SECTION A THE HERALD Wednesday May UBS- Page Daycamp planned for asthmatics Children with asthma are often unable to attend during the summer because parents are concerned that their child will have an asthma attack and the carrp staff will not know what to do or that meditations will be lost or lm properly administered There is no charge for thjs Christmas Seal program which is of fered in Georgetown July July 1829 and In Burl August 19 For registration and more In formation about the please contact the Lung Association Region at 6328499 the Lung will again be offering its annual for children with asthma in Burlington Georgetown and Camp councillors are ex and trained the rudiments of asthma emergency measures and proper delivery methods for asthma modi cations The agenda of the daycamp con gists of arts and crafts nature walks swimming games and sports In addition for one hour each day the young campers are in asthma related exercises lear rung better breathing techniques and relaxation The home located an the Third Line between The house may have been built early pre- and the Fifth and has been designated a heritage true being designated a heritage home will a mure that it because of It architectural and value will for future generation to enjoy Architectural grace Craiglea home is heritage designated By Edward Took Line between the Fifth and Tenth Herald Special Sideroads was designated for chiteclural and historical reasons Claimed by many to be the oldest Built of clapboard in the Classical residence existent in Hills to- Revival style exhibits its day Craiglea has become the first architectural elements with a main local property designated under the doorframe designed in the Ontario Heritage Act a gabled roof cor Designation permits he current use of the property to continue while at the same ensuring that the sign if cant architectural elements and historical features are conserved for future generations Craiglea located on the Third nice returns a plan with classically detailed door window and mantelpiece trim in the front two parlors and a rangement of its front windows Many of these panes are Our common future is theme for Environment Week pollution of our waterways and drinking supplies are big problems for Ontario with big price tags now and for the future Agronomists are looking at organic farming techniques as a possible answer to the very real environmen tal and economic problems caused by some intensive farming prac tices and you will likely be hearing years to come For example the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food has in traduced the Land Stewardship Program a Mo million effort to en courage crop rotation cover- cropping and conservation tillage Another program the Ontario Soil Conservation and Environmental Protection Assistance Program assists farmers to develop grassed waterways improve manure storage systems and reduce waste water runoff Organic growing techniques have long neen accepted and practised by gardeners and hobby farmers but conventional farmers have in the past been sceptical that yields and Building to be demolished That old brick building on Union Street Is going to be demolished to make room for two semi detached dwellings The building was originally a boiler room for a greenhouse which operated in town many years ago But now a local developer wants to erect the two semi detached buildings on the property Each building will have a ground floor area of 134 square metres square feet The applicant wants to construct a garage in the rear yard of the buildings The properties will be severed to create two lots with a front of 33 feet for each lot Ward 3 Councillor Pom Johnston opposed the application saying other houses on the have much larger frontages and the lots will be too small She also objected to the which may be caused by hav garage behind the buildings Her objections were in vain however as the towns general com allowed a Mining bylaw amendment for the lands Incomes could be maintained with reduced or no synthetic Inputs Times are changing Sustainable agriculture Associations in Ontario are numerous and are experiencing rapid growth Over 1000 farmers in Ontario belong to such groups and represent about 50 acres of pro duction Much of this acreage has been removed from synthetic chemical Inputs for at least three years and farmer run programs cer tify the products from these organic farms Specialized distributors often pay premium prices for certified products and it Is estimated that organic foods in Canada will repre sent billion sales by the turn of the century A Source List of assoda programs and distributors Is available see the end of this article for ordering Information Organic growing is no longer just for hobbyists but can win top results in mainstream farming Bruce County dairy farmer Laurence Arf- holds the county award for the best production cow in her class placing him amongst his areas top producers He composts his manure and rotates his crops and is an ex ample of a farmer actively practis ing soil and crop Improvement What other techniques can be us ed Organic farmers may use unusual cover crops like oil radish to the bubbleblazed original pane while rounding up support for his dating from the construction of the rebellion later that year He reportedly addressed a crowd from While no historical evidence has the front steps of ihehouse been found to date the house Itself J Craiglea has lived on the property since IBM Mr farmsthe the 1861 census shows a twostorey fat and at one time kept over frame house on the lot Many 12000 pheasants on the farm Mr historical sources report the house is the seventh owner of the to have been built before John perty and before his residency the Stewart the original owner was house was mo as a guest home by this property by the Crown Mrs Isabella Stark Mrs Stark 1H19 Stewart was a supporter of named the property Craiglea in William Lyon Mackenzie who memory of her mothers English stayed at the farm in August 1837 family the Craigs Hills Town Council designated this first proper January 198a with the support of Mr Giest and on the recommendation of Its Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee The Halton Hills was established in 1967 to Job Halton Regions three other municipalities and over 150 other LACACs across the province The Hills LACAC has a mandate to advise Council on the designation and pro tection of this Towns heritage pro perties If you are interested in having J in minimize erosion and they use carefully timed special tillage techniques to keep weeds under con trot without synthetic herbicides In tegrated pest management is a sophisticated method to control in sect pests biologically Basic legumes like red clover are a favorite or organic farmers because they are both inexpensive and effec tive at building natural soil nitrogen levels and excellent soil structure Good soil structure is the key to sue cessful growing and it helps minimize runoff thus preserving the environment for Our Common Future To help growers obtain the in formation they need to make the transition from conventional to sus tainable techniques and to help those who arc already producing food organically the Canadian Organic Growers have put together a free annotated source list of farmers associations certification programs foods wholesalers and processors government assistance programs research groups and organic suppliers Please send for postage and handling to COG- Source Ontario Box Ottawa ON K2A Ontario is prepared by Canadian Organic Growers with the financial assistance of Environment Canada LACAC InventoryLACAC Designa Town of Hills Box 128 Hills Georgetown Ontario Main Street South Downtown Georgetown 8731470 nursery furniture accessories maternity fashions infant wear gifts toys 211 Across Canadian CENTRE Georgetown Stedmans MOVING SALE STORE HOURS B am fl Thursday Friday lie 0 Street Georgetown CENTRE GRADUATES Bring In Those Hard Earned Diplomas To Be Framed And Preserved 10 All Diplomas or Certificates OUR ENTIRE SELECTION