Outlook ItALTONHILLSOUTLOOK Saturday Janet IMS by Jimmy Johnson on anna odd odds ana odd poop laaata anna nan nana MEEK by Howie IF HE ft li JEW OWE Mm rail by Dick Canll I NEVER HURRY SLOW AND I HE WHO HURRIES WILL HAVE MANY J WORRIES r THINK JUST 1 COINED AN J ASTROGRAPH BUGS BUNNY by Warner J by Bill Schorr AW Junes possibility that you might change In iha year rill be similar to your present but you have greater chances lor sdvancement GEMINI May 3d thai this It not a good day to try to pull tlvaa will readily and could evoke an angry response Gemi ni treat yourselllo birthday gift Send Tor your AstroGraph prediction for the year ahead this newspaper Box Cleve land OH Ba sure 1o stale four zodiac sign CANCER June 31Jufy 22 An old Loose lips sink ships People who have taken you Inlo confidence will ba glad they re nol tail ing with you today over the bounding LEO Jury Don t lock your into a binding agreement today where the final detain are a bit ob scure Well unt I all the fine points are Ironed out VUtOO Aug 2SSopt 23 Your possi bilities or getting what you go after to day are good However there la also a chance that you might offend an asso ciate In process Weigh tactics gains Sept 2S A plan that on paper might not stand up too well today when you try to Imple ment It prepared make correc tions or adjustments SCORPIO Oct 33 Something you have basin anxious to change a Ilka II will benefit others mors i It will benefit you Be careful that you don I engineer yourself out the Nov 23Oeo To day ba wary of people who dldn sup port you previously but now want to be on your bandwagon These Individuals may have ulterior motives CAPRICORN Deo You might have difficulty In keeping your fi nancial house In proper balance What comes In the front door could go right out the back AQUARIUS Jan very salad I ve of your companions at this time If you atari traveling with the wrong crowd your rsputallon could be branded by deeds PISCES Feb 30Meroh If someone wrongs you today try to brush off In stead being vindictive II I only make things worse If you attempt lo ARIES March April IB hold back you are called on be support va of a friend today you really believe In this parson and wan I lo help pull the stops and go all the way TAURUS April 20 Treat peo ple with whom you have dealings fairly today but don feel obligated to share with another who has not made a lag It I mala contribution CELEBRITY CIPHER D TVO0HATZP HRIVNU TVV8WD HW TNQVVW UCV RVJOHHO TEOAVZ H J