetph Bird formerly Of Georgetown In her sis year Dear sister Of Milton and John Bird Of Georgetown and Ihe late Hector Norman and Elsie Bird Rested at the J Jones and Son Funeral Home Trafalgar Georgetown where funeral service was held In the chapel Saturday 198B Interment Hillcrest Cemetery In memory con Irlbutions to John s United Church Memorial Fund would be appreciated IN To assist In research education and Rcsplrator Memorial Cards are available at your local Funeral Home or at our office For fur Information con tact The Lung Assocla Halton Region Plains Rood East Room Burlington Ontario Telephone in memory of Laurie Belange Mleczanlec who passed away May 33 You know that you were loved And you know that all cared Thinking of all good times That we had often shared We all mourn and miss we all cry in sorrow Wishing the night you left us That you d be back tomorrow The heartaches and our memories Burn In the back of our mind And we hope you realize you were a great to announce the birth of James Matthew born May 19 weighing lbs 14 at General Hospital Our General Hospital TOPSOIL BACKHOEING and Area 8776410 8777970 HELP WANTED VOUflGl I IDA- PHMimACV ITD DOWNTOWN GEORGETOWN 8772761 PART TIME HAIRSTYLIST Ex stylist re quired for full service modern salon in Georgetown Flexible hours and pleasant working atmosphere Phone collect Mon Frl between WANTED Experienced person with Knowledge General aide duties bilingual preferred Please mall resume with experience and wages expected to BOX 296 Guelph L7G3Z6 PLUMBER With gas licence For work In Hills and surrounding AUfKEIHTniCKM TRANSPORT DRIVERS NEEDED NOW Train now lor your Class A For pre- screening Interview and on job placement contact Men Orra Driver Training School Toll free 1S0O2SS355M TABLE with leaf seats four chairs good 150 Call after EXTENSION LAO Call after 877 BABY FOLD A CRIB Like new Call NG A MAT I BABY SWING like new Call after 5 p 1944 COMING EVENTS LIMEHOUSE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH AND CEMETERY Memorial Day Service May a Everyone welcome SHARE LARGE 4 bedroom home furnish all appliances would suit male smoker per month call UNITED Chicken B Q At School 8pm Sat May 28 Featuring Maple Lodge Chickens Homemade salads advance adults ctildren At the you lady band Stan and children Dale Kelly Lloyd and Lynne WRIGHT Carolyn Joan In memory of a dear Wife Mother and Grand mother who passed away May Sad ly missed by Doug a I Carolyn Nancy and Andrew CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere appreciation and thanks to everyone who contributed to my retirement reception such a plea and memorable or mo and my family Doug Sargent UNION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ANNIVERSARY Will be held on May 29th Speaker Reverend Donald Smilh EVERGREEN SALE II bo hold on JUNE at ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL years old purebred with papers vaccinated Friendly family pot Doghouse FOUR STALL HORSE BARN and large pad dock Complete SALVATION ARMY PICKUP furniture Call 8533321 Sat PICK UP URGENTLY NEEDED used Dodge Truck with good body Prefer poor mechanical condition TWO HEALTHY WELSH PONIES One marc and one colt Best offer GIBSONS Dead Slock Service animals moved 3 lb paid for old horses Up to can loll you cause Call Fergus collect 3340 or or Bromplon Licence 340 C85 333 I The Town of Halton Mills Bylaw No 121 provides the owner of every dog snail be responsible lor Ihe removal and sanitary disposal any excrement of the said dog forth from any or public lands owner means any person temporarily the keeper There is a fine for Ihe first offence and a fine or each subsequent Parks and public lands In Iho municipality are maintained lor the enjoyment of all iho resided ts clean up after your dog J Municipal Law Enforcement and Licensing Officer Home Antiques I available tor lent Trail Hiding HayRltfei Instruction Moonlight nidee CHILDREN SUMMER CAMP Highway 35 S MILTON